"Officer Megure, it has only been less than ten minutes since that guy was killed just now. Who do you think I am? God? The murderer was known so quickly."

Li Mu looked at Officer Mumu speechlessly.

If his reasoning ability is really that good, he will definitely not have to worry about food or drink in the future.

"Yes, I'm so sorry, Mr. Li."

Officer Memu touched his head in embarrassment, then turned his head and looked to the other side.

"Mr. Li, do you really not know who the murderer is?"

At the same time, Belmode asked in a nonchalant voice.

She naturally knew who the murderer was this time.

After all, she was here to help. After all, she was an accomplice to the murder, so she was naturally a little nervous.

Especially since Li Mu was also a great detective. , she was naturally worried that she would be discovered

"of course I know."Li Mu raised the corners of his mouth and said softly.

A glimmer of light appeared in Belmod's eyes, and then he slowly approached Li Mu.

His white and delicate arms leaned on Li Mu

"So Mr. Li, I wonder if you can tell me. I'm also curious, who is that guy?"

Belmod's voice was a little light, with a hint of charm, which made Li Mu's body feel a little numb.

"Don't worry, just pay attention to 097 tomorrow's newspaper. That idiot doesn't know that he was caught on camera and will make headlines tomorrow."

Li Mu glanced at Belmod and saw the worry in Belmod's eyes.

As a Conan fan, Li Mu naturally knew the identity of Belmod and the identity of the murderer this time.

"Miss Chris, if you would like to dance with me tonight, I wouldn't mind telling you a little clue."

Belmod's eyes flashed coldly, and then he smiled with curiosity on his face.

"Really? I just want to dance with Mr. Li. I wonder if Mr. Li can give me some clues."

"this one? Li Mu paused, leaned on Belmode, and said softly:"That foreign old man was photographed by a reporter when he was shooting. He will definitely be finished tomorrow.""

After saying that, Li Mu left Belmod's ears.

If there was no one else, Li Mu would definitely give Belmod a breath of immortality.

But in order to prevent himself from being logged into the daily newspaper tomorrow, Li Mu still gave up the plan.

Belmod Following Li Mu's gaze, he saw (bgdf) his companion Pisk, and a cold light suddenly flashed in his eyes.

Now that Li Mu knew it, it must not be a lie, and she would need to deal with Pisk, otherwise she would definitely It will implicate her.

Poor Pisk has no idea that he is about to be killed, and he also sets his sights on Hui Yuan Ai.

"By the way, Mr. Li, I feel a little uncomfortable, so I left first. I'm really sorry."

Belmod made an excuse, and

Li Mu didn't stop him. He looked at her back until she left.

Suddenly, Li Mu felt a movement on his feet. He looked down and saw Conan looking at him with a smile on his face.

But That smile looks a little fake

"Brother Li Mu, you should know who the murderer is and why don't you tell me?"

"is this real? Mr. Li, do you really know who the murderer is?"

On the other hand, Officer Mumu suddenly became happy after listening to Li Mu's words, and quickly asked

"certainly...I don’t know, Officer Megure, how can you trust a child? Can you listen to his words?"

Li Mu refused directly.

Although he has tricked Pisk once, it does not mean that Li Mu will let the police arrest him.

"that's true."

Officer Megu had no choice but to leave and continue the search.

After a stalemate for several hours, Police Officer Megu still couldn't find the murderer and couldn't bear the pressure, so he had no choice but to let people leave.

When leaving, Pisk slowly He approached Hui Yuan Ai and used an ether rag to stun Hui Yuan Ai.

Then Pisk looked around cautiously and took Hui Yuan Ai away.

He did not notice that Li Mu was watching not far away. looking at him

"Huihara Ai, I can see you grow up soon. I don’t know what your expression will be like when the time comes."

After that, Li Mu walked into the hotel toilet and followed Pisk after turning invisible.

On the other side, Conan discovered that Haiyuan Ai was missing and began to search anxiously.

But no matter how he searched, he could not find Huiyuan Ai. There was no trace of Yuan Ai.

As for Belmod, after leaving the hotel, he called Gin and told everything about the hotel.

Outside the hotel!

Inside the classic Porsche!

Gin hung up the phone, He looked at the falling snow outside expressionlessly, with a cigarette in his mouth.

The snow outside was falling harder and harder, and soon there was a layer of snow on the ground that was not too thin.

Next to him, Vodka looked at him silently. Gin asked softly:"Brother, what do you have on your mind? Did something happen?"

Gin finished smoking a cigarette and put the cigarette in the ashtray.

"The woman just sent the news that something happened to the old guy in Pisk. He was photographed shooting and was seen by others. I already asked the gentleman what to do."

Vodka didn't ask any questions. He lowered his head and continued to be Gin's little brother.

The whole car was quiet again.

Not long after, a cell phone suddenly rang in the car. Gin picked up the phone and answered it.

After a while, , Gin hung up the phone, with a murderous intent in his eyes.

"That gentleman just gave an order to get rid of Pisk."

After that, Gin opened the car door, stepped out of the car, and stepped on the pure white snow.

Vodka said nothing and followed Gin.

The two walked into the Rice Flower City Hotel one after the other.

Conan looked at the two people who walked in, and suddenly became anxious, but he had no choice but to watch the two people walk in.

"Doctor, you wait here, I will go rescue Huiyuan."

Finally, Conan gritted his teeth and walked into the Rice Flower City Hotel.

Li Mu, on his side, sneaked into the hotel and found the wine cellar where Haiyuan Ai was, and waited patiently outside.

With It won't be long before Li Mu can see the grown-up Hui Yuan Ai. When Hui Yuan Ai sees him, he must have a strange look on his face.

Oh, that's right...

In the room!

Haiyuan Ai suddenly sneezed, then touched his chin and looked around curiously.

"Strange, what happened? Why do I have a bad feeling?"

Haihara Ai didn't know that Li Mu was already waiting for her outside.

The Invincible Fairy Tail of The Great Voyage begins!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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