"I'll give it a try, maybe it's just a fake flame."

Takashi Doi walked to Li Mu, picked up a stool, and gently approached Li Mu.

But as soon as he approached Li Mu, the flames ignited the stool, and then it burned quickly.


Doi Takeshu yelled in surprise, his hands subconsciously relaxed, and the stool fell to the ground.

Then the stool burned directly, and in an instant it turned into ashes, which were scattered all over the floor.

"good...So scary, really...It really scared me to death."

Takashi Doi was shocked when he looked at the dust nearby.

It can burn the entire stool to ashes in an instant. The power of this flame is very strong. Once it touches him, it will burn him to death very quickly..

Others also looked surprised and looked at Li Mu carefully.

Li Mu did not continue the performance. With a wave of his hand, the flames on his body disappeared.

As soon as the flames disappeared, Yuanzi rushed over and said excitedly:"Li Mu , you are really great, by the way, how did you do this?"

"It's okay, but my magic is a secret"

"Oh well."

Yuanzi saw that Li Mu didn't say anything and didn't ask any questions. He just looked at Li Mu happily.

Other magic enthusiasts also knew the taboos of magicians, so they didn't ask Li Mu, but just praised Li Mu.

"Okay, let’s not talk anymore. Let’s go in and have tea. It’s still very cold outside."


Everyone nodded, and then followed Binye into the villa.

After entering, everyone sat at the dining table, picked up the tea cups and started drinking.

After three rounds, Binye suddenly said:" By the way, do you all have a favorite magician?"

"I like ninety-nine yuankang"

"I like Ichizo Sanada.

Everyone started to communicate and named their favorite magician.

Finally, Xiaolan looked at Li Mu curiously and said,"By the way, Li Mu, what about you?" You are such a good magician, you must have a favorite magician, right?"

"My favorite magician?"Li Mu touched his chin, then shook his head and said:"I'm afraid not. I don't like any of those magicians, because...I'm a man and I don't like men."

Xiaolan was stunned after hearing this, and then laughed awkwardly.

Others also laughed, with smiles on their faces.

"Okay, I won’t joke with you. The magician I care about more is Kuroba Toichi. Unfortunately, he was killed by someone else."

While speaking, Li Mu stole a glance at the Doi Tucker Tree.

Sure enough, after hearing Li Mu's words, the Tucker Tree's expression suddenly changed, and he glanced at Li Mu with a sharp look.

Others were also stunned and looked at Li Mu with some confusion.

"What do you mean? Is it something? Seeing that no one asked, Doi Tucker asked only himself.

Li Mu glanced at Doi Tucker and pretended to recall:"It's very simple, because when I was a child, I attended his last magic show, and I saw someone there at that time." I did some tricks, but at the time I thought it was part of the magic, so I didn't care.

It wasn't until later that the Black Feather Bandit had an accident that I learned that he had been killed."

While speaking, Li Mu has been paying attention to Doi Tucker Tree.

Li Mu can clearly see that Doi Tucker Tree has hatred in his eyes.

Li Mu is still very interested in Kaitou Kidd. If possible, he might as well accompany him. play for fun

"That's it. I didn't expect it to be an accident. I thought there was something wrong with the magic."

"By the way, Yuanzi, Xiaolan, I've been driving for a day today and I'm tired. I need a good rest, so I went up to rest first."

Li Mu said hello to the two of them, then turned around and left.

There is nothing important to do next, and there are no games to kill time. Li Mu doesn't need to stare at it, so he might as well take a good rest.

"Well, you can rest."

Yuanzi and Xiaolan replied in unison, and then watched Li Mu leave.

After Li Mu returned to the room, he looked at the snow outside, raised the corners of his mouth, and murmured to himself:"Someone will die soon, alas, I, the detective, will probably come on stage soon."

After that, Li Mu lay on the bed and began to rest.

While Li Mu was resting, a murder case also occurred in the villa. The person in charge of the game, Bin Yeli, was also killed.

······Asking for flowers·······

A few hours later, when Li Mu woke up, he saw Yuanzi and Xiaolan sitting anxiously waiting.

"What's wrong, Xiaolan, Yuanzi, seeing your anxious looks, there must be some accident, right?"

"Li Mu, sorry, someone was killed just now. Mr. Binye was killed."

"Yes, Li Mu, go take a look. I believe you can find out the reason."

Yuanzi and Xiaolan shouted anxiously when they saw Li Mu was awake.

"I know, leave it to us."

Li Mu nodded, and then started to put on his clothes under the gazes of Yuanzi and Xiaolan.


After Yuanzi and Xiaolan saw Li Mu's body, their faces turned red and they were not as nervous as they were at the beginning.

"Okay, let's go out and have a look."

Li Mu patted the two people with red faces, and then strode out.

After arriving downstairs, Yuanzi quickly said:"Everyone, don't be afraid, just leave it to Brother Li Mu. As long as he is here, you can Solve this case"


Everyone looked at each other and looked at Li Mu in disbelief.

They couldn't think of any way that a young man like Li Mu could solve this case.

"By the way, it's you, you're the famous mystery novelist, the author of Detective Conan, right?"

Doi Takeshu suddenly thought of something and shouted in surprise.

"Really, that's great"

"Yes, with him here, the case can be solved quickly."

Others also reacted, thinking of the rumors about Li Mu, and looked at Li Mu with joy.

They were also frightened by this murderer, for fear that something unexpected would suddenly happen, and he would be the next to die.

If Li Mu can be found The murderer, they naturally don't need to be so frightened, let alone fear that they will be killed suddenly.

Of course, Miss Tanaka is not so happy, but she is afraid in her heart.

PS The Invincible Holy Grail War of The Great Voyage begins with! _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novels

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