After leaving the Shinkansen, Li Mu began to pass the time on the street.

Who asked that pervert Moritani Teiji to place the explosion in the skyscraper? The time was actually before twelve o'clock. Now it was not six o'clock yet, so he could only pass the time casually.

After randomly finding a store with a beautiful proprietress, Li Mu walked in and chatted with the proprietress Hu Tianhai.

It wasn't until the time was almost up that Li Mu left the hotel and came to the Mihua City Hall. Then he found where Xiaolan was and bought a ticket.

"plum...Brother Li, why are you here?"

Although Li Mu pretended not to see Xiaolan, Xiaolan saw Li Mu and looked at Li Mu in panic.

Li Mu smiled, looked at Xiaolan and said:"I bought two movie tickets a long time ago, but later"Zero Jiuqi" came to hear that you were here, so I didn't invite Yuanzi, otherwise she might disturb you."

"I'm really sorry for causing you any trouble."

Xiaolan quickly bent down and apologized.

She knew that if Sonoko came, it would definitely disturb her and make her embarrassed to talk to Shinichi.

But...Is there any difference between Li Mu and Yuanzi? They are both acquaintances, and they will also make her embarrassed.

However, Xiaolan didn't say anything. She pretended not to know anything and stood there calmly.

Li Mu looked at Xiaolan who was silent and said with a smile:"What's the matter, Xiaolan, I heard that you also made an appointment with someone, has he arrived now?"

"Shinichi? Xiaolan looked around, then shook her head and said,"I didn't see him. Maybe he needs a while.""

Although she said so, Xiaolan still felt guilty in her heart. She didn't know if Shinichi would come over.

"Don't worry, he will definitely come."Li Mu comforted him.

As for whether he will come, that's just a joke.

It's impossible for Conan to become Shinichi in a year and a half, and Xiaolan estimates that he has no hope.

Especially with Li Mu. A master of love, I guess it won’t be long before Xiaolan’s heart falls in love with Li Mu’s

"By the way, Xiaolan, I have something else to do, so I won’t disturb you."

Li Mu looked at the time, turned and left.

Of course, in order to facilitate the next thing, Li Mu didn't go too far.

But even so, Xiaolan felt relieved.

Time passed little by little. On the other side, Conan's side The progress was also very smooth, and Moritani Teiji was successfully made to plead guilty.

However, at the same time as the confession, a huge explosion was directly caused by the Mihua City Hall, and the entire entrance and exit were directly covered by the explosion. At the moment of the explosion, Li Mu rushed to the side Xiaolan

"Xiaolan, be careful."

Xiaolan looked at the collapsing ceilings around her, but she didn't refuse.

Li Mu hugged Xiaolan, came to a corner, and then held her tightly in his arms.

The explosion gradually disappeared, and the vibration slowly stopped. The entire broadcast hall was covered, and there was no escape route.

There were many people around, everyone was crying and very desperate.

Li Mu also ignored the others and disconnected the phone line without everyone noticing. No more.

Without the phone line, Li Mu didn't believe that Conan could still notify Xiaolan and say such disgusting words.

"plum...Brother Li, can you let me go?...Nothing happens here anymore."

Xiaolan said shyly

"Oh, I'm so sorry."

Li Mu looked at the shy Xiaolan and let go of Xiaolan generously.

Outside, not long after the explosion started, Mouri Kogoro arrived here.


Mouri Kogoro shouted in surprise, and then rushed towards the city hall.

But before he could walk out, Mouri Kogoro was stopped by Officer Megure.

No one noticed that Conan also rushed out. , entered the Mihua City City Hall.

Although the city hall has collapsed a lot, there is still a hole here, enough for Conan to pass through.

After walking like this for a long time, Conan finally came to the outside of the hall, shouting loudly, but nothing happened. Can't be heard by people inside


Conan shouted, picked up the earring-shaped phone, and dialed the number in the hall, but still couldn't get through.

"Damn it, are the phone lines down too?"

Conan probably couldn't have imagined that the phone line was not broken accidentally, but was broken intentionally by Li Mu.

Across a door, Li Mu felt Conan's breath, raised the corners of his mouth, and then raised his feet, Deliberately looking around,

Li Mu looked at the bomb in the cardboard box, turned to look at Xiaolan and said:"Xiaolan, it looks like we may be finished today. There is a bomb here that can blow it up."

As soon as he finished speaking, the people around him became frightened and ran away in a hurry, with a hint of despair and uneasiness in their eyes.

But Xiaolan was not afraid. She walked to Li Mu and looked at the cardboard box in Li Mu's hand. , I looked at it out of curiosity.

"Is this a bomb? It looks like we're really going to be screwed today."

After saying that, there was a trace of despair in Xiaolan's heart.

Everyone is afraid of death, even Xiaolan is no exception.

Xiaolan also has her own father and mother, and is full of desire for life. Naturally, she is not willing to die like this..Li

Mu glanced at Xiaolan who was in despair, stretched out his hand and hugged Xiaolan

"Xiaolan, don't move. Remember 3.5. I will protect you. You will be fine."

After hearing this, Xiaolan's heart trembled, and a warm feeling poured into her heart. In the end, she did not refuse Li Mu.

Time passed bit by bit, and Xiaolan slowly pushed Li Mu away and thanked:"Thank you, Brother Li, now I'm not scared at all, really not scared anymore"

"That is, I believe you are strong, Xiaolan."

Xiaolan's face suddenly turned red, she lowered her head and said shyly:"Li...Brother Li, how could you do this?"

"Hahaha, I'm so sorry, because Xiaolan, you are so cute, I can't help but..."

"Brother Li!"

Xiaolan's face became redder and redder, and she stamped her feet shyly.

PS The Invincible Fairy Tail of The Concubine of the Great Voyage begins!

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