Off the island of Madagascar, pirate ships approached the port.

After seeing these pirate ships, the pirates in the port quickly looked at the sea and looked at these pirate ships.

After seeing that it was Jack and the others, the pirates breathed a sigh of relief, and then stopped worrying.

Since they are their own people, they naturally do not need alarms.

A pirate ship was the first to approach the port.

This pirate ship, this is Jack’s Mammoth.

Then Luke, Ross and others also arrived.

“Brother Jack, Luke is also back, it seems that he has completed the mission. ”

Jack looked at Luke, and there was fighting spirit in his eyes.

At present, although the Lynn Pirates are strong, their number is relatively small.

Luke is his biggest rival.

The position of the captain of the entire pirate group is estimated to be between him and Luke.

But for now, he’s not as good as Luke.

Luke naturally noticed Jack’s gaze and also knew what Jack was thinking.

Similarly, he is looking forward to the position of captain of the first team.

Not as high as Lynn and Thor, always higher than Jack.

Behind Luke, Ross glanced at the two and roughly guessed something.

However, this matter is none of his business.

He is a person who has just defected, where there is a chance to compete for a position on the team.

Jack and his group, after landing on the island, walked towards the center of the island.

Not long after, Jack and the others came to the castle.

In the castle.

Lynn was eating when she suddenly stopped and turned her head to see into the distance.

“Okay, people are coming, let’s get ready for lunch. ”

A large number of maids immediately left after hearing this, putting down plate after plate of food.

As soon as the food was ready, Jack Kim Lamy and the others walked in.

“Okay, since you’re here, sit down. ”

Jack Luke didn’t speak, found a seat and sat down.

As for Ross, because he had just defected, he didn’t dare to act too arrogant, so he had to stand aside and look at Lynn patiently.

Lynn naturally noticed Ross as well and waved his hand gently.

Since you have joined our pirate group, you are one of us, sit down. ”

“Yes, Captain. ”

After Ross sat down, he peeked at Lynn.

Compared to the newspaper, Lynn who was in front of him was not so tall, but his eyebrows were heroic.

And the body exudes an awe-inspiring momentum.

Although it is not overlord-colored domineering, it is like overlord-colored domineering, and there is an urge to surrender.

He could also sense that Lynn’s thin body carried enormous strength.

This force, once it bursts out, he is definitely not an opponent.

Ross finally understood why the powerful Luke actually submitted to Lynn.

Because Lynn is more powerful.

At this moment, Ross surrendered to Lynn.

Only Lynn, who is so powerful, young, and has unlimited possibilities in the future, can become the overlord of the new world.

When Rose looked at Lynn, Lynn was also looking at Rose.

Ross is as big as Luke, has no devil fruit, and is a little worse than Lukes.

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If paired with a good devil fruit, it may be similar to Luke.

He and Luke are good captains, but much worse than Jack.

After all, Jack is one of the three plagues in the future, an important deputy of the Four Emperors Pirates, and his potential is relatively large.

“Okay, Kim Lamy, how’s it going?

Kim Lamy immediately stood up.

“Captain, we’ve killed Theon and the other pirates, this is your summoning crystal. ”

Thor immediately stepped forward, took the amethyst, and then respectfully handed it to Lynn.

Lynn looked at the respectful Thor, and the corners of her mouth twitched.

Please, you’re the deputy captain of the Pirates, do you need to be like a little brother?

However, seeing Thor’s excited expression, Lynn couldn’t bear to interrupt Thor.

Lynn waved his hand, and Thor immediately went to Lynn’s side, happily leaning on Lynn.

“Captain, I have solved the other pirates, only Ross, who has decided to join us. ”

Luke also stepped forward and reported the situation this time.

Lynn nodded.

Most of the pirates in the waters of Atvor have been solved, and here Lynn is the only family.

The current Lynn Pirate Group has three top masters: Lynn, Thor, and Liekong.

It’s almost the three admirals of the Navy.

Below, Lynn has Luke and Ross, and in the future Jack, who is already a sea thief.

Compared to Lynn, Whitebeard is still looking for his son everywhere, and the golden lion is similar to Lynn.

Three or two big cats and kittens.

As for the future One Piece Roger, Lynn remembers the last time he saw his news, the bounty was only tens of millions.

But in the same way, Lynn’s strength has increased, and he will definitely be hunted down by the navy.

The Navy will not allow a pirate group to develop indefinitely.

“Luke, Jack, you guys are going to recruit pirates now, I want our pirate group to be stronger. ”

“Yes, Captain. ”

Lynn was silent for a moment, turning to look at Jack and Luke and the others.

“By the way, you guys prepare well, in a year, I will form three to five teams, and the strongest one is the captain of the first team.”

Also, Ross, you must also prepare well, whether you can become the captain of the first team at that time depends on your own strength. ”

Jack’s eyes lit up.

Now he is not Luke’s opponent, and he may wait a year to say.

A year later, he was confident enough to become the captain of the first team.

“Yes, Captain. ”

Ross was also very excited.

He also did not expect that he could actually compete for the captain of the team.

At the same time, he is also confident, Luke he can’t beat, can’t beat Jack this guy?

Ross glanced at Jack and looked seriously.

Jack looks very young and not very strong, how can it be his opponent.

In a year, Luke could be captain of the first team, and maybe he could be the captain of the second team.

It’s a little exciting to think about.

Lynn glanced at the three.

He had long planned to form a fan team, but there were relatively few people in the pirate group, and it was formed in vain.

After a year, when there are more subordinates, you can form a team.

Think of the future whitebeard, hugging back and forth, more than a dozen teams, how spectacular it looks.

He also wants to form a huge group of pirates.

Pirates’ Bad Doctor Conan begins!

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