"Brother Li, Brother Li, are you okay? Brother Li, please wake up quickly."

In the Mihua City City Hall, in a small space pressed by huge rocks, Xiaolan looked anxiously at Li Mu beside her. Li Mu naturally had nothing to do. He was just pretending to be fine, but in fact he was holding the little girl in his arms tightly. Lan.

The space around Li Mu and Xiao Lan was so narrow that they could not straighten their legs. Li Mu and Xiao Lan could only hug each other.

Although they were trapped, Li Mu was very calm.

This Nothing can trap him.

It can be said that all this was arranged by Li Mu.

Anyway, with Li Mu's strength, he would not be in danger at all, otherwise Li Mu would not be able to do stupid things.


Li Mu pretended to cough, then woke up and looked at Xiaolan next to him

"Xiaolan, are we okay? That's great. It looks like we can persevere."

"That's right, Brother Li, we can definitely persevere. Are you okay?"

Xiaolan comforted, and then asked with concern

"Me, I'm just a little dizzy and feel vomiting, but...Maybe I'm going to die soon"

"Brother Li, you can't sleep, you must be awake."

At this moment, Xiaolan thought that Li Mu had become confused and had hallucinations in her mind, and she suddenly became nervous.

Li Mu waved his hand, took out a mobile phone from the space ring, and handed it to Xiaolan.

"Small...Xiaolan, this is a new type of mobile phone with a strong signal. Call Officer Memu, but don’t say I’m here, otherwise Illya will be worried."

"I...I know, I'll make a call right now, but if you hold on, you'll be fine."

In the dark environment, Xiaolan couldn't see Li Mu clearly, but Li Mu's weak tone made Xiaolan think a lot. Then Xiaolan didn't have time to think too much, and quickly picked up the phone and made a call.

At the same time, outside, Officer Megure held down his hat, his face was heavy, and he couldn't say a word.

Next to him, Mouri Kogoro collapsed even more, paralyzed there, with a trace of despair in his eyes.

The same was true for Conan not far away, with eyes in his eyes. It’s even more empty.

Ding ding ding...Ding Ling Ling

Officer Memu listened to the ringtone of his cell phone, picked up the phone, and answered it.

"What? I know, I know, I will come right away, don’t worry, just tell him to hold on, the police will be here soon."

Officer Memu hung up the phone happily, and then said excitedly to the people around him

"Brother Maori, good news. Lan is fine. She is now pressed under the stone slab and is not injured."

"Really, that's great, woo woo woo...

Mouri Kogoro shouted excitedly, and then he knelt on the ground and cried.

Officer Mumu ignored him and immediately arranged for someone to come to rescue Xiaolan and Li Mu.

On this side, after Xiaolan hung up the phone, she hugged Li Mu tightly and said,"Brother Li, you have to hold on, Officer Mumu will come to pick us up soon.""

"Small...Xiaolan, is Kudo Shinichi here?"Li Mu asked knowingly.

Xiaolan's heart trembled after hearing this, and then she hugged Li Mu tightly subconsciously, thinking of Xinyi.

When she was in danger, it was Li Mu who saved her, and it was Li Mu who accompanied her, and Xinyi But he didn't come.

Thinking of this, Xiaolan felt a little heartache in her heart

"Small...Xiaolan, you can ask, maybe he is here, please call and ask."

"That...Oh well."

Xiaolan picked up the phone and started dialing, but after a moment, Xiaolan hung up the phone and said in a low voice:"He didn't come, he obviously promised me..."

······Asking for flowers·······

As she spoke, a trace of tears flowed from Xiaolan's eyes.

Li Mu slowly took the call and secretly turned it off in case Conan called suddenly.

Outside, Conan looked at the unreachable phone, feeling very anxious, but there was nothing he could do about it.

"Okay, Xiaolan, don’t cry. At least I’m with you, so don’t worry."

"Yes, I still have Brother Li with me. Even if he doesn't come, I'm still very happy."

For the first time, there was a slight gap between Xiaolan and Shinichi, a gap that could not be resolved.


And Li Mu's status in Xiaolan's heart suddenly rose.


Li Mu pretended to be unconscious and kept calling Xiaolan

"Brother Li, Brother Li..."

Xiaolan patted Li Mu and saw that Li Mu didn't speak, but just listened to Li Mu's muttering quietly.

As time went by, Xiaolan blushed and seemed to realize something.

"plum...Brother Li may not like me, but...But he has a garden, what should I do?"

This time, Xiaolan was not worried about Xinyi, but worried about whether she and Li Mu would hurt Yuanzi. I'm afraid even Xiaolan didn't know that she already had Li Mu in her heart. She was no longer a friend, but a friend. An existence with no clear relationship.

Li Mu muttered to himself for a moment, then closed his eyes and pretended to faint.

Xiaolan felt the distance between herself and Li Mu, her face turned red, but she was afraid of hurting Li Mu.

After a moment again, Li Mu pretended She woke up, hugged Xiaolan tightly, and said weakly:"Xiaolan, you...do you have anything"

"I'm fine, Brother Li. I'm really fine. Are you fine?"Xiaolan asked anxiously.

PS The Great Voyage: The Invincible Fairy Tail begins with!

_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection, recommendation

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