Not only Conan had a headache, but Kudo Yusaku also had a headache.

With his relationship with Officer Megure, how could he not be able to produce the case files?

But after looking at it, he was sure that the victim could tell that he had done it, no matter the angle of the injuries or anything else.

The two witnesses clearly had nothing to do with him and had no hatred or the like, so there was no possibility of frame-up.

Seeing that Kudo Yusaku didn't speak, Conan said helplessly:"Really, it's all your fault. You and your mother had nothing to do with this kind of thing. Now that you're fine, you were tricked by others." Suddenly,

Conan thought of something and asked quickly :"By the way, where's mom? Isn't he with you? Why are you alone? Is mom still there?"

Kudo"Zero Nine Seven" Yusaku's body froze, his facial expression stiff. stand up.

Looking at Kudo Yusaku's expression, Conan felt that something was wrong, and quickly asked:"What's wrong, Dad? Mom is still there, right?"

Kudo Yusaku shook his head and sighed. :"Xiaoxin, to tell you the truth, your mother and I have divorced, and we are no longer husband and wife."

"What? divorce? Conan shouted in surprise, and then said anxiously:"How is this possible? Why did you and your mother get divorced? What on earth is going on?""

"Okay, this is none of your business. I have other things to do, so I’ll leave first."

Kudo Yusaku stopped talking, raised his feet and left.

No matter how Conan called him, Kudo Yusaku didn't answer and walked directly into the prison.

"hateful."Conan waved his hand heavily, and then ran away.

At the same time, on the other side, Fei Yingli's law firm.

Fei Yingli looked at Mao Lilan in front of her, and said helplessly:"Xiaolan, don't you want to let me know? Let me help Yuzu defend him. Let me tell you, his chances of winning are not particularly good."

He has looked at his good friend for a long time.

But no matter how she looks at it, just like Kudo Yusaku, Shimizu Reiko is a victim.

In addition, because she is also a woman, she especially sympathizes with Shimizu Reiko. Of course I don’t want to help Kudo Yusaku

"Mom, I’m not asking you to plead not guilty. I also know that this may have been an accident. I want you to plead for a reduced sentence."

As an angel, Mao Lilan naturally cannot force her mother, nor can she exonerate Kudo Yusaku without conscience.

However, she does not want Kudo Shinichi to be sad, so she can only ask her mother to help Kudo Yusaku. Fei Yingli looked at the determined Xiaolan and sighed:"Xiaolan, it would be okay if he was drunk, but he didn't drink or anything, so he couldn't defend himself at all."

"I get it, Mom."Maoli had no choice but to leave.

"Xiaolan, I hope you can think clearly that this matter has nothing to do with you."

Fei Yingli shook her head, and then read Kudo Yusaku's file.

On the other side, in the hospital, after Yukiko recovered, she left the hospital accompanied by her companions.

Just after leaving the hospital, Yukiko heard the news about Kudo Yusaku, He couldn't help being stunned.

Li Mu didn't care either. After all, for such a famous person like Kudo Yusaku, how could Yukiko not know about something like this? Rather than hiding it, it would be better to let Yukiko know openly.

Yukiko read the newspaper for a while. , then put down the newspaper and walked forward.

Li Mu took a step forward and asked in a low voice:"What's wrong, do you want to go and take a look? If you care, I can accompany you to take a look.""

"No, let's forget it. We are already divorced and there is no need to continue. Yukiko shook her head and said.

After saying that, Yukiko said with a playful smile:"Anyway, I have a new companion now, and maybe I will have my own life in the future.""

Li Mu listened to Yukiko's heart, and did not continue to joke with Yukiko, and slowly followed her.

After walking like this for a while, Li Mu suddenly came to Yukiko's side, pointed to the distance and said:"Yukiko, where is it? There is an amusement park, how about I take you to have a rest and relax there?......."

Yukiko also set her sights on a huge Ferris wheel not far away. She looked happy and quickly grabbed Li Mu's arm.

"Well, let's go and relax. It just so happens that I haven't been on a Ferris wheel for a long time."

After that, Yukiko took Li Mu and left.

Soon, Li Mu and Li Mu arrived at the amusement park.

After arriving at the amusement park, Yukiko looked at the crowd nearby and said happily:"Okay, let's relax today. Li Mujun, come with me to take a rest. I want to make a roller coaster."

"Okay, let's go do the roller coaster."

Li Mu did not refuse, grabbed Yukiko, came to the ticket office, bought a ticket, and went to the roller coaster.

After waiting for a short time, Li Mu and Yukiko sat on the roller coaster, and then flew out with the roller coaster.


Yukiko sat on the roller coaster and shouted with joy.

Li Mu sat next to her, looking at Yukiko who was smiling with a charming smile on her face.

After riding the roller coaster, Li Mu got off the roller coaster. Looking at the happy Yukiko, he quickly asked:"Okay, how is it? This roller coaster is very good, let's go to the Haunted Mansion next.""

"Okay, let's go to the haunted house. Yukiko immediately happily pulled Li Mu and walked to the haunted house on the side.

In the dark haunted house, in a spooky room, Li Mu and Yukiko walked together.

Needless to say, Li Mu was not afraid of ghosts at all. , and Yukiko was very excited and didn’t seem to be afraid of ghosts.

"Great, is this a ghost? It's so cute."

Li Mu looked at the excited Yukiko, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.

You are so happy in the haunted house, how can you make the staff feel embarrassed. ps The Invincible Holy Grail War of the Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage has begun!

_Feilu reminds you: Three Things to Do in Reading - Collection, Recommendation

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