After Officer Mu Mu left, Li Mu returned to the room and looked at Haiyuan Ai lying there.

"Okay, just make a phone call and tell me that you met me when you were running away, so you can rest here and go home after your cold is gone."

Hui Yuan Ai didn't refuse. She knew her body best.

After making a phone call and reporting that she was safe, Hui Yuan Ai lay down next to Li Mu and rested.

After resting for a day, Li Mu looked at the moon outside and turned his head. Looked at Haiyuan Ai

"Xiao Ai, can I ask you a very serious question? When did you fall in love with me?"

"Idiot, who is stupid enough to like you?"

Hui Yuan Ai suddenly shouted, put on her shoes, and then left.

When leaving, Li Mu clearly saw the blush on Hui Yuan Ai's face and her inner voice.

097"That's it."

Li Mu finally understood that Hui Yuan Ai had a crush on him.

If it were in the past, and Hui Yuan Ai had a clear head, he might not be so lucky.

"Too bad I forgot such an important thing."

Li Mu suddenly remembered that he had a date with Belmod last night, but he actually forgot about it.

When he thought that Belmode might still be waiting for him, Li Mu didn't hesitate, quickly got dressed and left.

In another room , Belmod was drinking alone, looking at the moonlight outside, her little face was tense, looking very melancholy.

"That guy dared to let me go. He must not be able to bypass her so easily."

Belmode can never forget that she, a great beauty and an internationally renowned star, was there waiting for Li Mu. She was actually let off by Li Mu.

Yesterday night, Bermode waited for a long time, but there was no Li Mu. figure, let alone talking to Li Mu all night long.

Ding dong! Ding dong!

Suddenly, a doorbell rang. He put the wine glass and turned to look

"Could it be that he is here?"

Belmod thought for a while, then straightened his clothes, then walked to the door and looked at the cat's eye. In the cat's eye,

Li Mu's figure appeared in front of him.

Although Belmode didn't want to open the door, he was afraid Leave.

After hesitating, Belmode opened the door.

"Isn't this Mr. Li? I don’t know what you are doing here. What’s the matter?"

"Of course, I wanted to talk to Miss Chris all night long. The original appointment was for yesterday, but who knew something happened, I had to come over today evening."

Compared to Belmod yesterday evening, Belmode today is more attractive.

Belmod also noticed Li Mu's eyes and couldn't help but straighten up.

Li Mu just glanced at it and then recovered ( bgdf), looking at Bellmod with a smile on her face.

Bellmod was a little shocked to see Li Mu recover so quickly.

She is still very confident in her charm, and Li Mu can control herself, which makes her more interested in Li Mu. A trace of fear

"Miss Chris, don’t you invite me to come in and have a seat? Did you agree to dance with me?"

Li Mu can completely control himself and will not be confused by a woman.

Only by letting those women indulge in his 'beauty'

"That happened yesterday, not today. You missed your appointment yesterday."

Belmod was very dissatisfied with being let off the hook yesterday night.

She has always been the one to let other people off, and this is the first time that she has been let off.

"Miss Chris, this is not your decision. As long as you agree, yesterday's things can be transferred to today, and today can be regarded as tomorrow."

Li Mu didn't care at all that Bermod would reject her.

Since Bermod wanted to use her, it was impossible for her to leave. In that case, all her plans would be ruined.

Bermod only thought about it for a moment, and then She smiled charmingly and said:"Well, seeing that Mr. Li is so sincere, I will agree to Mr. Li."

The look in his eyes gave off a look of autumn, and the beautiful voice made Li Mu's body tremble slightly.

Belmode is like a blooming flower, waiting for Li Mu to pick it.

And this flower blooms for a relatively long time. It will not wither so easily.

Li Mu followed Belmod and walked into her room, smelling the fragrance in the air from time to time.

"You are indeed a world-class star, Miss Chrissy, you know? Fragrance comes from this room from time to time"

"However, Mr. Li is handsome. Compared with Mr. Li, I am far behind."

Belmode replied softly, and then sat on the sofa on the side.

The Invincible Fairy Tail of The Great Voyage begins!

_Feilu reminds you: Three Things to Do in Reading - Collection, Recommendation

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