Xiaolan looked at Li Mu, her head was in chaos and she couldn't say a word.

Li Mu sensed Xiaolan's heart and saw that today's strategy was almost complete, so he did not continue.

And if you continue talking, Xiaolan's heart will become even more chaotic, and the effect will not be so obvious.

"Cough cough cough...Okay, Xiaolan, I want to rest now. Let’s talk about this later."

Just like that, Li Mu was lying here without saying a word.

Xiaolan looked at Li Mu's black figure in front of her and murmured to herself:"I'm sorry, Brother Li, I don't know what to do. I can't be sorry to Yuanzi."

Li Mu immediately understood after hearing this and put aside Kudou Shinichi. At least she still had the obstacle of Sonoko, who needed her approval.

""Zero ninety-seven" Thinking of this, Li Mu's mind turned quickly, thinking about how to persuade Yuanzi.

After thinking for a moment, Li Mu didn't think of anything, so he continued to rest.

Time passed gradually, and the police outside were also working hard. , saved many survivors, and soon Li Mu and Xiaolan were also discovered.

Just after opening the boulder pressing Li Mu and Xiaolan, Conan saw Li Mu lying in Xiaolan's arms, and his face turned red with anger.


Others didn't care so much and walked over quickly.

Xiaolan also woke up, looked at everyone, and said quickly:"Dad, Officer Mumu, look at Brother Li, he seems to be groggy."

"Yeah, I get it."

Seeing that Xiaolan was fine, Maori Kogoro quickly looked at Li Mu on the side and slowly picked up Li Mu.

"It's strange. It seems like nothing happened. Are you really hurt?"

"Okay, Brother Maori, he may have been hit hard, and there are no scars on the surface. He should be sent to the hospital as soon as possible."Officer Memu said anxiously.


Mouri Kogoro stopped stalling for time and quickly put Li Mu on the stretcher on the side.

Not far away, a man looked at Li Mu's figure, picked up the phone and made a call.

After Li Mu sat in the ambulance, He was soon sent to the hospital, and Xiaolan and others naturally followed Li Mu.

After arriving at the hospital, Xiaolan sat outside the emergency room and waited anxiously.

"Okay, Xiaolan, don't worry, Li Mu is blessed with great fortune, so he will be fine."

Moori Kogoro looked at the worried Xiaolan and comforted him.

"But...However, if he hadn't saved me, he wouldn't have been hurt, and it would have been all my fault."

The more Xiaolan thought about it, the more she felt guilty, and she started to cry.

Maori Kogoro could only comfort him.

Not long after, a doctor left and said to everyone:"Everyone, there is nothing wrong with the patient, just a slight cerebral palsy. Concussion, just need to take a rest."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, with smiles on their faces.

Xiaolan even more relaxed and said:"That's great. Brother Li is fine. That's great."

But after a moment, Xiaolan suddenly thought of what just happened, and her face turned red.

"Okay, Xiaolan, let's go in and see how Li Mu is doing."

Moori Kogoro patted Xiaolan on the shoulder, and then walked into Li Mu's ward with everyone.

Li Mu was sleeping at the moment, just sleeping normally.

After a few people came in, they glanced at Li Mu, and after confirming that everything was fine, they people relax

"Okay, Xiaolan, let's go back. Li Mu has nothing to do. He just needs to rest for a while."

Moori Kogoro saw that it was almost dark and said.

After hearing this, Xiaolan followed Maori Kogoro and left Li Mu's ward.

But after taking two steps, Xiaolan suddenly stopped, hesitated and said:"Dad , can I stay here until Brother Li wakes up and leaves?"

"Well, you can stay, but be careful."

Moori Kogoro hesitated for a moment, knowing that Xiaolan was feeling guilty in her heart, so she could only nod her head and agreed........

"Sister Xiaolan, I want to stay too."

Conan immediately became jealous, especially when he thought of Li Mu and Xiaolan being together, Conan became very jealous.

Poor Conan didn't know that Xiaolan's feelings for him, Shinichi, had changed, and he was still acting coquettishly.


"Little devil, what's the use of staying here? Why don't you leave quickly?"

Mouri Kogoro hit Conan hard on the head, then picked him up and walked directly outside.


Conan secretly looked at Mouri Kogoro unhappily, and then looked at Li Mu's room anxiously.

But he had no choice but to let Moori Kogoro pull him away.

Xiaolan waited until the others left, Then she entered Li Mu's ward alone, sat next to Li Mu and waited patiently.

Time passed bit by bit, and Xiaolan gradually fell into sleep. It wasn't until much the next day that after Li Mu woke up, He saw Xiaolan lying next to him alone.

Li Mu looked at the sleeping Xiaolan, stretched out a hand, grabbed Xiaolan's hand, then closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Suddenly, Li Mu heard something He heard the sound of footsteps and quickly closed his eyes, pretending to continue sleeping.

3.5 After the crowd came in, Conan inside saw Li Mu grabbing Xiaolan's hand, and immediately became jealous and stared at Li Mu with dead fish eyes.

If he hadn't considered If Li Mu was a patient, he would definitely wake him up.

After Maori Kogoro came, he looked at the two sleeping people and had to stand aside and wait.

After a while, Xiaolan woke up and saw When Mouri Kogoro arrived, he stood up quickly

"Dad, why are you here?"Xiaolan asked pretending to be calm.

"Can I not come? After all, he saved my daughter."

Mouri Kogoro looked at Li Mu gratefully, wishing he could thank Li Mu immediately. ps The Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage: The Invincible Fairy Tail begins!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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