Li Mu waited for the two of them to talk and continued to fall asleep. He didn’t pretend to open his eyes until he thought it was almost time.

"Xiaolan, Detective Maori, it turns out it’s you."

"Brother Li, it’s great that you’re awake."

Xiaolan looked at Li Mu who was awake, and a stone that was not hanging suddenly fell down.

She has always been brooding over the incident where Li Mu was injured in order to save her. Now that Li Mu is better, she naturally shouldn't blame herself.

"I'm so sorry, I accidentally grabbed your hand."

Li Mu looked at his hand, apologized quickly, and then put down Xiaolan's hand.

Xiaolan felt the eyes of everyone, her face turned red, she put her hands together, and lowered her head shyly

"It doesn't matter, isn't it just a matter of holding hands? If you want, you can keep holding on. How about I marry Xiaolan to you?"

Mouri Kogoro waved his hand nonchalantly, and even had the urge to marry Xiaolan to Li Mu.

Not only is he handsome, but he is also young and promising. The most important thing is that he saved Li Mu, and he is also very rich.

Such a son-in- law Who doesn't like it? At least he likes Li Mu more than Kudo Shinichi.

"no."Conan shouted anxiously when he heard that Xiaolan was to be married to Li Mu.

But after a moment, Conan came to his senses, touched his head and said with a giggle:"If sister Xiaolan marries brother Li Mu, what will brother Xinyi do? ?"

"What should he do?"Mouri Kogoro sneered and said disdainfully:"This time, even if that brat puts Xiaolan and the others in danger, but he is not around, he still has the nerve to say so, Xiaolan, I don't think you want to have sex with that brat Shinichi. Together."

After hearing this, Xiaolan felt pain in her heart and began to think about it absentmindedly.

Kudo Shinichi's failure to come this time gave her a big blow, but Li Mu made her feel a little warmer in her heart.

Conan saw Xiaolan's hesitation, He quickly said: Brother Xinyi might have something to do, so he forgot to come."

"What's bigger than this? What do you know, little brat? Get out of here."

Mouri Kogoro had a dark face, grabbed Conan, and threw him out with all his strength.

"Okay, Xiaolan, ignore this brat, I think you can just marry Li Mu, have a child as soon as possible, and go to school with peace of mind. I remember when I got married,

Maori Kogoro kept talking about it. The little girl is so red that she can't wait to find a crack in the ground and crawl into it.

"Okay, Dad, stop talking."

Xiaolan interrupted Mouri Kogoro, and then said apologetically:"Brother Li, I'm so sorry, my father is like this, and we won't disturb you anymore and leave first."

After that, Xiaolan was too embarrassed to stay, so she pulled Maori Kogoro and left.

Li Mu looked at the two people who left, and didn't say anything. He just lay there, looking at the ceiling above.

Maybe it was because Li Mu didn't He didn't reveal that he was hospitalized, so no one came to visit Li Mu, and Li Mu was very leisurely.

".Now, this is the first time I've pretended to be sick to gain sympathy, and I'm afraid it's been many times."

Li Mu murmured to himself, then closed his eyes and rested.

I don't know how long it took, but Li Mu only knew that the night outside had fallen, and there was a sound of footsteps outside the ward.

Li Mu turned around and saw the concubine. Yingli walked in slowly carrying a bag.

"Yingli, why are you here?"

Li Mu asked curiously. He didn't remember this. Yingli knew about it.

"I heard Xiaolan mention it accidentally, but thank you so much for actually saving Xiaolan."

Fei Yingli is indeed very grateful to Li Mu. After all, Xiaolan is her heartthrob.

"Also, Xiaolan accidentally mentioned that he might not know the relationship between the two of us."

When she just heard the news, Fei Yingli was almost scared to death, but then she breathed a sigh of relief and was really shocked. Fortunately, nothing happened in the end.

But it was precisely because of this incident that Fei Yingli became even more worried. Thanks to Li Muchu.

The Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage and the Invincible Fairy Tail begins!_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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