"Hey, Haiyuan, do you have any idea?"

On the grass, Conan asked cautiously.

Ma Tiandan's school celebration was about to begin, and Li Mu was about to start acting with Xiaolan.

He didn't want Li Mu and Xiaolan to cuddle.

Haiyuan Ai looked at it calmly. Conan, thought for a moment



Conan stumbled and almost fell to the ground.

Seeing Haiyuan Ai's serious look, he thought that Haiyuan Ai was thinking of a solution, but he actually said"No" to him.’

"Hey, Huiyuan, you must help me, otherwise that guy will definitely act with Xiaolan. You know, that guy is a beast."

Conan tried to gain Haibara Ai's sympathy by slandering Li Mu, and then found a way to recover, and finally participated in the Emperor Dan school celebration.

He believed that as long as he could recover, he could replace Li Mu with Kudo Shinichi's identity and play this role. It's a scene.

Thinking about being able to act and date Xiaolan, Conan felt a little excited and had a lewd smile on his face. 097

"Conan, who did you just call a beast?"

"Needless to say, of course it’s Li……"

Conan thought it was Haiyuan Ai who was asking. Just as he was about to speak, he suddenly found Illya standing in front of him and stopped quickly.

"Illya, it's you, why are you here?"

Conan almost jumped up when he saw Illya's evil smile.

In front of Illya, he said that his 'brother' was a bad person. How could Conan not blush?

"Oh, she just came. She has been here for a long time. What's wrong?"

Hui Yuan Ai suddenly interrupted and replied calmly.

Now Conan has something to say, 'Mom sells the batch'.

He was already here a long time ago, but he didn't tell him yet.

"Okay, Conan, tell me, who did you just call a beast?"

"No, I didn't say anything."

Conan held his head high and spoke righteously.

Illya glanced at Conan and left immediately

"This Haiyuan classmate, you must help me, after all, we are in the same boat."

Conan and (bgdf) Hui Yuan Ai gave instructions and ran away quickly.

On the other hand, Li Mu, looking at Xiaolan with shy eyes, nodded and agreed without thinking too much.

"Well, if that's the case, then I promise you."

How can Li Mu act like a fool with Xiaolan?"

"Great, Brother Li, thank you."

Somehow, Xiaolan suddenly felt happy in her heart.

This feeling could not disappear no matter what.

Gradually, Xiaolan's snow-white face had a new look, which looked like a pink face, almost beautiful.

Li Mu couldn't help but feel more I glanced at it a few times.

If it weren’t for the light bulb Mouri Kogoro here, Li Mu would definitely make some fun.

"Okay, Xiaolan, Detective Maori, I'm going back first. I'll come over and get the script in a few days."

Li Mu put down his coffee cup, said hello and left.

Walking on the deserted street, Li Mu was thinking as he walked.

Suddenly, Hui Yuan Ai appeared next to Li Mu

"Hey, I’m very happy today. Are you acting with Xiaolan?"

"What's wrong? Are you jealous? You're jealous of me."

Perhaps because of his young age, Hui Yuan Ai's body is very light, and Li Mu didn't feel any weight.

Hui Yuan Ai's face also turned red. He always thought of what happened last time in his mind, and his face had a hint of A faint blush.

Damn it, what's going on? What's wrong with my heart?

Haiyuan Ai stretched out his hand and put it on his heart.

His heart was beating very fast.

"What's the matter, Xiao Ai, do you have anything to do with me today?"

"I'm here to tell you that Conan wants me and his drug to make him bigger, and then steal your lead role."

That's it!

Li Mu finally understood that Hui Yuan Ai came here to tip him off.

But thinking that Conan actually had such a plan, Li Mu's eyes flashed, and a treacherous expression appeared on his face.

"Xiao Ai, go get him a laxative and give it to him that day to give him a good treatment."

If you dare to compete with him, you are stealing his job. You have to punish him no matter what.

Although he is not an actor, his role is very important.

"I know, I promise you."

Hui Yuan Ai nodded, and she also had the idea of ​​bullying Conan in her heart.

After all, Li Mu is also hers, how could she let Conan bully Li Mu.

So, she was going to give Conan a lesson.

"Okay, you are indeed a good boy. I will give you a reward in the future."

Hui Yuan Ai's face suddenly turned red, white smoke was coming from his head, and his brain became dizzy.

"I...I still have something to do, so I left first."

Hui Yuan Ai shyly pushed away Li Mu and ran away quickly.

Li Mu glanced at Hui Yuan Ai's back, raised the corners of his mouth, and did not stay with her.

"Now, whose sign should I turn over tonight?"

Li Mu felt the troubles of the ancient emperor at this moment and didn't know which concubine he should go to.

He also has several women here and needs to think about it carefully.

After thinking for a moment, Li Mu first thought of the garden

"With that, let’s choose a garden tonight, and we can continue with our next plan."

The so-called next step is to let Yuanzi take the initiative to agree with Li Mu and find another person.

Otherwise, Xiaolan's heart will not be able to pass the final test, and her favorability will definitely not rise.

This is everyone's persistence, not that Ruo Ruowu's charm can do it, at least Xiaolan will definitely not do it so easily.

At night, Li Mu came to Yuanzi's house and stayed with her until very late.

That night, Li Mu kept moving and looked very irritable. Unable to sleep.

Yuanzi was awakened by Li Mu and said in confusion:"Li Mu, what's wrong? Why can't you fall asleep?""

"Yuanzi, it’s nothing, I just feel a little……"

Yuanzi blushed after hearing this, but said nothing.

After Li Mu finished speaking, he didn't say much and pretended to close his eyes and rest.

Yuanzi, on the other hand, secretly paid attention to Li Mu's expression and was thinking about something in his heart.

It wasn't until a long time later that Yuanzi gritted his teeth, with a hint of determination in his eyes.

The Great Voyage: The Invincible Fairy Tail begins! _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novels

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