After saying that, Conan turned to look at the venue.

But just as he looked, Conan saw a football suddenly bounce, and his expression suddenly changed.

Seeing this, Li Mu picked up Conan's hat and gently threw it into the football field.

"Kid, don't go and see what's over there, it might be a shooting."

Conan understood immediately, jumped over the railing, jumped onto the football field, and ran over to look at the bullet holes on the ground.

"Okay, let's go out. It won't be long before there's a big case."

Li Mu picked up Hui Yuan Ai, held her in his arms, and walked outside.

Hui Yuan Ai was hugged by Li Mu like this, her pretty face turned red, and underneath her head, she felt embarrassed to look at Li Mu

"Wait, put me down"Zero Nine Seven", I can leave by myself."

Li Mu directly ignored Hui Yuan Ai's opinion and continued walking outside.

"Oh, wait, where are you going?"

Bumi and others also reacted and quickly followed Li Mu.

After arriving outside, Li Mu waited patiently, and Conan came over not long after. Li

Mu didn't pay attention, looked at Conan and said,"If I If I remember correctly, that was a shooting just now, right?"

"That's right, it's a 7.62mm bullet."Conan nodded and took out a bullet from his hand.

"What? Shooting?"

Young Detective Team, and then quickly said:"Is there really a shooting? Great, let's go investigate immediately. Our young detective team will definitely be needed this time."

Li Mu ignored the two of them, picked up the bullet, and walked to the other side.

"Okay, let's go call the police, and maybe the TV station has also received the news and called the police faster than us."

While talking, Li Mu saw several cars parked at the TV station not far away, and Officer Mu Mu was standing next to the car.

"Come on, there's no need to call the police."

Li Mu complained, walked towards Officer Mumu, and heard the conversation of several people.

"Officer Megure, he is right, because we found this bullet in the stadium, it was the bullet fired by the murderer"

"Oh, really? It seems like this is true."

Officer Mu Mu took the bullet and looked at it with a slightly solemn expression.

After a moment, Officer Mu Mu suddenly reacted and said quickly:"Hey, Mr. Li, how can you grab it with your hands? At least you must wear a pair of gloves."

"Calm down, don't even think about it, even if I want to blackmail, will I still take advantage of this poor guy? No matter what, you have to blackmail a big consortium and the government."

Li Mu waved his hand with a nonchalant look on his face.

Officer Mu Mu looked at Li Mu's trench, it was very dark, and he didn't know what to say.

Who makes Li Mu so rich? Compared with him, the TV station is a poor guy..The

TV station people are very embarrassed.

After all, they are also a TV station, very rich, but when they come to Li Mu, they are actually a poor guy.

"Officer Megure, who is this gentleman?"

Next to him, a policewoman with short hair and refined hair asked with some confusion.

Li Mu looked at Sato Miwako, his eyes lit up, he quickly walked around Officer Megure, stretched out his hand and said:"This beautiful policewoman, I am currently a policewoman. Detective, I wrote Detective Conan. If you have any cases that you can’t explain, you can tell me."

"detective?"Miwako Sato was stunned for a moment, then reacted and said excitedly:"Are you the author of Conan? I like your novel the most. It’s so beautiful."

"No matter what, I am much worse than Sherlock Holmes. I am just slightly handsomer, younger and more promising, richer, kinder and more modest than him."

Li Mu touched his head and smiled modestly.

Next to him, everyone had dark faces and speechless expressions.

This was the first time they saw such a humble person, and they didn't look humble at all.

Sato Miwako also had a similar look on her face. Seeing that

Miwako Sato was silent, Li Mu continued:"By the way, this policewoman, if you have any special case you want to solve, you can tell me and I can help you........"

"A case that I particularly want to solve. Sato

Miwako's eyes lit up, and then she thought of something, and said quickly:"By the way, do you know about a case called Chou Sirou?" Can you please help me crack it."

After that, Miwako Sato briefly explained the whole story of the case, as well as some important things.

Next to her, Officer Megure was about to interrupt the two of them. When she heard about the case, she subconsciously listened.

She pondered for a moment. Finally, Officer Megure still did not interrupt Miwako, but looked at the person in charge of Nichimai TV.

On Li Mu's side, after hearing Chou Silang, his eyes lit up and he pretended to think.

He said so much, just hoping Sato Miwako was the first to bring it up, otherwise it would be difficult for him to bring it up directly.

"How about it, have you figured it out? I swore that as long as anyone can solve this case, I will agree to any request he has."

"Chou Si Lang."Li Mu murmured, and then asked:"Hey, did you hear it wrong? This is not Chou Si Lang, but a surrender. The two pronunciations are similar. Your father was dying at the time, so it is normal for him to not be able to explain clearly."

"Go and surrender, Chou Silang. Miwako Sato murmured, and then said with great joy:"Yes, this does mean to surrender. It must have been a mistake at the beginning."

By the way, what’s next? Do you know who the murderer is? You should know this, right?"

Li Mu touched his chin and did not answer immediately. He pretended to think.

"By the way, your father found the murderer very quickly, which means your father was very familiar with that person, otherwise he wouldn't have said he would surrender.

Secondly, your father never told you who he was, which means that person was a very good friend of his and he believed him, so he didn't tell you.

Just look for your father's best friend and conduct a careful investigation and it will become clear." p.s. The Invincible Holy Grail War of The Great Voyage begins!_

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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