"Okay, let’s not talk anymore. Our Xiaolan is so cute, we can’t continue teasing her."

"Brother Li is so bad."Xiaolan said with a blush.

Somehow, Xiaolan felt very confused at the moment. She didn't know why she was so happy to be with Li Mu again.

"It would be great if Shinichi was as good as him."

For the first time, Xiaolan had such thoughts in her heart. Even she didn't know when she actually had Li Mu in her heart.

In the distance, everyone was speechless.

They almost died when they saw it for the first time. There was actually someone who wanted to flirt there.

I don’t know how long it took, but it was almost time for Li Mu to see the bomb and handed it to Xiaolan.

"Xiaolan, catch it. I'll punch through the wall later, and you throw this down."


Xiaolan didn't react for a moment and looked at Li Mu with a confused expression.

Li Mu stretched out his hand, flicked Xiaolan's head, and then said what he just said again.

"I understand, Brother Li, please don’t flick my head."

Perhaps she is about to face death. Xiaolan was so relaxed in her heart that she didn't notice that her tone was so playful.

Li Mu didn't say much, walked to the side, touched the wall in front of him, and then exhaled deeply. One breath.


Li Mu suddenly shouted and punched the stone in front of him with his right hand.

Barely is considered exertion, otherwise if you use all your strength, you might knock down the building.

Peng Pengpeng...

Li Mu punched the wall in front of him one punch after another.

The wall suddenly had a crack, and white powder fell from time to time.

Not long after, the plaster on the wall fell off on a large scale, and then stones fell one after another. Soon, there was a big hole in the wall.

Xiaolan looked at the big hole and was ready to drop the bomb.

"Xiaolan, wait, there are a lot of people down there, wait until three seconds before it explodes and drop it, so that you won’t hurt other people."

"I understand, Brother Li."

Xiaolan looked at the people below, with a trace of determination in her eyes. At the same time, she agreed with Li Mu in her heart.

At least - Li Mu is a good person.

If other people knew about it, they would definitely smile, but in this world, Li Mu's image is that of a good person

"Hey, since the wall is open, why don't you throw it down? Throw it down for me quickly."

A man looked at the hesitant Xiaolan, his head suddenly became anxious, and he rushed over.

Seeing this, Li Mu quickly stepped forward, came to Xiaolan, and then kicked the man away.

Suddenly, That person was like a cannonball

"Humph, if you throw it away now, many people will definitely die. If I kill so many people because I want to live, I will never be able to do it. Anyone else who wants to do it can do it. Both of us are fighting champions."

Li Mu snorted coldly and said righteously. Those who didn't know thought that Li Mu was the kind of person who sacrificed himself for others and had such a noble character.

Just like Xiaolan, she thought that Li Mu was that kind of noble person, and she was immediately attracted to Li Mu in her heart. I was stunned.

Especially Li Mu's domineering words just now made Xiaolan's heart move a little.

If there were no Shinichi and no garden, Xiaolan would definitely fall in love with Li Mu.

And the people around were intimidated by Li Mu's momentum. No one dared to say anything, let alone come to throw bombs.

Li Mu didn't care about the others, turned to look at Xiaolan and said:"Xiaolan, maybe we will die, but...Are you afraid."

Xiaolan became silent after hearing this, but still looked at Li Mu firmly.

"Of course I'm afraid, but I have to do it. As Brother Li said, we can't let others die for ourselves."

"Xiaolan, you are really cute. Sometimes, I feel that we are a good match. We are both talented and beautiful."

"Brother Li, you bullied me again."

Xiaolan blushed and said shyly.

Li Mu smiled, walked to Xiaolan's side, and looked at Xiaolan with his eyes.

"Xiaolan, if Kudo Shinichi and Sonoko were gone, tell me, would you like me?"

"Brother Li, you……"

"I was serious."

Xiaolan looked at Li Mu with a serious expression, knowing that Li Mu was not joking, so she lowered her head and started thinking.

After a long time, Xiaolan raised her head and said:"If there really weren't Shinichi and the others, Brother Li, you would be the best person I know. , I will naturally like Brother Li"

"Xiaolan, if there is no one else, I will definitely pursue you like an angel."

The people next to me were almost desperate. The bomb was about to explode.

A girl on the side couldn't help it anymore and asked weakly:"You two, pay attention to the bomb. Throw it away."

"Hahaha, I'm sorry, I forgot, but don't worry, it'll be fine."

Li Mu smiled awkwardly, then took the bomb from Xiaolan's hand and held it in his own hand.

"Xiaolan, leave this to me. You go and hide. Don’t cause any problems."

"No, Brother Li, I will accompany you, and I will not put all this burden on you."

Xiaolan shook her head and looked at Li Mu firmly.

"Well, if we die, let us be desperate mandarin ducks."

Li Mu started teasing, but he didn't care in his heart.

The bomb that could kill him might be a large-yield nuclear bomb.

Xiaolan blushed when she heard Li Mu's teasing, and lowered her head subconsciously.

10. 9. 8. (Nuo Zhao)..Three, two...

Li Mu looked at the bomb in his hand and saw that there were only two seconds left, so he threw it out slightly.

Xiaolan in the back clasped her hands together, closed her eyes, and prayed seriously.

At this moment, Xinyi was no longer in her mind, but Li Mu was everywhere in her mind.

In particular, Li Mu's serious figure while grabbing the bomb kept floating in her mind.


The bomb exploded not far after it was thrown, and a huge shock wave rushed towards Li Mu.

This little bit of shock wave did nothing to Li Mu, but Li Mu still pretended to be blown away, turned around and grabbed Xiaolan, letting the air wave hit him.

Mihua City's city hall also shattered instantly, and a huge stone slab was blown open, hitting Li Mu.

In an instant, Li Mu and Xiaolan were buried under a huge stone.

The Great Voyage: The Invincible Fairy Tail begins! _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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