That night, Li Mu did not leave Yukiko, still sitting outside the ward and waiting patiently.

I don’t know how long it took, but Li Mu prepared dinner and walked to Yukiko’s ward.

"Miss, I have prepared a dinner, would you like to eat it?"

"Thanks."Yukiko did not refuse, but sat up straight, looking at Lin Fei with beautiful eyes.

Li Mu took a step forward, picked up the spoon, and handed it to Yukiko one spoonful at a time.

"It's a bit hot, so be careful."

"Well, thank you. Yukiko nodded, then opened her mouth and started eating. After taking a bite

, Yukiko immediately felt the deliciousness of the food, and her whole heart was filled with joy, and her mind was filled with beautiful memories.

In order to help Yukiko recover, Li Mu personally prepared the food. The chef made this heart-warming food.

He could guarantee that Yukiko would laugh happily after eating the food.

Just as Li Mu expected, Yukiko cried first after eating the food, and then her face was filled with tears. She smiled, a very happy smile.

Li Mu did not interrupt her and slowly fed her food.

Soon, all the food was eaten, and Yukiko also had a weak smile on her face.

Although this smile was very superficial, But this is a good start, proving that Yukiko's mood has indeed improved.

"Thank you, my name is...Fujimine Yukiko, thank you so much this time, I feel much better."

Yukiko introduced her to Li Mu for the first time, and she still used her original name.

It can be seen that Yukiko has let go of Kudo Yusaku, at least for now.

Li Mu also smiled, stretched out his hand and said:" Hello, my name is Li Mu. I haven’t noticed just now that you look very similar to that female star. The two female stars I particularly like are you, Yukiko Fujimine, and the other is Sharon Wynyard."

Yukiko's face changed slightly, but then she recovered and quickly smiled.

"Really? If you want an autograph, I can give it to you. Besides, Sharon is also a good friend of mine, so I can also get her autograph."

Looking at Yukiko's smile, Li Mu did not speak, but was full of smiles and looked very warm.

Coupled with the charm Li Mu inadvertently released and the temptation of the sweet fruit, Li Mu's whole person was full of charm.

When Yukiko saw this, her face couldn't help but her heart suddenly pounded.

"Yukiko, what are you doing? How can you be happy? You are not such a woman."

Yukiko felt her beating guilt.

After scolding for a moment, Yukiko saw that Li Mu was still looking at her with a smile, her face turned slightly red, she lowered her head and said,"You...Why are you looking at me like that? There is something on my face."

After saying that, Yukiko stretched out her hand and touched it on her face.

"No, the reason why I laugh is because you smile so happily and so beautifully that I can't help but look at you one more time."Li Mu laughed.

"No way, I'm not as beautiful as you said, I'm already old and divorced."

At the end of the sentence, Yukiko lowered her head with a touch of pain on her face.

Obviously Kudo Yusaku had a great shadow on her, and she still can't forget it all.

"Well, don't think about the past. I believe that you will have a better man in the future. Li Mu consoled him.

"That is, even if you don’t look at who I am, I am a world-famous actress, and my future will definitely be brighter."

Although it was for self-comfort, Yukiko's smile still increased, and she didn't mind Kudo Yusaku that much.

If this continues, it won't take long before Yukiko (bgdf) will forget about Kudo Yusaku.

"Okay, Yukiko, by the way, can I call you that? Yukiko.

Yukiko's body trembled slightly, and she looked up at Li Mu. Her mind was also covered by Li Mu's smile, and Kudo Yusaku's figure slowly disappeared. After just being stunned for a moment ,

Yukiko nodded, showing a charming smile and said:" Okay, you can call me Yukiko from now on. Currently, you are the only one who can call me that."

Li Mu looked at the smiling Yukiko, raised the corners of his mouth, stood up, and made a knight's salute.

"Then this is my honor. As a knight, I will offer my princess the most sincere knighthood."

"Really, then I will be your princess, and you can’t bully me in the future."

In the ward, Yukiko smiled very happily..........……

, in the police interrogation room, Conan and Kudo Yusaku sat next to each other, facing each other, with very solemn expressions.

In order to see Kudo Yusaku alone, Conan paid a high price, and only through his friendship with Officer Megure could he do so.

Of course, Conan couldn't be alone, and Dr. Agasa was there beside him.

The two were silent for a moment, and Conan took the lead and said:"Dad, I have investigated and cleared it up. Now I want to know whether you actively violated it or whether you did it unconsciously."

This is also the topic that Conan is most concerned about.

There was nothing he could do about his innocence. After all, the evidence was solid and he couldn't lie.

But he can find out this and find out whether Kudo Yusaku was forced.

Kudo Yusaku also had a dark face. His face was dark the whole time, and he didn't know what to say.

However, he still explained:"I originally planned to scare you last time and let you know your danger, but then I was arrested and detained for a few days. After that, when I became conscious, I had already entered the police station. I guess They drugged me"

"That’s right, all the wounds on her body were scratched by you, and your fingernails are all made of her skin flakes. You probably scratched them without your knowledge, or maybe...No, eyewitnesses saw it in person, so it can’t be fake."

Conan sighed and said helplessly.

In the past few days, he has been running around in the hope of clearing the grievances of Kudo Yusaku, but he can't find any evidence. ps The Invincible Holy Grail War of The Great Voyage Beloved Begins!_Feilu

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