"He Ye, please, can you accompany me to look for a very important thing, which can be regarded as my life-saving charm."

On a tatami, Xiaolan put her hands together and said eagerly

"Oh, I see, it must be something Kudo gave you, right?"

He Ye pushed Xiaolan with his elbow, with teasing in his eyes.

Xiaolan's face turned red after hearing this, and she lowered her head shyly.

"this...In fact, it's not Shinichi's, but Brother Li's. What did Brother Li give to me?"

"What? Brother Li’s? Kazuye was stunned for a moment, then said anxiously:"What's going on? Isn't this what Kudo gave it to you?" How did it become Brother Li’s thing?"

He Ye still thinks that Xiaolan likes Kudo, but she doesn't know that Xiaolan's heart has changed a lot.

It was the explosion of the skyscraper last time that made her a little disappointed with Kudo Shinichi and a little more fond of Li Mu. Good impression.

In addition to these people, Kudo Shinichi has never seen her, only called her, making her think that she is no longer taken seriously by Kudo Shinichi. Therefore,

Xiaolan's favorability towards Shinichi has plummeted, and it is not as good as in the original work. Firm.

16 Xiaolan hesitated for a moment, then hurriedly walked to the door of the room and took a peek outside the room, just like a thief, sneaking around. After confirming that no one was there, Xiaolan walked to Heye's door

"Heye, let me tell you, I think Shinichi and I may not be suitable. I wonder if we should separate."

"What? separate?"He Ye shouted in surprise

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh……"Xiaolan desperately pulled He Ye and said softly:"He Ye, please keep your voice down, don't let others hear it."

"okay."He Ye nodded, and then looked at Xiaolan carefully.

Although she wanted to stop Xiaolan, she thought there might be some reason, so she didn't interrupt.

And she didn't want Xiaolan to have a bad life, so she said After all, Xiaolan is her good friend

"It’s like this, and Ye, during the last explosion at the Mihua City City Hall, Shinichi and I made a clear agreement, but the result……"

Xiaolan recounted the last incident of the skyscraper explosion. Of course, she did not mention the closeness between her and Li Mutai.

"what the hell? Kudo is so hateful. He promised but didn't go, and he wasn't there when you were in danger. What on earth was he doing?"

He Ye complained directly after hearing this.

As a woman, she would definitely not be able to tolerate people like Kudo.

Then without thinking, He Ye said directly:"Xiaolan, I know what you mean, you are I don’t know who to choose between Kudo and Brother Li. Let me tell you, you can’t choose Kudo anyway, otherwise you will not be happy after marriage."

After hearing this, Xiaolan's face turned slightly red, and she shouted:"He Ye"

"Okay, Xiaolan, no need to say more, let’s go out and look for that thing."

He Ye pulled the shy Xiaolan and ran out quickly.

As Xiaolan ran, she was thinking about who was enjoying herself.

Xinyi, Brother Li, Xinyi, Brother Li, Brother Li...

Xiaolan didn't know that in her heart, Li Mu appeared more and more often.


In the room, when Li Mu was resting, the door burst open and Xiaolan ran in crying.

"plum...Brother Li, and Ye...And Ye she disappeared, we...Let's go find the cell phone you gave me, later...Then she disappeared and I...I think she was attacked."

That mobile phone was naturally the one given to Xiaolan by Li Mu during the skyscraper incident.

Later, the mobile phone was used by Xiaolan

"Okay, Xiaolan, don't cry anymore, let's go find He Ye now, this family is only so big."

Li Mu hugged Xiaolan and patted her back gently.

"I...I understand, Brother Li."

Xiaolan choked and nodded, and then stood up slowly.

Li Mu comforted Xiaolan, and then pulled Xiaolan away.

After leaving the room, Li Mu looked at the place where Takeda Shinichi died in the distance, and raised his feet Walked over.

Xiaolan did not question, raised her feet and followed Li Mu.

After walking outside the 'cursed' room, Li Mu felt the breath of He Ye inside and opened the door directly.

As soon as he opened the door, Li Mu looked Towa leaves are wrapped in thin threads

"and leaves."

Xiaolan was anxious and walked over quickly, shaking He Ye's body vigorously.

"Don't worry, she's fine, she's just asleep."

Li Mu put his hand in front of He Ye's nose, felt the breath on He Ye's nose, and comforted him.

Xiaolan breathed a sigh of relief, and then quickly put down He Ye.

"Small...Xiaolan, you...Why are you here?"

After He Ye woke up in a daze, he said a little confused.

"and leaves."

Xiaolan couldn't help hugging Heye and cried loudly.

Just now, Xiaolan really thought that Heye was dead too, and she almost collapsed.

"Okay, Xiaolan, there's nothing wrong with her, so don't worry."

Li Mu squatted down, stretched out a hand, and patted Xiaolan's shoulder lightly a few times.

"Yes, Xiaolan, I'm fine, don't worry."

Although Kazuha didn't understand what happened, when he saw Xiaolan crying, he quickly comforted her.

Outside, Hattori Heiji 097 and Mouri Kogoro heard the sound in the room, their expressions changed slightly, and they quickly opened the door.

Just now Opening the door, Mouri Kogoro saw Xiaolan crying and asked quickly:"Xiaolan, what's wrong with you? Why are you crying?""

"Detective Maori and Ye were attacked just now, and Xiaolan is now crying because of excitement."Li Mu opened his mouth to explain.

If he didn't explain, Mouri Kogoro's fierce eyes would look at him.

"What? Was Heye attacked?"

Everyone was also stunned, and then quickly came over.

"Heye, are you okay? Are there any injuries or anything like that?"

Hattori Heiji was the first to rush over and asked anxiously.

Although he cared about Kazuha very much, it was a pity that the goodwill between him and Kazuha was reduced by the system, and it is estimated that it will be difficult to recover.

"I'm fine, just a little groggy."

He Ye touched his head with a confused expression on his face.

"Well, let He Ye take a rest. She looks a little tired and should take a rest."Li Mu said

"Okay, that's it, He Ye, I'll take you to rest."

Xiao Lan nodded, picked up He Ye and left.

Li Mu followed the two of them and returned to the room. The

Invincible Fairy Tail of The Great Voyage begins!_Fei

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