I don’t know how long it took before Xia Jiang stopped, his red eyes looking into the void without any trace of energy.

After a long time, Xia Jiang recovered and looked at Li Mu with tearful scarlet eyes.

"Will you be responsible for me?"

Facing Xia Jiang so directly, Li Mu almost choked.

But fortunately, Li Mu reacted quickly and looked at Xia Jiang seriously.

"Xia Jiang, it was my fault yesterday. I shouldn't have drank so much, but I will shoulder my due responsibility. Xia

Jiang was overjoyed after hearing this, but still turned his head and said:"You are lying. Rich people like you are all playboys. Grandpa also said that you can't believe what rich people say, and other people can't believe it." The same goes for you outside."

There are really people outside Li Mu. Not to mention other worlds, in this world alone, there is one person in Li Mu.

Moreover, Yoko Okino is one, Hatamoto Xia Jiang is one, and maybe Xiaolan will be the same in the future.

Xia Jiang saw Li Mu and said nothing, with a small face He was pale, his body was trembling slightly, and he didn't know what to say.

After a moment of silence, Xia Jiang said again:"I don't care how many people there are outside you, but you can't let me down. If I have children in the future, you will also need to be responsible."

If Xia Jiang wasn't a dedicated person and his first time was Li Mu's, Xia Jiang wouldn't have given in like this.

"Don't worry, Xia Jiang, no matter what happens in the future, you will be as important as me."

Li Mu comforted him without hesitation.

If such a good girl is no longer available, then she will be punished by God. After hearing this, Xia Jiang felt warm in his heart and had a faint smile on his face.

In the next day, Li Mu He did not leave Xia Jiang and stayed with Xia Jiang for a good day.

Until the next day, Xia Jiang stood at the gate and helped Li Mu tidy up his clothes.

"Li Mu, remember to come back more often and don't fool around outside all day long."


Li Mu nodded, then turned around and left.

Driving on the street, Li Mu couldn't help but cover his face and snickered.

"It seems that my charm is good, these people have already surrendered to my charm."

To be honest, Li Mu himself didn't know why the girls who were with him were so addicted to him.

After he couldn't figure it out, Li Mu attributed it to the deep opening of the sweet fruit that made his woman addicted to him.

Next. In the past few days, Li Mu walked back and forth from three places.

Xiajiang's house, Okino Yoko's house, and Poirot's coffee shop lived a three-point-one-line life.

On this day, at the invitation of Yuanzi, he put on all his clothes and came to a In the coffee shop.

As soon as he arrived at the coffee shop, Li Mu felt a glare on him. He turned around and saw Conan sitting in a place looking at him.

From Conan's eyes, Li Mu even saw jealousy and resentment, as if he himself It was like stealing his girlfriend.

Although Li Mu did have this intention in his heart.

Li Mu glanced at Conan, then walked to a seat, sat down, and ordered a cup of coffee at the same time.

After Conan saw Li Mu sit down, he left quickly Came over

"Brother Li Mu, do you have an appointment with someone else today?"

"Of course, and you also know it, it’s someone you’re particularly familiar with."

Li Mu looked at the childish-looking Conan and couldn't help but tease him.

If Li Mu remembered correctly, in this episode Xiaolan made an appointment with her mother, and Conan mistakenly thought it was a date with another man.

As Li Mu expected, Conan After hearing this, he immediately misunderstood and thought that Li Mu and Conan were dating.

Thinking that Li Mu and Xiaolan were together, Conan didn't care so much and sat directly next to Li Mu........

"Brother Li Mu, can I sit here with you? I don’t know a lot of people here and they are horrible."

Looking at Conan pretending to be a child, Li Mu couldn't help but snicker in his heart.

But thinking about one more thing, Li Mu couldn't help but pick up the phone and started dialing directly in front of Conan.

After getting through, Li Mu said coldly Said:"Gin, vodka."

As soon as he finished speaking, Conan's body trembled, a trace of fear flashed in his pupils, and the figures of two people appeared in his mind.

The next moment, Conan's eyes were fixed on Li Mu, his hands were holding on to his pants, and his ears couldn't help but stand up. Eavesdropping.

Li Mu noticed Conan's movements and continued:"Okay, Illya, remember to tell sister Xiaozi that I want these two kinds of wine. Don't forget it this time."

After speaking, Li Mu hung up the phone.

Opposite me, Illya put down the phone in confusion, and then continued to play the game.

Conan was also stunned, and then he reacted and sat in Li Mu's chair with a speechless expression. Next to him.

Originally he thought he had found a clue, but who knew it was just a misunderstanding.

But think about it, if the richest man in the world is a member of that organization, then how huge is this organization?

After Li Mu hung up the phone, He patted Conan and said:"Okay, in that case, just sit down and remember not to be naughty, or I will spread your ass.""


Although Conan complained in his heart, he still pretended to be cute on the outside to win Li Mu's sympathy, and then he could sit here.

While he was waiting patiently, a beautiful woman walked in outside.

This beautiful woman was exactly Xiaolan’s mother, Concubine Yingli.

PS The Invincible Holy Grail War of The Great Voyage Begins!

_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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