Li Mu looked at Belmod in front of him, took a step forward, came to Belmod's side, and then sat down.

When Belmod saw Li Mu sitting next to him, he didn't care. Instead, he smiled sweetly at Li Mu.

"Miss Chris, are you challenging my self-control? I made it clear in advance, I'm afraid I'll unspoken rules for you"

"Really, Mr. Li, you are really willing to let me be so cute and beautiful."

Not only was Belmod not afraid, but he relied on Li Mu and put a hand on Li Mu's shoulder.

Li Mu slowly approached Belmod's face,"Zero Nine Seven"

"Miss Chris, to be honest, I really want to unspoken rules for you, including Sharon Wynyard."

Li Mu looked at Belmod with his nose and said meaningfully.

Chrissy Wynyard and Sharon Wynyard are the same person, but few people know this, and Li Mu happens to be one of them.

Belmod did not listen. Understanding the meaning behind Li Mu's words, he joked:"That's such a pity. My mother passed away a long time ago. I'm afraid you can't reach her anymore.""

"If she is still alive, can the two of them appear at the same time."

This time, Li Mu almost made his words clear.

He believed that with Bermod's wisdom, he could probably understand the connotation of Li Mu's words.

Sure enough, Bermod's body trembled and he understood Li Mu's words instantly.

Again. Looking at Li Mu's eyes, she knew that Li Mu must have understood that Sharon Wynyard and Chrissy Wynyard were the same person.

And Li Mu even knew about her other identities.

For example, the identity of Belmode.

Although He was very shocked, but Belmod still pretended to be calm and said:"I don't even know what Mr. Li is talking about.""

"Chrissy...No, I should say Miss Bellmode, where are you putting your hands? Could it be that you are holding some kind of weapon?"

"do you know? I like you so much, and it really breaks my heart that you would use a weapon against me."

When Belmod heard Li Mu's words, he trembled and his pupils shrank.

"Mr. Li, what are you talking about? Do you want to drink? If you want, I can go get you a bottle of wine."

After saying that, Belmode stood up and wanted to leave.

Li Mu held down Belmode, and with a wave of force, a small revolver flew out and hit the floor.

"Miss Bellmode, I used to be a fan of yours, and then I conducted an in-depth investigation of you."

"As a result, I discovered a big secret. You actually joined a winery, codenamed Belmode, and you are actually the same person as your mother, which really surprised me."

Hearing Li Mu call their organization a winery, the corner of Belmod's mouth twitched slightly.

Although their code name is the name of the wine, it does not mean that their organization is called a winery. That would be too cheap.

Li Mu ignored Belmod What was in my mind, I continued to speak.

"I thought you were disguised, but I didn't expect that you were actually your true form. Could it be that you were rejuvenated like that guy Kudo Shinichi?"

Every time Li Mu said something, Bellmore's body trembled slightly, and there was a hint of fear in his heart. The most terrifying thing about the Thousand-Faced Witch is that she has many faces, but once exposed, there is nothing to be afraid of........

In particular, Li Mu not only knew her, but also knew the shrinking silver bullet, whom she regarded as the boy who could solve the problem of the organization.

"Okay, I won’t play with you anymore. I have achieved my goal today and it’s time to leave."

Li Mu let go of Bermod and tidied up his messy clothes.

Bermod was stunned and didn't expect that Li Mu would let her go.

"what is your purpose? Do you know my identity? Why don't you take me away?"

Belmode was a little confused and asked in surprise.

She is an immortal person. Anyone who knows it wants to find her, catch her, and realize his wish of immortality.

Li Mu stopped and sneered, with a smile A trace of disdain.

For immortality, can that broken medicine compare to my own Avalon? Can it compare to the skills of cultivating immortals?

"Belmode, one thing is true, that is, I like you. If you have any difficulties in the future, you can ask me for help, and I will definitely help you."

After saying that, Li Mu raised his feet and left.

Today, he had no intention of sleeping with Belmod. He planned to conquer Belmod and let Belmod recognize him.

He is still very confident in Belmod..

Women, Li Mu likes those heroines, supporting characters, and those with good personalities, or charming women who often appear in anime, such as Belmode.

As for that kind of supporting level, Li Mu doesn't have time to attack them and waste himself. Time.

The Great Voyage: The Invincible Fairy Tail begins!

_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection, recommendation

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