"Okay, but first, tell me everything that happened just now, and I will think about it carefully."

Although Li Mu already knew who the murderer was and what the method was, he still needed to at least ask. Otherwise, he would already know who the murderer was without even asking. That would be too false.

"Well, let me tell you."

Yuanzi ran to Li Mu's side with some excitement and began to explain.

After a long time, after Yuanzi finished speaking, Li Mu took the crossbow that was delivered to him and looked at it carefully.

"How about it, Li Mu, do you know this method? Do you know who the murderer is? Yuanzi asked excitedly

"I roughly understand the reason why Binye’s bag fell on the snow without leaving any traces, but I still need to try it out."

"You knew already?"

Everyone shouted in surprise after hearing this, and then looked at Li Mu excitedly.

Only Ms. 16 Tanaka looked at Li Mu with fear, biting her lips, and felt a little panic in her heart.

After all, Li Mu is also an excellent person. Mystery novelist, it is very likely that he really knows this method of killing

"Okay, you guys prepare these things for me and send them to Mr. Binno’s next room, and then I’ll demonstrate them."

Next, Li Mu told some materials, and Miss Tanaka became even more anxious and uneasy after listening to them.

Because those materials were the same materials she used to throw Mr. Binye into the snow, and they were exactly the same.

Although she was scared, Miss Tanaka still couldn't He stopped to comfort himself, and at the same time hoped that Li Mu had not found any evidence.

After Li Mu waited in the room for a while, everyone came over and gave Li Mu what Li Mu wanted.

"Okay, now I'm going to prepare a little bit, and you guys are watching and seeing how I deliver this quilt to the snow."

After that, Li Mu picked up the rope and prepared it patiently.

After a while, after Li Mu was ready, he picked up the crossbow, shot an arrow at the big tree on the right, and shot the bow and arrow together with the thread.

The next moment, Li Mu placed the quilt on the rope, and then the quilt rolled down and landed easily on the ground.

"It's so... so amazing. I didn't expect it to be so easy. It's really not easy."

"Yes, he is indeed a famous mystery novelist, and he could see through the murderer's plot so easily."

Everyone began to praise.

After all, it only took a moment to know the murderer's methods. This is no longer something ordinary detectives can do.

Li Mu ignored everyone's compliments and continued:"If my guess is right, over there. There is a big tree, and one of the big trees has also been pierced. If you look for it, you should be able to find it."

"I'll go take a look."

Miss Tanaka turned around and wanted to leave.

"etc."Li Mu interrupted Miss Tanaka's steps, looked to one side and said:"Xiaolan, Yuanzi, I'm sorry to bother you."

"I see."

The two nodded and ran out quickly towards the jungle.

After a while, Xiaolan raised her head and shouted:"I found it. There is really a mark of being shot by an arrow here. Brother Li Mu said That's right"

"What about the murderer? Who is the murderer?"Miss Kuroda asked anxiously

"murderer..."Li Mu paused, then pointed at Miss Tanaka and said,"The murderer is you, Miss Tanaka."

Suddenly, everyone's eyes subconsciously focused on Miss Tanaka.

Miss Tanaka also trembled in her heart, but she quickly explained:"How is this possible? I was also attacked. This was not done by me at all."

"Yes, this is impossible. Ms. Tanaka was attacked just now. We were all there at that time."

"That's right, it's true. It's impossible for Ms. Tanaka to kill someone."

"Really, as long as you use the following props, you can make the illusion of killing people. It seems that you need me to show you how to do it."

Li Mu walked to the side, picked up the materials that had been prepared, and prepared them on the balcony.

Miss Tanaka looked at Li Mu's movements and became even more panicked, but still pretended to be calm.

Not long after, Li Mu finished making the He set a trap and then fired an arrow in front of everyone.

Seeing this arrow, everyone was stunned and didn’t know how to explain it.

"What about the evidence? Where is the evidence? It’s the evidence that I killed someone. You shouldn’t have that, right?"Miss Tanaka shouted.

Li Mu looked at Miss Tanaka who was already panicking, looked at her calves, and pointed to her boots.

"If my guess is correct, you should still have the arrow in your boots, the arrow you shot on the big tree on the side."

As soon as the words fell, Miss Tanaka trembled, and she stood there blankly, not knowing what to say. Others looked at Miss Tanaka's expression and roughly guessed that Miss Tanaka really killed him. Mr. Binno.

After a moment of silence, Miss Tanaka took out the arrow from her boots, threw it on the ground, and sneered:"I didn't expect that I would leave the evidence here. I'm so stupid.""

"Miss Tanaka, why is this, why did you kill Mr. Binno, what did he do."

097"Maybe he is the Shadow Mage."Li Mu said

"What? Shadow Mage?"Everyone shouted in surprise

"Yes, I am the Shadow Mage. Miss Tanaka nodded, and then said miserably:"I am the granddaughter of the magician who was killed by Binno and the others.""

Then Miss Tanaka briefly talked about her conflicts with Mr. Binno and the other Mr. Nishiyama whom she killed.

After listening to this, everyone fell silent. No one could imagine that it was just a joke that ended up triggering a series of consequences. Murder.

Li Mu didn’t say anything and looked at Miss Tanaka very calmly. He has been in this world for a long time and often sees various murders. The reasons for the murders are also all kinds of strange. Li Mu has already adapted to it.

"By the way, how did you know that I was a murderer? Anyone can do this, right?"Miss Tanaka asked curiously

"It's very simple. I can see your expression and know your inner worries, so I am sure that you are the murderer."

It's naturally impossible for Li Mu to say that he has read the original work of Conan. That would be too much nonsense.

"So, it seems that I am not suitable for killing people."Miss Tanaka sighed, looking very sad.

PS The Invincible Holy Grail War of The Great Voyage Beloved Begins!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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