The next day, Dr. Ali was attacked again and was sent to the same hospital as Fei Yingli.

In Dr. A Li's ward, Li Mu and others stood nearby, watching Dr. A Li lying down.

Next to him, the Shiratori police officer picked up an evidence bag and showed it to everyone.

"Everyone, this was found at the scene of Dr. Ali’s house. Like the previous two cases, they are all strange things."

"Really, what does this mean?"

Moori Kogoro stretched out his chin and looked at the evidence in confusion.

No matter how he looked at it, he couldn't figure it out with his head.

Suddenly, the door opened, and Officer Megure was wearing clothes. Walked in while

"Officer Megure, are you okay?"Moori Kogoro said worriedly.

""Zero Nine Seven:"Don't worry, I'm fine now. There's no problem at all."

Officer Megure shook his head, then walked to Dr. Ali, and started thinking together.

"Mr. Li, have you thought of anything?"

Officer Memu focused his expectant eyes on Li Mu.

Although there was Mouri Kogoro next to him, he found that Li Mu was more reliable.

"this one..."Li Mu pretended to think, then pointed to the evidence and said:"I think the first three items are the same as playing cards. You are called Mumu Shisan, which is equivalent to the K in playing cards, the concubine lawyer is equivalent to the Q, and A Li Doctor's, Shi can be understood as eleven, which is equivalent to J.

So I think this matter is killing people in the order of playing cards. The next one should be ten, and it is also someone related to the Maori detective."

"That’s it, I understand."

Everyone is not an idiot, and they suddenly realized after hearing this.

Mouri Kogoro even touched his chin and thought carefully.

"By the way, I remembered that not long ago, Murakami seemed to have been released. He happens to be a card dealer. Could he be the one who did this?"

Officer Shiratori suddenly thought of something and shouted quickly. Officer

Mouri Kogoro and Megure also thought of this immediately, and their eyes lit up.

"So that's it, I think about it, this is indeed what happened. If so, everything is possible."

Officer Memu touched his chin while thinking.

"Yes, I remember it happened back then..."

"Officer Shiratori, let’s not talk about what happened in the first place. Let’s discuss this matter."

Officer Megure's expression changed slightly, and he immediately hit the officer.

Mouri Kogoro, who was next to him, also thought of something, and felt a little bit in his heart.

Conan held the murderer in both hands, looked at the two of them, and started to test, what kind of thing happened in the first place.

After a while, everyone still didn't think of anything, and Officer Memu ordered:"Officer Shiratori, let's do this. You send someone to send Xiaolan and the others back. Me and the person with ten in Maori's name are there.""

"I understand, Officer Megure."

In the car, Conan sat in the passenger seat, looked at Officer Shiratori and said,"Officer Shiratori, what exactly happened?"

"this one..."Officer Shiratori thought for a while and said thoughtfully:"At first, Murakami's father-in-law pretended to go to the toilet, but ended up snatching the police gun and taking a hostage. In the end, Detective Mori shot him, and he resigned because of this incident.

" Lan's body was shaken, and things from her childhood were recalled in her mind.

It's like it happened yesterday, it's still fresh in my memory

"I remembered that it was my mother who was held hostage, and it was my father who shot her."

Officer Shiratori's body was shaken, and he finally understood why Officer Memu refused to talk about this matter.

The purpose was to prevent Xiaolan from thinking about this, a sad past event.

Xiaolan kept recalling the events of that year in her heart. incident, the scene where her mother was shot is still vivid in her mind.

"Officer Shiratori, do you know why dad fired the gun?"

"this one? I think Detective Maori may have been very confident in his shooting skills and didn't think he would miss, but he missed in the end."

Officer Shiratori was not sure and could only guess at random.

Xiaolan didn't ask any more questions and sat silently in the car without saying a word.

After arriving at the Maori Detective Agency, Xiaolan walked out of the car silently. , returned to his home.......

Li Mu and Conan followed behind and stood patiently by the side, guarding Xiaolan with peace of mind.

Finally, Conan couldn't bear to see Xiaolan being so sad and secretly left the Maori Detective Agency.

"Xiaolan, don't be sad, your family doesn't want you to go on like this."

Xiaolan couldn't bear it immediately, and fell into Li Mu's arms, saying sadly:"Brother Li, why did your father shoot? Did your mother leave because of this incident? If it were you, would you shoot? ?"

Looking at Xiaolan who was crying in his arms, Li Mu reached out his hand and stroked her head.

"Xiaolan, if it were me, I would definitely shoot, because this would save your mother?"

"save...Saved mom? Xiaolan was stunned and puzzled:"Why did you save mom? Didn't dad shoot the gun?""

"Yes, I guess your father deliberately hit the concubine’s lawyer on the leg so that the concubine’s lawyer could not move. The gangster would definitely not take a person with limited mobility and run away.

So your father did this to make the gangsters give up on your mother, and therefore, he did this to save your mother."

"real...Really?"Xiaolan was overjoyed after hearing this, and quickly wiped her little eyes, looking at Li Mu with tears in her eyes. She looked as cute as she could be.

Li Mu stretched out his hand, first pinched Xiaolan's face, and then He pinched her nose.

3.5"Of course, everything I said is true. Otherwise, do you think I would deceive you?""

"too...Great, I'm going to notify my mother and tell her about it."

Xiao Lan was anxious, picked up the phone and started dialing. She seemed to have forgotten that it was already dark.

Li Mu quickly stretched out his hand and said,"Xiao Lan, look at the weather now, is it suitable for you to make a call? I'm afraid your mother has already rested, right?"

"Yes, sorry, I forgot."

Xiaolan blushed and touched her head.

Then Xiaolan thought that she was still in Li Mu's arms. She couldn't help but blush and put her head into Li Mu's arms.

The Invincible Fairy of the Great Voyage The tail begins!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novels

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