"Cough cough cough……"

Li Mu looked at the two people who were quarreling, coughed and said,"How about this? I'll take a look for you. My hand is called a human body measuring instrument, and it can definitely accurately measure your cup size.""

"don't want!"

Miyano Akemi and Haibara Ai both shouted at the same time, and then ate their breakfast with red faces.

Li Mu did not disturb the two of them and continued to eat.

After eating, Li Mu looked at the two of them and said,"By the way, Xiao Ai, what are your current plans? Should you stay here or return to Dr. A Li?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Haiyuan Ai fell silent.

After thinking for a moment, Hui Yuan Ai nodded and said:"Okay, I've decided, it's better to go to Dr. A Li's place. It's inconvenient to stay here."

Although Miyano Akemi was a little reluctant to give up, she still did not refuse Haibara Ai's request.

"Okay, but you have to be careful"

"Okay, I'll take you back right now."

Li Mu picked up Hui Yuan Ai and walked outside.

"Wait, let me go, I can walk by myself, don't hold me."

However, no matter how hard Hui Yuan Ai struggled, Li Mu did not let go of Hui Yuan Ai. Instead, he hugged her and left here.

Then Li Mu threw Hui Yuan Ai to Dr. A Li's house again, and then left alone.

Leaving A Li After arriving at Dr. Li's house, Li Mu came to the Maori Detective Agency and found that Yuanzi had been waiting for a long time.

As soon as he saw Li Mu, Yuanzi ran over quickly and said excitedly:"Li Mu, you are here, let's set off. Go to that magic lovers' party"

"Okay, where are Xiaolan and the others? Are they ready? My car is ready."

Li Mu looked around and asked curiously

"Of course, they were ready and ready to go."

While speaking, Mao Lilan quickly came to Li Mu's side holding a bag.

"Sorry, I'm late. I'm so sorry."

"It's okay, let's go."

Li Mu opened the car door, put Xiaolan and Yuanzi's bags into the car, then sat in the car and drove away.

Driving on the crowded road, Li Mu looked at the back seat of the car. He asked curiously:"What's wrong? Isn't that brat Conan not here today?"

As for Conan, a troublesome guy, Li Mu has been trying to get him aside.

"Oh, Conan, I heard that there was something going on with Ashi, so he hurried over and couldn't be with us today."Mao Lilan said with a smile.

Li Mu immediately understood. Maybe Dr. Ali found out about Haibara Ai and was worried, so he left.

Otherwise, with Conan's character, he would definitely follow Xiaolan, for fear that Xiaolan would be The others were left to eat.

Thinking of this, Li Mu's eyes flashed, thinking about how to throw Conan aside when he went out in the future.

On the other hand, Conan anxiously returned to Dr. A Li's house. Looking at the waiting A Li The doctor quickly asked:"Dr. Ali, how is Haiyuan, is she okay?"

"Shhh, keep your voice down, Haiyuan just fell asleep.

Conan nodded after hearing this, and then asked softly:"How is it? Is Haiyuan okay?""

"Fortunately, I heard her say that that person was not Rum, but a betrayer, but he was dealt with, and she took the opportunity to escape."

"Yeah."Conan touched his chin and thought carefully.

If Hui Yuan Ai hadn't already rested, he would have gone in to ask more questions and learn more about things.

On the other side, Li Mu drove a car to a villa in the mountains. among

"Okay, we've arrived at the villa, let's go down."

Li Mu opened the car and caught everyone's salutes.

"Thank you, Li Mu."

Xiaolan and Yuanzi thanked each other, then walked down and came to the door of the villa.

As soon as they opened the door, a man came out and came to Li Mu.

"Oh, you are here. I am also a participant in this party. My name is Bin Yeli."

"Oh, hello, my name is Suzuki Sonoko, but how do you know me?"Suzuki Sonoko asked doubtfully.

"Hahaha... Although you act like a man online, all of us can guess that you are a girl. Bin Ye laughed.

Li Mu stood aside, looking at the people in front of him, and looked at him curiously.

These people also saw Li Mu, and asked with some confusion:"By the way, who is this guy?" He looks quite handsome. It seems that I am not the most handsome here."

"Oh, he is my friend, his name is Li Mu, I brought him here specially, and he can also do magic."

Yuanzi grabbed Li Mu's arm and said with a smile.

".Is he also a magician? Miss Tanaka was stunned for a moment, and then said with great interest:"How about it, why don't you show it to us? I also want to see how your magic is.""

"That's right, let's perform it, just for everyone to see."

The other girls also reacted and waved their hands.

Of course, this was because Li Mu was handsome, so they were making noise, otherwise they wouldn't have the time to watch idlers perform magic tricks.

"Okay, if that's the case, then I'll perform a magic trick of my own creation."

Li Mu is not particularly good at magic, but he knows a lot of magic, and there are many other small tricks. He can completely deal with these magicians.

"Homemade magic? That's not bad, it just happens to be an eye-opener for us."

Everyone became interested and looked at Li Mu with their eyes.

Those beginners are just learning TV, and only the real masters can use those self-created magic.

So I heard that Li Mu wants to use self-created magic. Many people became interested and looked at Li Mu carefully.

Even the local elf Tucker Tree played by Kaitou Kidd in the crowd also looked at Li Mu seriously.

"Well, in that case, let's start my magic show, the Flame Giant."

Li Mu took a step back, came outside the door, and opened his hands.

Suddenly, Li Mu was surrounded by flames, and even Li Mu himself turned into a flame man.

Of course, this is just the elemental ability of the natural devil fruit. It's not really magic at all, but to others it's definitely magic.

"good...It's so awesome. Is this a real flame?"

Everyone looked at Li Mu in surprise, with several pairs of eyes looking straight at him.

PS The Invincible Holy Grail War of The Great Voyage Beloved Concubine has begun!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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