As soon as they arrived at Miyano Akemi's house, Haihara Ai broke away from Li Mu's arms and quickly threw herself into Miyano Akemi's arms.

"Sister, my brother-in-law just bullied me."

Miyano Akemi became slightly embarrassed after hearing this.

Her relationship with Li Mu is not as good as Haiyuan Ai thought. Rather than saying that the two are boyfriend and girlfriend, it is better to say that this is a deal.

But Miyano Akemi is also afraid of Haiyuan. He blamed himself, so he did not tell the matter.

Li Mu also saw Miyano Akemi's embarrassment, took a step forward from"Zero Nine Seven", and hugged both Miyano Akemi into his arms

"Mingmei, I was just joking with Xiao Ai. After all, Xiao Ai always has a gloomy face. People who don’t know better think she is an old woman."

"You are only an old man in your seventies or eighty."

Hui Yuan Ai glared at Li Mu dissatisfied.

Li Mu smiled after hearing this and did not refute.

After all, judging from his age, Li Mu has experienced so many worlds and is already an old man in his seventies and eighties. It is not fake..

Seeing that Li Mu was silent,

Haiyuan Ai thought that Li Mu couldn't speak to her, so she smiled proudly. Seeing the two of them laughing, Miyano Akemi felt relieved.

She was really afraid of a conflict between the two just now, she didn't know What should I do?

"Okay, little...Xiao Ai, I'm going to cook. You can eat here later, and you can stay here in the evening too."

Miyano Akemi said somewhat unaccustomedly.

She used to call Haibara Ai 'Shiho', but now she suddenly changed her name, and she didn't react for a while.

""Okay, I'll go talk to Dr. Agasa."

As soon as Haibara Ai thought of being with her sister, she quickly walked aside, picked up the phone and started making calls.

Miyano Akemi also walked to the kitchen and started to prepare. They got up.

Not long after, Miyano Akemi was ready for dinner, and then the three of them had a dinner together.

After dinner, Li Mu put down his chopsticks and looked aside.

"How about it, Xiao Ai, do you want me to help you take a bath tonight? You probably need someone else to help you."

"who...Who wants you to help me? I can just wash it myself."

Hai Yuan Ai's face turned red, then blushed, and quickly walked to the bathroom on the side.

After a while, Li Mu walked towards Miyano Akemi on the side.

Li Mu also felt Miyano Akemi's fear, and gently comforted her. :"Don't worry, I will never abandon you. I will treat you well and protect you and your sister."

Of course, her sister does want to be protected, and it is a very close protection, the kind of protection that uses one's own ferocity.

Miyano Akemi did not hear the outside of the words, only thought that this was Li Mu's promise, and couldn't help but close her eyes and think. Get up.......

She thought about Akai Shuichi, who used her and abandoned her, and then thought about Li Mu, and made a comparison in her heart.

Maybe Li Mu threatened her, but at least during this period, Li Mu came to see her every day and was very kind to her.

After a slight tangle in her heart, Miyano Akemi closed her eyes, nodded and said:"I agreed, but you have to protect Zhi well....Xiao Ai, don't let her get hurt"

"Don't worry, I will definitely take good care of her and never let her get hurt in this life."

In the middle of the night, Haiyuan Ai's eyes flickered, he calmly opened the door and walked next to Miyano Akemi.

"Sister, I've been very scared recently and can't sleep. Can you help me have a good sleep?"

"Xiao Ai, you should sleep alone. Your sister is pregnant and needs my brother-in-law to accompany her."

Li Mu looked at Haiyuan 3.5's proud eyes and refused without hesitation for Miyano Akemi.

This guy definitely came here to cause trouble for him, and he must not be allowed to succeed.

This time, if he is allowed to succeed, In the future, Haibara Ai will definitely push for more.

So she refused without hesitation, and started to make excuses directly, because she couldn't let them be together anyway. pa The Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage: The Invincible Fairy Tail Begins!_Watch the ununderlined version For novels, please download Feilu Novels

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