"Now, I'm just kidding you, don't take it seriously, Gin."

Li Mu suddenly smiled and threw the remote control aside.

Ginjiu was stunned. Although he didn't understand why Li Mu did this, he still picked up the pistol and pointed it at Li Mu's head.

"Miyano Akemi, let me see what you do this time. I can be sure that my bullet will hit your head."

Looking at the confident Ginjiu, Lin Fei didn't know what to say. He was afraid that the next step would hit Ginjiu deeply.

"Okay, Gin, I'm not telling you, if you have the guts, shoot me. If I frown today, I will take your surname."

Gin, vodka:"……..."

The two looked at Li Mu in confusion, not knowing what to say.

If their eyes were correct, Li Mu looked like a woman, but she actually called herself Lao Tzu.

Although he was speechless, Gin began to say:"Miyano Akemi, it seems that you are nothing more than that. I don't have time now, so I will send you to die."

After saying that, Gin fired, and a bullet flew out. He came out and rushed straight towards Li Mu.

Li Mu looked at the bullets coming towards him, gently grabbed it with his right hand, and then caught a bullet in his hand.

Ginjiu was stunned and looked at Li Mu in disbelief.

"you...You are fine, how is this possible?"

Li Mu smiled, opened his right hand, and the bullet in his hand fell to the ground, making a 'ding-dong' sound.

Looking at the yellow bullets rolling on the ground, Gin and Vodka were both confused.

This made him This is a TV show, how can a person catch a bullet with his bare hands?

The only one who can do this is the Masked Superman.

Li Mu ignored the confused Gin and said calmly:"Martial arts in the world are indestructible. As long as it is fast, things like guns have been eliminated long ago."

"Are you kidding? It's just a magic trick."

Ginjiu suddenly shouted, the gun in his hand kept firing randomly, and the vodka on the side also began to attack.

Li Mu glanced at the frantic two people, waving his hands non-stop, and only a series of voids appeared in the air. Shadow.

The next moment, the bullets in the guns in the hands of Gin and Jiu were gone, and the two stopped attacking.

Li Mu looked at the two people's eyes, slowly opened his hands, and all the bullets fell from his palms.

"Hey, I think you guys may not have woken up, and you should still be dreaming now."Li Mu smiled and said

"dream? Vodka was stunned for a moment, and then shouted excitedly:"Brother, we should continue to dream. When we wake up from the dream, we can deal with Miyano Akemi.""

Gin was also a little doubtful. He stretched out his hand and pinched his face hard.

A sharp pain came.

This pain made him realize that this did not seem to be a real thing at all.

Li Mu looked at the two people who were confused and couldn't help it. It's no wonder that the two of them were so confused. After all, one person catching bullets with his bare hands was a lot of information, and they naturally could n't bear it.

"Okay, I won’t play with you anymore. Do you still have it? If nothing happens, I'll leave first. I still have a baby to take care of at home."

Li Mu pulled away the explosive bag on his body, and then threw it violently to one side and landed on the ground on one side.

Then Li Mu didn't stay for long, turned around and left.

Ginjiu looked at Li Mu's back, and then looked at Looking at his pistol, he was speechless for a long time.

After a while, Gin saw that Li Mu was about to disappear, and said coldly:"You are not Miyano Akemi, you must not be him."

Although Gin doesn't know who Li Mu is, it's definitely not Miyano Akemi.

Otherwise, if Miyano Akemi had such strength, she would have broken into the organization and rescued her sister.

Li Mu paused, then waved He waved his hand and said:"Xiaoqin, you are still very capable. Let me tell you, I can reproduce with your sister or mother. Now you know whether I am a boy or a girl.""

Ginjiu's lips twitched, but he didn't move.

"Vodka, let's go"

"Walk? Vodka was stunned and said in confusion:"Brother, Miyano Akemi hasn't been caught yet, do we really want to leave?""

"Otherwise, can you defeat him?"

Ginjiu's cold voice came, without looking back, he strode forward.

Vodka also reacted. With Li Mu's strength, they really didn't seem to be able to handle it........

Soon, the two were back in their Porsche.

In the car, Gin was silent for a moment, and then said:"Vodka, after returning to the organization, start investigating the traces of that person."

As he spoke, Gin had a murderous look in his eyes.

Since his pistol couldn't kill Li Mu, he could use bombs. He didn't believe that even bombs couldn't kill Li Mu.

On the other hand, after Li Mu left Gin, he returned to Miyano Akemi's apartment

"What about Gin? Did he agree? Gin, did he agree to let my sister go?"

As soon as Li Mu came back, Miyano Akemi asked excitedly.

Although she knew that the possibility was not very high, she was still full of hope.

Li Mu did not answer, but took out a recorder and started playing.

After listening to the recorder , that familiar and indifferent voice, Miyano Akemi suddenly became desperate.

But after a moment, Miyano Akemi reacted and said quickly:"By the way, you promised to help me, right, as long as I am with you , you will definitely save your sister?"

"Of course, your sister will appear in front of you in a month at most."

Li Mu looked at the eager Miyano Akemi and nodded in agreement without hesitation.

Li Mu also had some expectations for His Highness Ai.

"Thank you."

Miyano Akemi excitedly picked up Li Mu and leaned in Li Mu's arms.

Now Miyano Akemi can only rely on Li Mu. In order to save Miyano Shiho, she can only do this.

"Okay, no more words, Gin will be here soon, let’s leave first."

Li Mu put his arms around Miyano Akemi's waist, then picked her up and walked outside.

Miyano Akemi's face turned slightly red, but she did not refuse Li Mu and allowed Li Mu to hold her and walk into the car not far away. , and then Li Mu drove his car and left Miyano Akemi's apartment, walked around the street, and after confirming that no one was there, Li Mu returned to his home. After Li Mu left,

Miyano Akemi's home also It was blown up by unknown elements.

You don’t have to think about it to know that it was Gin. ps The Invincible Holy Grail War of The Great Voyage Beloved Begins!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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