Mihua City Hotel.

In the living room on the first floor.

Li Mu held a wine glass and walked around, looking at the crowd around him with interest.

This is a memorial service for an internationally renowned director, and Li Mu was also invited to attend this memorial service.

Originally, Li Mu didn't plan to attend, but after seeing some news, he decided to come and attend the meeting.

Walking in the hall, Li Mu suddenly saw a tall, blond and blue-eyed beauty. His eyes lit up, he picked up the wine glass and walked over.

"Miss Chrissy Wynyard, it is such an honor to see you. I never expected to see you as beautiful as snow at this memorial service."

Of course this woman is none other than a member of the black organization, codenamed Belmod.

The moment he saw Belmod, Li Mu realized that Belmod was much prettier than in the anime, and had a special charm.


Li Mu listened to what Bellmode said in English, and then said in Japanese:"Miss Chris, I believe you can speak Japanese, how about we talk in Japanese?"

"Well, Mr. Li, I am also honored to see Mr. Li. After all, he is the richest man in the world. It is also an honor for me to see you, and your novel is also my favorite."

Belmod's eyes flashed when she saw Li Mu.

Li Mu, who has world-class wealth, is something she is not qualified to contact. Even if she is a big star, she can only bow her head in front of absolute capital.

If she can get Li Mu's support , it will not be a problem to break away from his own organization in the future.

The idea of ​​hooking up with Li Mu appeared in Belmod's mind.

Feeling Belmod's thoughts, Li Mu raised the corner of his mouth and was slightly happy in his heart.

Belmod wanted to get close to him, so why didn't he want to near belmode

"By the way, Miss Chris, when the evening banquet is over today, I wonder if I can buy you a drink. I am very fascinated by Miss Chris."

Li Mu raised his wine glass with a smile on his face.

"Well, I happen to be free tonight, so that's it."

Belmod also raised his wine glass, touched Li Mu's wine glass, and drank the red wine.

"By the way, Miss Chris, I still have something to do, so I’ll leave first. I’m sorry."

Li Mu looked at the two figures in the distance, said hello and left.

On the other side, two little ghosts were walking and secretly looking at the people around them.

"Conan, Xiao Ai, I don’t know what you two are doing, let me see."

Li Mu looked at the two people, muttered, and then walked towards Conan and the two.

"Conan, do you have anything going on here? Could it be doing something?"

"Brother Li?"

Conan and Huiyuan Ai were stunned, and looked at Li Mu.

"Brother Li, why are you here?"Conan asked curiously.

Although he didn't like Li Mu, he couldn't help but say,"Brother Li."’

"Me, of course I am attending the memorial service here, after all, I am also a big shot."

Li Mu said proudly, Conan gritted his teeth.

"Big brother, I still have something to do, so I’ll leave first."

Conan thought that he had other things to do and ran away quickly.

Haiyuan Ai looked at Conan who was leaving and stared at Li Mu.

"Tell me, what are you doing here? Could it be that you have taken a fancy to that girl?"

Looking at Hui Yuan Ai's"I can see you clearly" expression, Li Mu couldn't help but smile.

"As long as you can talk, you really like me, right? So you fight against me everywhere?"

Li Mu started teasing.

Hui Yuan Ai's face suddenly turned red and he quickly pushed Li Mu away.

"you...What are you doing, I tell you, you...If you continue, I will tell my sister"

"I understand, I still have something to do, so I will leave first."

Li Mu flicked Hui Yuan Ai's head, then took the wine glass and came to Belmod's side.

Suddenly, the lights in the hall suddenly dimmed, and everyone shouted in surprise.

"what happened? what's going on?"

Although Belmode understood, he still pretended not to understand.

"It's nothing. It's probably a power outage or a circuit problem. You don't have to worry."

Li Mu comforted, and then stood next to Belmode, guarding her like a knight.


Suddenly there was a loud noise, and the chandelier on the ceiling fell down and hit a person.

Not long after, the lights came on, the ceiling hit a person, and a lot of blood flowed out.

"Councilor Swallow your mouth."

Some people shouted in surprise when they saw the person who was hit.

Officer Memu, who had been waiting in the crowd, quickly came over and said to everyone.

"Everyone, I am Officer Megure from the Metropolitan Police Department. No one here can leave until our police find the murderer."

"police? One person was stunned and asked in confusion:"The police came so soon?""

Usually it takes more than ten minutes for the police to dispatch, but it has never been so fast. The police came as soon as someone died.

Officer Memu also knew this and explained:"We were warned by others that someone was going to kill someone. Councilor Tunkou, so he ambushed here. Unexpectedly, Councilor Tunkou died."

"Someone notified? Could it be him? Or maybe it's just a prank." Another person questioned

"Regardless of whether it's that person or not, the police have sealed this place anyway, so the murderer must be here, so don't worry"

"Also, everyone must be questioned by the police."

Although Officer Memu's reasoning ability is not very good, his work ability is still very problematic.

Soon he was only taking care of fried dough sticks, although it was of no use to him.

"Mr. Li? Why are you here?"

Officer Mu Mu was stunned for a moment when he saw Li Mu's figure, and then he became overjoyed.

"Mr. Li, I didn’t expect you to be here. How about you? Do you know who the murderer is? I believe you already know the murderer, right?"

The corner of Li Mu's mouth twitched slightly.

Do you really think he is a detective? It has not been five minutes, and he is actually asking him about the murderer.

I'm afraid only Holmes, no, even Holmes can't solve the case in such a short time.

The Great Voyage The Beloved Concubine's Invincible Fairy Tail Begins!_To read the novel without underlining, please download Feilu Novels

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