After returning to the room, Li Mu sat on the tatami and looked at Mouri Kogoro and others speechlessly.

"Detective Maori, and you two, don't you know what's going on?"

"Oh, that's it. Let me ask you what happened. After all, you are also a detective. Let us two famous detectives work together and we will definitely be able to solve the problem."

The two people next to them looked at Mouri Kogoro with contempt.

Although they didn't want to admit it, Li Mu must be a famous detective, and Mouri Kogoro is definitely not a famous detective.

"this one……"Li Mu touched his chin and murmured to himself:"Is this case? I know two things. One is that the murderer used bb bombs, and the number of fish is wrong." bb bombs!

Conan and Hattori Heiji's pupils shrank, they immediately understood and ran out quickly.

"Alas, what's going on? What happened to them?"

Moori Kogoro looked at the two of them in confusion, and then focused on Li Mu.

"Mr. Maoli, come, let me tell you the method. The murderer is Rob. The specific killing method is……"

"Great, thank you very much. I'm going to solve this case."

After Mouri Kogoro heard Li Mu's killing method, 097 was immediately delighted and ran away quickly.

Li Mu shook his head, turned around and left.

He was not interested in solving the case. Instead of wasting time solving the case, It's better to take a good rest.

Li Mu wouldn't mind if there was a reward.

Not long after he lay down, there was a sudden knock on the door outside.

"Xiaolan, what are they doing here?"

Li Mu sat up curiously and opened the door.

As soon as he opened the door, Li Mu saw Xiao Lan and He Ye sitting in front of Li Mu obediently.

"How's it going, Xiaolan, what's the matter with you coming to my place?"

"this..."Xiaolan twisted her fingers and said awkwardly:"Brother Li, I...Can we sleep here tonight? I really wonder...a little scared"

"Yes, true...It's terrible, I...We dare not rest alone."

He Ye also nodded, hiding behind Xiaolan, and peeking around from time to time.

Of course, He Ye's cheeks still had a blush, and he looked at Li Mu shyly

"Well, that's it, you can sleep here."

How could Li Mu refuse when a beautiful woman came to his door?"

"That's great."

The two of them thanked each other at the same time, and then ran away quickly.

Not long after, Xiaolan and Xiaolan ran out again, holding a stack of quilts in their hands, and spread them next to Li Mu.

Those skilled movements made Li Mu felt ashamed for a while

"Okay, Brother Li, hello, we can rest now."

Xiaolan smiled and climbed into the quilt.

Li Mu looked at the people on the left and right, shook his head, then pulled the quilt and rested.

While Li Mu and others were resting, another On the other hand, Mouri kept talking about reasoning, and both Conan and Conan were stunned.

It has to be said that although Mouri is a bit weak, his memory is still good when it comes to reasoning, at least he didn't say anything wrong.

"Hey, Kudo, is this drunk uncle very powerful? So sharp, is it true?"

Hattori Heiji was stunned and looked at Mouri Kogoro in disbelief.

Is this still the trash they knew before?

Conan was also confused, shook his head and said:"This is too false. Uncle Mouri actually said so much. And they are all correct. When did he become so powerful?"

Suddenly, Conan had a flash of inspiration and thought of something in his mind.

"Hattori, could it be that guy who told Uncle Mori?"

"So that’s it, (bgdf) is him, it’s indeed possible."

Hattori Heiji also thought of something, touched his chin, and said to himself

"Forget it, Kudo, in that case, let this uncle take the credit and let’s take a good rest."

"Okay, let's just rest for a while today."

Conan nodded, and then sat on the ground on one side.

The two of them just looked at Mouri Kogoro.

On the other side, after Moori Kogoro spoke for a moment, he pointed at Rob and said,"Yes, the murderer is you, right? Mr. Rob, are you the one who killed Mr. Takeda Shinichi?"

"I..."Rob was stunned, and then quickly explained:"It's impossible, I……"

"Listen to me, I said there is evidence that you are the murderer, that is……"

Mouri Kogoro interrupted Rob and started talking.

Not long after, after Maori Kogoro finished speaking, he glanced at Robert with sharp eyes.

"How about my answer? Do you still want to refuse now?"

Rob's body trembled and he knelt on the ground.


After Mouri Kogoro solved the case, Li Mu was resting with Xiaolan and others.

After the three people fell asleep, they slowly moved closer together.

On the other side, after Mouri Kogoro solved the case, he said proudly:"Great, I finally solved this case. I am worthy of the famous detective Moori Kogoro. That's great. Let's go and rest now." After that

, Several people went back to their rooms.

They didn't notice that Heye and Xiaolan were not in their room.

The next morning, when Li Mu woke up, he saw He Ye

"It's so embarrassing that I sleep on him, it's so embarrassing."

Li Mu ignored the shy He Ye and kept dressing on his own, then looked at the two people who were pretending to sleep.

"Okay, I'm up. You guys should change your clothes too. It won't be long before we leave."

Then Li Mu got dressed and left the room.

Not long after he left, he sat up with Ye and Xiaolan and quickly picked up his clothes to change.


"and leaves."

The two looked at each other at the same time, with a blush on their cheeks.

"Never say anything about what happened today"

"That's right, nothing can be said."

The two looked at each other, nodded, then picked up the quilt and returned to their room.

Not long after, the police came, and Li Mu and others also left one after another.

The Invincible Fairy Tail of The Great Voyage begins! _

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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