On this day, Li Mu was reading mystery novels at home and passing the time.

Suddenly, Ilia opened the door, stuck her head in, and secretly looked at Li Mu

"What's the matter, Illya, what's the matter?"

Ilia rushed in quickly, came to Li Mu's side, and looked at Li Mu with a smile on her face.

"Li Mu, I brought some friends from school today. Can I play with them at home?"

Since he came to this world, Li Mu naturally couldn't let Illya do nothing with him.

So Li Mu asked Illya to go to school, and arranged it to be in Class B of the Death Elementary School student for the first year.

"I understand, just bring them in. It won't be a problem if there are more people at home."Li Mu said with a smile.

They are just some friends anyway, and Li Mu also sensed Conan's aura. It is obvious that Illya's friend is the Death God elementary school student.

"Great, I'll go pick them up right now."

Ilia ran out quickly with a smile on her face.

After a while, several figures ran into Li Mu's study.

"Wow, is this room the study room of Illya's family? Is it really too big?"

"Yes, it’s so big. I wonder how much eel rice I can eat if I sell this room."

"Yuantai, don't just think about eating. This is someone else's house. It's too rude of you."

Listening to these strange sounds, the corner of Li Mu's mouth twitched.

Now Li Mu knew who these people were without having to think about it. They must be the Death God primary school students.

Li Mu turned his head to look at a few people. Suddenly, Li Mu's eyes lit up and he looked more at them. He glanced at the girl with brown hair.

Among the Shinigami primary school students, there was only one girl with brown hair, and that was His Highness Ai, whom he had been waiting for for a long time.

Li Mu just glanced at Haiyuan Ai, then stood up and walked towards Death primary school student

"What, Conan, why do you want to come to my house to play today? Could it be that the Maori detective doesn't want you anymore?"

"Nowhere, just here to have fun."Conan forced out a smile.

It can be seen from his expression that Conan has been very tired during this period. He has been busy with Kudo Yusaku's affairs, but there is no way.

Until now, Kudo Yusaku is staying in the cell. Li

Mu He did not continue to tease Conan, but turned to look at the others and said:"Everyone, children, remember not to be naughty, or I will make you into human meat buns, which will be particularly delicious."



Bumi started to look at Li Mu, who was a little scared, and couldn't help but screamed, trembling all over.

Li Mu smiled, stretched out his hand, hit one person, and then said with a smile:"Okay, I'm scaring you, your little meat is not enough for me, who wants to eat you?"

"Really? That's great, it really scared me to death just now

"Yes, uncle was really scary just now’

"uncle...uncle."Li Mu suddenly froze, and his face twitched.

Although he was seventy or eighty years old in real life, he was still young enough at heart. It didn't seem right to use him as an uncle.

Thinking of this, Li Mu knelt down, looked at everyone, and said seriously:"There is something Let me tell you something, I am only eighteen today, don’t call me uncle, otherwise I will be angry."

Ayumi and Mitsuhiko looked at each other, and then their faces showed a smile.

"Got it, uncle, you are really young"

"Yes, uncle, I have never seen anyone younger than you."


Illya couldn't help but snickered after hearing this.

Others didn't know her father's age, how could she not know it.

In her heart, her father was just pretending to be young to deceive girls. He is not a good man at all.

Li Mu's mouth twitched again, then turned his head and sighed:"Oh, let's not talk about it. I have a ticket for the first row of a football match today. It is said that heroes and straight people The tree is there too, it looks like I’m the only one to go see it."



The young detective team's ears pricked up, and then their eyes lit up, and they immediately came to Li Mu.

"Oh, don’t be like this, big brother, hello, you must take me to observe"

"Yes, big brother, you are the most handsome man in the world. Take us to the game."

On one side, Conan looked at the young men who sold their souls for a ticket and couldn't help but cover his head.

On the other side of Conan, Haiyuan Ai turned his head to the other side without even looking at Li Mu..

Li Mu looked at Haiyuan Ai, picked up a few tickets and said,"These are given to me by Japan TV Station. It's a pity that you don't like them, especially those two brats who hate me even more. I can only tear them up." Got it"

".Wait, don't do this."Ayumi waved her hand, then looked at Conan, and complained:"Conan, you should also try hard, this is the ticket for this competition, and the doctor has not been able to buy it for a long time."

"Yes, Conan, you are also a member of the Teen Detective Team and you must get this ticket"

"knew."Conan looked at the resentful people and nodded helplessly in agreement.

After speaking, Conan walked towards Li Mu and was silent for a moment.

"Big brother, you are so handsome. Can you give me these tickets?"


The flash suddenly came to mind. Li Mu picked up the camera and said to himself:"The cute Conan has been successfully conquered, and he will definitely be able to sell it for a good price."

Conan's face darkened, and he quickly jumped towards Li Mu, reaching out to grab it.

"Wait, give me the camera quickly."

Li Mu grabbed Conan's collar, then threw it aside, waved his hand (Dinuo Zhao) and said:"Okay, let's go in my car, I will take you to watch the football match."

"Great, let's go."

Everyone was so happy that they didn't care so much. They raised their feet and left after Li Mu.

After arriving in the garage, Li Mu picked up Ilia, threw her in the passenger seat, and then got into the driver's seat. seat

"Okay, our goal is the football field. Get in the car quickly."

"So huge."

The little guys waved and sat in the car and left.

In the car, Ayumi clapped her hands and said excitedly:"This car looks so beautiful. I don't know how much it costs."

"Not much, just a few million dollars and a few hundred million yen."Hui Yuan Ai said calmly.

"Several hundred million yen, is that a lot? Can I buy a lot of eel rice?" p.s. The Invincible Holy Grail War of The Great Voyage Beloved Beloved Begins!_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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