An hour later, Li Mu and others sat on a helicopter and left the Dusk Villa.

In the past hour, Conan solved the problem of Detective Senjian and also waited for the arrival of the helicopter.

Then a few people got on the helicopter and looked at the dusk villa below

"Mr. Li, you should know the secret of Dusk Villa, right? Can you tell me what the secret is?"

In the plane, Detective Qianjian looked at the Dusk Villa below with expectation in his eyes.

Because of Li Mu, Conan did not expose the secret of the Dusk Villa, so these people didn't know about it.

On the other hand, several other detectives also Looking at Li Mu, they were also very curious about the treasures of the Dusk Villa.

Li Mu raised the corners of his mouth and said softly:"I will tell you when I have someone buy this villa."

"Really, it's a pity."

Qian Jianzhen sighed, then took a deep breath and jumped out of the helicopter.

"Step aside."

Mouri Kogoro, no, it should be Kaitou Kidd. When he saw Detective Senjian jumping down, he also jumped down.


Xiaolan didn't know the true identity of Mouri Kogoro, so she rushed forward and looked outside excitedly.

In the end, it was Li Mu who caught Xiaolan.

Conan on the other side was even more jealous and wanted to replace Li Mu.

In the end, Kaitou Kai De still rescued Detective Senjian, and he himself escaped smoothly.

Li Mu also came to the car and went to the gas station to pick up Kogoro Mori, who was killed by Kaitou Kid.

………… a week later. concubine law firm

"Lawyer Fei, this is your express mail. It seems to be sent by someone else."

"Express? Fei

Yingli muttered to herself, then opened the express and took out a box of chocolates inside.

"Chiba chocolate?"

Fei Yingli was overjoyed and immediately realized that it was the chocolates given to her by Li Mu. Although Li Mu no longer sent chocolates during this period, Fei Yingli still subconsciously thought it was from Li Mu.

"Lawyer Fei is so happy, she doesn’t know what happened."

Kuriyama Midori on the side snickered, but did not disturb Fei Yingli's joy.

Fei Yingli smiled, opened the Jigu, took one, and put it in the end.

But just after eating it, Fei Yingli's face suddenly changed, He quickly picked up the chocolate and spit it out.

"water... water..."

Fei Yingli fell to the ground before she finished speaking.

When Li Mu was resting at home, he suddenly received a call that Fei Yingli was hospitalized due to poisoning.

An hour later, Li Mu quickly rushed to the hospital and stood outside the ward waiting.

Outside, Mouri Kogoro and others also arrived one step earlier than Li Mu and waited patiently outside the ward.

Not long after, the door to the emergency room opened, and a doctor walked out first.

"Please rest assured, we have completely performed gastric lavage on the patient, so there is no need to worry."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, especially Li Mu, who also relaxed.

When he just received the news, Li Mu was also very worried, fearing that something would suddenly happen to Fei Yingli.

Not long after Fei Yingli came out, she first looked at Li Mu glanced at it, and then turned his attention to the others.

Although Fei Yingli also missed Li Mu, there were so many people here, and she was afraid of exposing the relationship between her and Li Mu.

"Mom, are you okay? I was really worried just now."

"Don't worry, I'm fine."

Fei Yingli looked at Xiaolan who was worried about her, with a smile on her face and a hint of relief in her heart.

Then Fei Yingli focused her attention on Maori Kogoro again without saying a word of emotion.

She and Maori Kogoro, again It’s impossible.

After a while, several people entered the ward, and not long after, Officer Shiratori Rensaburo also came over.

······Asking for flowers·······

In the ward, Officer Shiratori held up a photo and said,"Detective Maori, this is a photo of the chocolate that the concubine is eating."

Li Mu looked at the photo, his eyes lit up, and he immediately understood that the theater version had begun.

The only thing that made Li Mu regretful was that he actually forgot who the murderer was.

"Wait, I seem to have seen this photo somewhere."

Conan touched his chin and thought carefully, but he couldn't think of this.

Li Mu knew something but didn't say it.

"Okay, let's go back, that's it for today."


After waiting for a long time, Mouri Kogoro looked at his watch, said hello to Fei Yingli, and left directly.

Naturally, Li Mu did not stay long and left the hospital with Mouri Kogoro.......……

At night, Li Mu secretly looked at his watch and looked at the sparsely populated hospital. He raised the corners of his mouth and entered the hospital with a slight flash.

After entering the ward, Li Mu slowly came to Fei Yingli's side.

Fei Yingli was also startled when she heard the subtle movements in the darkness. She quickly opened her eyes and wanted to shout.

Li Mu quickly stepped forward, stretched out his hand, covered Fei Yingli's mouth, and said softly:"Yingli, it's me, don't worry."

Fei Yingli listened to this familiar voice, looked at Li Mu through the moonlight, and felt relaxed.

"Li Mu, you really scared me just now. I thought someone was coming to kill me."

Li Mu looked at Fei Yingli, who was a little scared. He raised his right hand and put it on Fei Yingli's nose and scratched it.

"Yingli, you are serious, how could I kill you? Don’t worry, I will definitely find the murderer for you."

"Thank you for coming to see me after such a late hour."

Fei Yingli was very moved.

Li Mu also stayed for a long time.

The Invincible Fairy Tail of The Great Voyage begins with!_Fei

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