That night, Li Mu fell asleep very late, but Huiyuan Ai slept even later than Li Mu, and his mind was filled with things about the two of them.

The next day, the bright sun had risen, illuminating Li Mu's room.

A ray of gentle sunshine shone on Li Mu and Miyano Akemi, slowly waking Li Mu up.

At noon, after Li Mu prepared lunch, he had lunch with Miyano Akemi and others.

After finishing lunch, Li Mu sat on the sofa aside and turned on the TV to watch

"According to our station, a huge explosion occurred near the river dam at noon today. Fortunately, except for a little boy who was accidentally involved in it, no one else suffered any casualties."

"There are still no clues about the murderer in the case of the Dongyang Gunpowder Depot being stolen. It is understood that the explosion was from the Dongyang Gunpowder Depot."

Li Mu listened to the report on the TV news and immediately understood that the detonation of the skyscraper had already begun, and Moritani Teiji also started to take action.

In addition, today is Sunday, it is very likely that it will happen tonight.

Thinking of this, Li Mu looked at Miyano Akemi and said:"Mingmei, I have something to do when I go out. You have to have a good rest today. Xiao Ai, you can take care of your sister.""

"Got it, you don’t need to talk about it."

Perhaps thinking of the shocking scene yesterday night, Hui Yuan Ai felt very shy when she saw Li Mu.

"I'm leaving."

Li Mu gave Miyano Akemi a farewell, then packed up and left here.

After leaving Miyano Akemi's home, Li Mu thought about it, and then came to the hospital and found Officer Megure and others.

"Officer Megure, how are you? What is the specific situation now?"

"Oh, that's right, the prisoner installed five more bombs on the Shinkansen. As long as the train travels below 60 kilometers per hour, or if they are not found before tonight, the bombs will explode."

Maybe it's because Li Mu is also an excellent reasoner, or maybe he's under a lot of pressure right now.

So Officer Mu Mu told Li Mu about this.

After hearing this, Li Mu also started to think about it. He still remembered this movie version. It was very clear that he also knew the murderer very well.

But if he told it in advance, it would be meaningless. It might also affect the final detonation of the skyscraper, so Li Mu did not tell it.

"What do you think, brother Li Mu?"

Officer Mu Mu looked at Li Mu nervously, and his heart was full of expectations.

"Officer Megure, I haven't figured it out yet. It must be somewhere related to the train. You can explore it while you think about it."

"That's right, it seems like that's all it can do."

Officer Megure was also a little disappointed, and then he picked up the phone and started giving orders.

Not long after, Officer Megure and Mouri Kogoro went to the Shinkansen headquarters together, and Li Mu also followed.

After arriving there, Li Mu kept Silent, pretending to think (bgdf), but actually waiting for the passage of time.

The sun slowly set, and seeing that the situation was almost over, Li Mu quickly said:"Officer Mumu, I have already thought about it. I know that the bomb was Where is it installed?"

"Really? Brother Li Mu, do you really know?"Officer Megure asked anxiously.

There is less than half an hour left before the end. If he doesn't find it soon, the car will explode. How could he not be anxious?

"Yes, the bomb is between the rails, and if my guess is correct, the bomb uses the principle of optical explosion. Once it does not come into contact with light, the timer will be triggered.

For example, he set it to thirteen seconds. If the train travels too slowly, it will exceed thirteen seconds and the bomb will explode."

"Is that so?"

Officer Mu Mu touched his chin and began to think deeply.

After thinking about it, he also felt that Li Mu was right. He turned to look at the train conductor aside and said,"Did you hear that? I'm sorry to bother you."

"I see."

The person in charge of the train nodded, then walked to the side, picked up the microphone, and began to give instructions.

Soon, the train entered other tracks and did not cause any explosion.

"Great, we got through safely."

Officer Megure and others jumped up happily, and other people in the train station also shouted happily.

After being happy for a moment, Officer Megure picked up the phone and gave orders.

Then a large number of police and explosion-proof teams arrived Entered the Shinkansen and started looking for bombs there

"Brother Li Mu, I really trouble you this time. If it weren't for you, I don't know what I would have done."

Officer Mu Mu looked at Li Mu gratefully. The more he looked at Li Mu, the more pleasing his eyes became.

"It's okay, but Officer Megure, I have something else to do, so I'll leave first."

"It's okay, just leave if you have something to do." p.s. The Invincible Fairy Tail of The Great Voyage Begins!

_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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