In a certain stadium, everyone watched the game below and cheered.

Li Mu, on the other hand, sat calmly aside, picked up a magazine and started reading.

Next to Li Mu, Hui Yuan Ai looked at the magazine in Li Mu's hand with her small eyes, looking at it very seriously.

Every time Li Mu looked over, Hui Yuan Ai turned his gaze aside and looked at the game on the court.

"Okay, if you want to read this magazine, then go ahead and read it. Anyway, I’m not in the mood to read this thing."

"Thanks...Thanks."Hui Yuan Ai blushed and nodded, with a shy look on her face.

But after a moment, Hui Yuan Ai recovered and regained her coldness again.

Li Mu hugged Hui Yuan Ai and looked at her patiently for a while

"By the way, your name is Xiao Ai, right? Why do you look so mature? You seem to be very old."

Haiyuan Ai didn't even raise his head, and said coldly:"I am already eighteen years old this year, what about you?"

"I? Li Mu smiled, touched his head and said,"I'm probably eighty years old this year. I don't know the specifics. Anyway, 097 is very big."" (The author forgot)

"Eighty years old?"The corner of Hui Yuan'ai's mouth twitched, not knowing what to say.

She was eighteen years old, that was true, but she never believed that Li Mu would be eighty years old.

But she didn't know that Li Mu not only knew that she , he himself was about eighty years old.

Li Mu looked at Hui Yuan Ai who was silent and suddenly said:"I am eighty years old and eighteen, you are a beauty and I have gray hair. He and Qing are reversed and originally belong to the same Geng. There is only a sixty-year-old in between.

How about it, little girl, you and I are just right, why don't we get together as a couple and just live together."

Besides, Conan heard Li Mu's conversation, stared at Li Mu with dead eyes, and complained in his heart.

She knew the identity of Hui Yuan Ai, otherwise he might have called Li Mu a pervert.

But even so, Li Mu She was also a huge pervert in her heart.

But Hui Yuan Ai stopped talking. After listening to Li Mu's teasing, she said coldly:"Uncle, stop talking nonsense. I'm not interested in you. You should go ahead and tease other people.""

"Hahaha……"Li Mu smiled and didn't say anything. He just hugged Hui Yuan Ai.

Hui Yuan Ai felt Li Mu's embrace, her face turned red, and she gently pushed Li Mu's hands.

"Xiao Ai. Li Mu suddenly hugged Hui Yuan Ai tightly and said with a hint of sadness:"You and her are so similar. If I hadn't known that her sister was older than you, I would have thought you were her sister.""

Hui Yuan Ai paused, struggling for some reason, subconsciously wanting to listen.

Li Mu was silent for a moment, and then pretended to be serious and said:"Well, I met a girl and thought she was very good, so we started dating her. , we had already started talking about marriage, but she broke up with me."

Hai Yuan Ai didn't speak, but listened patiently. Conan on the side also began to prick up his ears.

Seeing that the atmosphere was brewing, Li Mu continued:"I asked her why, and she said it was important for her to do something. Something happened, she wanted to rescue her sister from a certain winery, and she wanted to implicate me"

"winery? Conan was stunned and asked in confusion:"What winery? Is it possible that that winery is a pyramid scheme or a mafia group?""

Hui Yuan Ai didn't speak, just lowered her head in silence.

From Li Mu's words, she felt that the person Li Mu was talking about was very similar to her sister, as if they were the same person. As she thought about it, Hui Yuan Ai's eyes revealed A trace of teardrop

"Who knows what kind of organization it is, but it's just codenamed after alcohol. It might be some drug trafficking organization (bgdf). As you know, some people are just stupid and like to give themselves weird codenames."

If the black organization hears Li Mu's comments, they will definitely scold Li Mu.

Their code name is clearly domineering, but when it comes to Li Mu, it turns out to be a stupid code name.

Also, they are a high-level organization, and when they come to Li Mu, it turns out to be... A low-level organization like drug trafficking.

Compared to Li Mu's relaxation, Conan and Haihara Ai were shocked at the same time, looking at Li Mu with horrified faces.

With wine as the code name, it sounded like the organization they were tracking.

And Hui Yuan Ai was Yuan Ai also had a bad feeling. She always felt that the person Li Mu was talking about seemed to be someone she knew well.

Thinking of this, Hui Yuan Ai no longer remained silent and asked quickly:"What happens next, where is that person? That your girlfriend? Where should she be now?"

Conan also reacted at this time, thinking of Hui Yuan Ai's sister, and also turned to look at Li Mu. Seeing that Hui Yuan Ai had taken the bait, Li Mu gently hugged her, pretending to be sad and said:"There is no later, I only know half of it. She disappeared months ago. I have been investigating this matter, but there is no news at all."

"Name, her name."Hui Yuan Ai continued anxiously.

"Hirota Masami. Li Mu muttered, then wiped his tears and said,"Her name is Hirota Masami. She used to be a bank employee, but she disappeared later.""

Hui Yuan Ai was startled after hearing this. She also thought of her sister. Tears were streaming down her eyes and she couldn't stop them.

Next to her, Ilia looked at Li Mu with contempt.

As for what her father said , she knew without even thinking that this was Li Mu's nonsense.

They had not come to this world a year ago, and Li Mu's story was obviously false and had no authenticity at all.

"Then what? Then did you investigate further, do you know anything about the winery? Conan suddenly became excited and asked quickly.

After thinking about it, Li Mu was also the richest man in the world, with a stronger background and power than him. He must know something.

If he could know a little bit of information, it would be of great help to him. Maybe he could learn some important news.

Li Mu glanced at Conan, who was even more excited than him. With a dark face, he grabbed Conan's collar and threw it aside.

"I'm so sad, but you still ask me about this kind of thing, don't be too arrogant, just tell Xiaolan tonight"

"right…I'm sorry, it's my fault, I'm so sorry."

Conan also reacted, touched his head and giggled.

PS The Invincible Holy Grail War of The Great Voyage Begins!

_Feilu reminds you: Three Things to Do in Reading - Favorites, Recommendations

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