Finally, Li Mu left the Maori Detective Agency. When leaving, Li Mu also refused the invitation of the Maori Detective to go with him.

This Moritani Emperor was not very good, and there was no need for Li Mu to attend his funeral. Oh no, it was a tea party.

After leaving the Maori Detective Agency, Li Mu thought for a while, and finally came to Xia Jiang's apartment and spent a good day.

After all, Tomoko Suzuki's place is definitely not easy to get to. Eri Fei and Yoko Okino are very busy. Miwako hasn't won yet, so she can only go to Natsue's place to kill time.

Walking on the street, Li Mu suddenly saw a figure, his eyes lit up, and he slowly walked towards the short figure.

That figure was none other than His Highness Haiyuan Ai'ai.

After Li Mu walked behind Hui Yuan Ai, he stretched out a hand, grabbed Hui Yuan Ai's clothes, and lifted Hui Yuan Ai up.

Hui Yuan Ai was also stunned, and then quickly turned her head.

After seeing that it was Li Mu, Hui Yuan Ai first breathed a sigh of relief, then turned away from Li Mu and said,"Why is it you? What's the matter with you here?"

"Just passing by, what's wrong, are you alone today? Didn’t you have many younger brothers before? Why don't you hug me 097 today?"

Li Mu looked around and didn't find those young people who were trying to commit suicide.

Li Mu really admired those people who were trying to commit suicide. They could be so bold and try to commit suicide many times without dying. That was their ability.

"Oh, it’s nothing, those people went out to play, and I didn’t want to go out to play, so I came back alone."Huiyuan Ai said lightly.

"Okay, don't always have this expression, it doesn't look cute at all."

Haiyuan Ai's face also turned red, and he couldn't help but kick his feet around, making him look even cuter.

"Very good, you look like a little girl like this, little loli, much cuter than you were before."

"Put...put me down, it's not good for you to hold a girl like this. My sister will be angry if she finds out."

Hui Yuan Ai felt shy in her heart and couldn't help but struggle slightly.

"What are you afraid of? You are a little brat, not cute at all."

Hui Yuan Ai's face suddenly turned red. She covered her face subconsciously and lowered her head shyly (bgdf). The grown-up Hui Yuan Ai and Li Mu didn't see much of it, but such a small Hui Yuan Ai was still special. So cute, at least Li Mu couldn't help but ravage her a few more times.

"Don't be like this, let me go quickly, otherwise I will be angry, and I will tell my sister then."

Hui Yuan Ai's face turned red and he shouted angrily.

Fortunately, there was no one else nearby. He thought Li Mu was a pervert.

"I know, but it’s true, you’re just a little brat and yet you’re so arrogant. I think you must not have a boyfriend when you grow up."

Hearing Li Mu's words, Haiyuan Ai's face darkened.

Whether she had a boyfriend didn't seem to care about Li Mu. Well, in fact, she really didn't have a boyfriend and had no love experience at all.

But this sentence came from Li Mu. Saying it from his mouth gave him a very unpleasant feeling

"Huh, let me tell you, I have a boyfriend, which is not something you can understand."

Hui Yuan Ai snorted and turned her head arrogantly.

As for her boyfriend, she does have one, but that is in the future. She does not believe that she will not have a boyfriend in the future.

Besides, she is still very confident in her appearance. , my future boyfriend must be much better than Li Mu

"What? you have boyfriend?"Li Mu suddenly shouted, then ignored the pedestrians who had just appeared, and said angrily:"Xiao Ai, how old are you? You actually have a boyfriend. You must listen to your father. It's still early for you. You must study hard."


Just as Hui Yuan Ai was about to say something, Li Mu interrupted her and cried:"I pissed you off every day and worked three jobs every day just to make you stand out. It's better for you, It's easy for me to fall in love at school, I'm so pitiful."

As he said that, tears burst out of Li Mu's eyes instantly, and his acting skills were online, comparable to those of movie stars.

Next to him, the little girl who had just walked out looked at Li Mu and said cutely:"Mom, why is that big brother crying? Was he scolded by the teacher?""

"Xiaomeng, you have to remember, don’t imitate that sister, you must study hard, you can’t fall in love prematurely, and you can’t make your parents sad, you know?"The mother of the child said meaningfully.

Xiaomeng did not understand her mother's words, but she still nodded and said:"Well, I understand, I will not imitate that big sister, I will take good care of you."

Hui Yuan Ai was stunned for a moment, and then anger welled up in his heart.

To actually say this about her, she is obviously an excellent and considerate good child, who knows how to honor her parents, and is a perfect young man.

What do you mean, don't imitate her? She really has Is that bad?

But considering that the little girl is younger than her, Hui Yuan Ai can only focus her anger on Li Mu. Thinking of Li Mu's words just now, Hai Yuan Ai suddenly smiled and said happily:"Dad, let's go home Let's go see my sister. She also has something to say to her father."

Looking at Hui Yuan Ai's murderous smile, Li Mu calmly picked her up and left.

"Okay, Xiao Ai, I will take you to see your sister now, but don’t mess around, otherwise your sister will be angry."


Hui Yuan Ai smiled, and he didn't look like a child at all.

But Li Mu knew that Hui Yuan Ai was thinking about something bad now, and would definitely attack Li Mu later.

Li Mu didn't either He didn't care, he was just a brat, but what could he do to him? Li Mu could take care of her in minutes and let her know how powerful he was. Not long after,

Li Mu returned to Miyano Akemi's home. ps The Invincible Fairy Tail of The Great Voyage Start!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novels

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