After Fei Yingli came in, she also saw Li Mu.

After seeing Li Mu, Fei Yingli's heart jumped for some reason, and her mind was filled with what happened last time.

Being with Li Mu, she felt very happy and had a feeling like being in love.

And it just so happens that this feeling is something that Mouri Kogoro doesn't have.

However, Fei Yingli quickly reacted, regained her strong-woman attitude, and slowly walked towards Li Mu.

"Mr. Li, long time no see. Is this your son?"

"How can this be. Li Mu shook his head, and then said seriously:"Lawyer Fei, look at me, such a handsome man, how could he be my son? Even if it is a genetic mutation, it is impossible for him to mutate like this.""

You just have a genetic mutation, and your whole family has a genetic mutation.

Conan complained in his heart when he heard Li Mu's ridicule.

His dead fish eyes stared at Li Mu, which made Li Mu have the urge to hit people.

After hearing this, Fei Yingli He also covered his mouth and snickered, and said happily:"Mr. Li is really joking, but it is true that Mr. Li is very handsome. If I were a few decades younger, I would definitely like Mr. Li.""

"Where, I see that Lawyer Fei is very young. Well, let me guess, Lawyer Fei is in her early twenties this year and is on her way to her thirties!"

You can wear a lot of clothes, but you can never wear flattery.

As a woman, the most important thing is her age. As long as she praises her for being young and beautiful, she will be sensible.

And Fei Yingli is also like this. For some reason, when she hears Li Mu praise her like this, she feels happy in her heart. It's like eating honey

"Thank you, but I am not that young, I am already an obese man who is about to expire."

Fei Yingli touched her face with emotion, and suddenly she had the intention to separate from Mouri Kogoro.

After all, she is already an average age. If she continues like this, it will still be a waste of time. She should find a new destination.

Think about it. For a moment, Fei Yingli quickly shook her head to prevent herself from thinking about this matter.

However, this matter left a lingering shadow in her heart.

"Damn it, tell Sister Xiaolan later and see what you do, you philandering carrot."

Conan looked at the two people bragging to each other and couldn't help but complain in his heart. He also had the intention of informing Xiaolan.

Once he told Xiaolan, he believed that Xiaolan would definitely leave Li Mu.

Li Mu also heard what was going on in his ears. Conan's thoughts, he couldn't help but glance at Conan.

Conan suddenly shuddered, feeling like he was being seen through.

"By the way, I'm waiting for someone today, so I won't talk to Mr. Li. I'm really sorry."

"It's okay, Lawyer Fei, just do it yourself."

Li Mu waved his hand, and then ordered a cup of coffee for the concubine.

Fei Yingli also thanked her, picked up Li Mu and started shouting

""Asshole" Conan despised him in his heart.

After Li Mu became a human again, he knocked on Conan and said,"Okay, don't sit here anymore. My appointment today is with Yuanzi, not Xiaolan. You can go to the other side.""

"garden...Garden? Conan was stunned for a moment, then looked at Li Mu who was serious, and suddenly felt happy inside.

"It turned out to be the eighth wife, but I didn’t expect that someone wanted her too."

After confirming in his heart that Li Mu was not dating Xiaolan, Conan happily returned to his table.

But after a moment, Conan recovered and kept scanning around, thinking about who had snatched his daughter away. friend


Suddenly a scream came. Li Mu sat calmly, and Conan flew out and ran to the toilet.

Followed closely by Fei Yingli.

When Li Mu saw Fei Yingli passing by, he did not hesitate and followed Fei Yingli.

Before going over, Li Mu asked the waiter to call the police.

After entering the toilet, Li Mu saw a female body lying in the toilet.

"Sure enough, he is worthy of being a primary school student of the God of Death. He will die wherever he goes, the God of Plague. Li

Mu complained in his heart, then looked at Fei Yingli and said:"Lawyer Fei, such a bloody scene cannot stain your eyes. Why don't you take a break for a while?""

"No need, Mr. Li, I am a lawyer."

Fei Yingli shook her head and refused, but she was very grateful in her heart.

Li Mu did not continue to dissuade him, and stayed where he was and watched.

Next to him, Conan carefully explored for a moment, then reached out and grabbed Li Mu's clothes and said:"Hey, big brother , did you see anything?"

Conan also knew that Li Mu had written a lot of mystery novels, so he had the idea of ​​​​showing off with Li Mu.

After hearing this, Fei Yingli couldn't help but asked:"Little brother, why are you asking the elder brother like this? Is it possible that the elder brother can do the same?" Reasoning?"

"That is, the eldest brother is a mystery novelist, and his work Detective Conan is currently selling well."Conan said proudly.

Although this is not a work written by him, it is a novel with Conan as the protagonist. How could he be unhappy?

"I see."Fei Yingli nodded, thinking about whether to buy a few Conan books and read them.

Time passed bit by bit, and not long after, the police came to the scene, led by Officer Megure.

Officer Megure came over After that, he asked directly:"How is it? Has anyone entered the scene? Is it blocked here?""

"Of course, Officer Megure, we had already done this before we came."Conan said first.

Officer Megure also reacted and looked at Conan and the others.

"It turned out to be Conan, thank you."

After thanking him, Officer Mu Mu suddenly noticed Fei Yingli and said quickly:"Isn't this (Nuo Zhao) Fei Yingli's lawyer? Why are you here?"

"Officer Megure, I was drinking coffee here and saw this accidentally. Moreover, I am different from before. I may not be with him in the future."Fei Yingli said in a low voice.

While speaking, Fei Yingli glanced at Li Mu for a moment, very quickly, and no one noticed.

Deep in Fei Yingli's heart, she felt that Li Mu might be a good choice.

Officer Mumu also She noticed something unusual about Fei Yingli, but she didn't ask any more questions. She turned to look at the body on one side and began to inspect it.

Fei Yingli also observed the body for a moment, and then asked:"Mr. Li, what do you think of this place?" Did you see any clues?"

"clue? Li Mu touched his chin and said seriously:"We found the murderer, does that count as a clue?"" p.s. The Invincible Holy Grail War of The Great Voyage begins!_

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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