After Li Mu left the Mihua City Hotel, Belmod picked up a cigarette.

There was a cigarette in her sexy red lips, coupled with her attractive and curvy figure, and her slender and delicate white thighs.

The curls of white smoke kept rising from his mouth, and coupled with his proud face, he looked even more attractive to others.

But Li Mu couldn’t see this.

"What an interesting person. I wonder what kind of man you are."

Belmod murmured to himself and turned to look outside the transparent glass.

In the sky, light snow began to fall again, and it kept floating in the sky.


Time passes like time, and half a month has passed since the last visit to the Rice Flower City Hotel.

During this half month, Li Mu traveled between Miyano Akemi and other beauties and other worlds, and his life was very comfortable.

On this day, in Poirot's cafe, Li Mu, Xiaolan and others were sitting in the same seat and talking non-stop.

"what, youDo you want to participate in a stage performance during the school celebration ceremony? Do you still want to play a princess?"

Sitting on a seat, Mouri Kogoro shouted in surprise.

"Yes, this is what Yuanzi asked me to play the princess, but I have never acted before and don’t know what to do."

Xiaolan held the coffee cup with sadness in her eyes.

Her beautiful eyes that exuded amorous glances kept flashing, making her look even more charming.

"It doesn't matter, isn't it just acting? So what, Xiaolan, you have to believe in yourself"

"Yes, Sister Xiaolan, I believe you can do it."

Moori Kogoro and Conan became interested, waved their hands, and encouraged them.

Even Li Mu also became interested and encouraged:"Okay, Xiaolan, you have to believe in yourself, you can definitely do it."

"Okay, I'll give it a try."

Xiaolan picked up the script on one side and started reading it. She looked at the script in front of her with bright eyes, still with a trace of sadness in her eyes.

"By the way, Xiaolan, you are a princess, so what is the specific plot?"

Mouri Kogoro asked curiously while drinking coffee.

"Oh, let me see."Xiaolan picked up the script and read it roughly.

"The script is just like this, probably the prince saves the princess or something like that, and there is a kissing scene at the end."

"What? kiss? No, I don't agree."

Moori Kogoro and Conan shouted at the same time, and then quickly refused.

"Xiaolan, you are still young, so you better not act anymore"

"Yes, Sister Xiaolan, it doesn’t matter if you’re acting or something."

Li Mu didn't say a word and drank coffee silently.

Anyway, he can't be a prince and others can be princes, so it's better to let Xiaolan not play.

Xiaolan glanced at the two of them, but I don't have to worry."

After finishing speaking , , Xiaolan even peeked at Li Mu.

Damn, it couldn’t be me, could it? I'll be a prince.

Li Mu also didn't expect that Yuanzi would let him be the protagonist and even act with Xiaolan.

That damn bitch!

As soon as Conan heard Xiaolan's words, he had already scolded Yuanzi many times in his heart.

"By the way, Xiaolan, who is that prince?"

Mouri Kogoro asked with some doubts while drinking.

"It's Brother Li. Yuanzi plans to let Brother Li play the prince and I will play the princess."

Sure enough!

Li Mu knew that Yuanzi must have planned this.

But thinking about it, this is still good. At least Li Mu can play with Xiaolan and maybe even kiss.

"Really? Is it true what Yuanzi said? Will Li Mu play the prince? Okay, I agree, you go ahead and act, I don’t care."

Mauri Kogoro became excited and quickly agreed.

After saying that, Maori Kogoro held Li Mu's shoulders and said with a serious look:"Boy, I leave Xiaolan to you, you can't bully him."

Damn it, it's just a play, does it need to be like this!

Li Mu was speechless. How can this be acting? Is this clearly entrusting his daughter?

It looks like Li Mu is not acting, but like getting married.

Xiaolan also His face turned red and he said quickly:"Dad, what are you talking about? We are just acting, nothing else."

After saying that, Xiaolan glanced at Li Mu secretly, with a faint blush on her cheeks.

This blush added a bit of beauty to Xiaolan.

Conan's eyes on the side were straightened, and he almost stared out.

However , After a while, Conan realized that Xiaolan saw Li Mu being shy and couldn't help shouting:"No, sister Xiaolan, you can't act in this scene if I don't agree to your request."

Li Mu was still happy in his heart, but when he saw Conan, his face was calm, but his eyes peeked at Ilia on the side.

Ilia, who had been silent all the time, sat up and patted Conan's table.

".Hey, Conan, let's go hang out with the Death-Watching Detective Team, it's a little boring here."

Death-seeking detective team!

Conan's mouth twitched, but think about it, those people really have a style of seeking death.

If it weren't for him, those people would have died many times.

But when he thought about Xiaolan, Conan still directly He shook his head and refused:"No, I don't have time, you have to go alone."

Perhaps because of his bad mood, Conan's tone was very unkind.

Illya's body twitched slightly, with tears in her eyes. Her hazy eyes looked a little sad, and then she choked softly.

"Wow ah ah……"

A loud cry came, and Illya threw herself directly into Xiaolan's arms and burst into tears.

"It’s so scary. Conan is so scary. He actually bullied Illya. Sister Xiaolan, Conan is so cruel."((Dino Zhao)

The crying Illya, combined with her cute face, looks even more weak and heartbreaking.

Not to mention Xiaolan with her angelic face and heart.

Immediately, Xiaolan stood up and shouted:"Hey, Conan, how can you bully a girl? Why don't you go play with Ilia quickly?""

"Ah I……"

Conan was also confused.

He also wanted to cry, but when he saw Illya's appearance, his heart suddenly softened.

"Alas, I understand, Sister Xiaolan."

Not long after, Conan was taken away by Illya.

Li Mu also discovered for the first time that Illya's coming over was still very useful, at least it could deal with Conan's giant.

What is Conan best at?

Acting cute!

Let Ilya use his When it comes to being cute versus being cute, Xiaolan will definitely help Illya, but Conan will definitely lose.

The Invincible Fairy Tail of The Great Voyage begins!

_Feilu reminds you: Three Things to Do in Reading - Collection, Recommendation

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