The next day, Li Mu’s cell phone ringtone suddenly rang, instantly alarming Li Mu and Fei Yingli.

"Yingli, Xiaolan and the others must be here, please hurry up and prepare."

Fei Yingli also reacted, picked up her bag, and quickly walked to the toilet outside the ward.

Not long after, Xiaolan and others walked in

"Brother Li, - we are here to see you."

Xiaolan came over and put the fruit basket in her hand next to Li Mu.

Then Xiaolan took out a knife and peeled the apples for Li Mu, looking very virtuous.

Maori Kogoro was not No matter how he cared, Conan was full of jealousy and kept looking at Li Mu with dead fish eyes.

If Li Mu hadn't been a patient now, maybe Conan would have caused trouble for Li Mu long ago.

"Thank you, Xiaolan, you are such a good girl."

Li Mu took the apple peeled by Xiaolan and praised it.

Xiaolan's face suddenly turned red. She thought of the two people alone in the skyscraper, and she felt a little touched in her heart.

She didn't know what this was. For this kind of The feeling was also very unfamiliar to her. She only knew that she suddenly cared about Li Mu's thoughts.

This feeling was the ignorant love she had for Li Mu.

"Sister Xiaolan, I also want to eat an apple."

Conan looked at the shy Xiaolan and immediately became jealous. He quickly took an apple and handed it to Xiaolan.

"Well, that's all I know."

Xiaolan looked at Conan with an innocent smile, and her shyness disappeared. She picked up the apple and continued to peel it.

Li Mu looked at Conan who disturbed him and didn't particularly care. Anyway, Conan will be desperate in the future.


Suddenly, the door opened again After opening it, Fei Yingli tidied her hair and walked in calmly from the outside. At this moment, Fei Yingli once again regained her aloofness and looked like the little daughter she had yesterday.

She could only be in Li Mu's arms now. will show this attitude

"Mom, why are you here?"Xiaolan asked curiously

"Why can't I come? Lifespan is not only my client, but also my daughter's lifesaver."

"Of course, he is still my man."

Finally, Fei Yingli said silently in her heart

"Well, in that case, let's have dinner later, mom."

Xiaolan looked at Fei Yingli, and the idea of ​​​​bringing Fei Yingli and Maori Kogoro together suddenly appeared in her mind.

"No, I have something else to do, so I’ll leave first."

Fei Yingli refused directly.

She was already very tired and needed to go back and have a good rest.

······Asking for flowers·······

The most important thing is that Feiyingli doesn't know how to face Mouri Kogoro.

And he didn’t want to see Mouri Kogoro, so if he could leave, he would naturally leave earlier.

Just as Xiaolan was about to say something, Fei Yingli left.

"Okay, Xiaolan, no more talking, let’s leave."

Mouri Kogoro suddenly became angry, turned around and left.

Originally he was very happy to see Fei Yingli, but Fei Yingli's tone made him very unhappy and his mood became worse.


He has no intention of staying.

Just like that, Fei Yingli left, and Mouri Kogoro also left.

"Oh, Dad, wait."Xiaolan hurriedly followed Mouri Kogoro and ran away quickly.

When leaving, Xiaolan also said hello to Li Mu.

The last person to leave was naturally Conan. When he left, he was still smiling. Looking at Li Mu, that smile is a bit unpleasant

"Tsk, I make you so proud."

Li Mu glanced at Conan and cursed in his heart.

Li Mu had already decided to teach Conan a lesson when he went back and let him know how to face his senior.

Conan didn't know Li Mu's thoughts yet, and he shuddered in his heart.

The Invincible Fairy Tail of The Great Voyage begins with!_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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