In the next few days, Li Mu would come over every once in a while, and then pretended not to relax, which made Yuanzi more determined.


A few days later, it was Didan's school anniversary. After Li Mu got dressed, he waited patiently.

Next to Li Mu, a doctor came over and asked curiously:"Are you Li Mu? I've heard them talk about you a long time ago. You are indeed very handsome."

Li Mu looked at the doctor who was walking over and his eyes flashed.

This doctor is obviously disguised, and he is probably Belmod in the original work.

No, under Li Mu's"097" perception, this person is Belmod, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with it.

"Oh, I was just playing with the children. They invited me, and I couldn’t refuse."

Li Mu said politely, completely forgetting who was particularly excited.

Especially when he was about to play with Xiaolan.

On the other hand, while Li Mu was talking to the 'new doctor', Conan was also secretly meeting Haihara Ai.

"How about it, Haibara-san, do you have the medicine? Can it be used?"

Hai Yuan Ai looked at the bag in Conan's hand and said calmly:"What's going on with the bag in your hand?"

"Oh, this is the clothes I will wear when I get older. I will compare him to him when the time comes."

After saying that, sparks of fighting spirit appeared in Conan's eyes.

Looking at Conan who was so excited, Haiyuan Ai really didn't want to hit him.

The medicine she made today cannot be recovered at all, but is a strong laxative.

Once taken , Okay, don’t disturb Li Mu today.

"Now, this is the medicine you want, take it"

"Great, thank you, Haiyuan. Conan held a big bag and carefully took the medicine from Haiyuan Ai's hand.

Haiyuan Ai looked at Conan's carefulness and said with a dark face:"We are not drug smuggling, do you need to do this?""

"Hahaha...Yes, sorry.

Conan also reacted, took the medicine openly, and left happily.

"Hey, this is an experimental product, it may not work."

"I see."

Conan ran away happily, even Haiyuan forgot about it.

He was the protagonist, how could he fail.

After a while, Conan came to a toilet, excitedly picked up the medicine and stuffed it into his mouth inside

"Great, I will be able to recover soon. I will definitely be able to play with Xiaolan by then, and I will be the one kissing, hehehe..."

Conan smiled secretly, then grabbed his backpack and waited patiently.

I don’t know how long it took, but Conan suddenly felt a pain in his stomach and suddenly became excited.

"Great, it's ready now."

But after a while, Conan suddenly hugged his stomach and screamed loudly.

"No, how could this be?"

Outside the toilet, Hui Yuan Ai held his watch, listening to the screams, and said to himself:"It seems that it failed. Sure enough, laxatives have no effect on this medicine at all."

If Li Mu were here, he would definitely snicker........

Being able to use laxatives so openly is also the dark side of Hui Yuan Ai.

On the other side, Li Mu, who had put on the black knight armor, stood backstage and waited patiently.

Next to Li Mu, Xiaolan grabbed her hand and looked outside nervously.

Then Xiaolan looked at Li Mu secretly, her face turned red and she looked very cute.

Whenever Li Mu turned his head, she would move her head to the side, not daring to look at Li Mu.

"This girl seems to have almost forgotten about Kudo Shinichi."

During this period of time, Li Mu's charm has affected Xiaolan more and more, making Xiaolan even more fond of Li Mu.

In contrast, Xiaolan gradually forgot about Kudo Shinichi and rarely contacted him actively.

This is also Conan Because he wanted to recover, otherwise Conan would definitely lose Xiaolan over time.

Time passed bit by bit, and the performing team gradually turned to Li Mu 3.5 and the others.

I don’t know how long, Li Mu watched The team in front of him withdrew, and he looked at Xiaolan and said,"Xiaolan, it's our turn to play."


Xiao Lan blushed slightly and slowly lifted up her white princess dress and came outside.

This play is very boring to talk about. The only classic one is the play between Li Mu and Xiao Lan, so Li Mu will continue to play.

Then As time goes by, Li Mu's play gradually enters the later stage, and the prince also saves the princess.

The Invincible Fairy Tail of The Great Voyage begins!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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