On the other hand, when Li Mu was dating Xiaolan, Conan also left the Maori Detective Agency and came to a phone booth.

Then Xiaolan picked up the phone and started dialing.

Jingle bell, jingle bell.

Listening to the sudden ringing of the phone in her ears, Xiaolan was suddenly startled, and then subconsciously pushed Li Mu away.

"Yes, I'm sorry, there's a call coming."

Xiaolan blushed, wiped the cold sweat on her forehead, then arranged her hair, and then picked up the phone

"Hello, this is the Maori Detective Agency, who are you looking for?"

"Hey, Xiaolan, is it me? I am Shinichi"

"Shinichi?"Xiaolan was also stunned. She seemed to remember that she also had a childhood sweetheart named Kudo Shinichi.

"Shinichi, it's you, what's the matter with you?"

While speaking, Xiaolan no longer had the previous excitement, and her tone was calm, as if she were an ordinary person.

Conan also seemed to be aware of Xiaolan's tone, and said quickly:"By the way, Xiaolan, I heard about you. , so come and ask you"

"Oh, are you talking about this? I'm fine now. Brother Li just told me that my father shot to save my mother and prevent the gangsters from taking her away."

Xiaolan said calmly.

On the other side, Conan was also shocked and reacted immediately.

"Damn it, why didn't this guy tell me earlier?"Conan complained subconsciously.

Li Mu didn't comfort him when he was there. When he was away, Li Mu knew everything. This was clearly an attempt to steal his childhood sweetheart.

When he thought of this, Conan's resentment towards Li Mu deepened.

"Xinyi, why do you say that? Brother Li is also doing it for my own good. How can you do this?"

When Xiaolan heard Conan's muttering to himself, she suddenly became angry and complained dissatisfied.

Conan also reacted and quickly said:"Yes... I'm sorry, I just care about you."

"Okay, Shinichi, I'm fine, so I'll hang up now."

Xiaolan hung up the phone directly, then looked at Li Mu behind with a blushing face.

"Yes... I'm sorry, Shinichi didn't mean it. I believe he didn't mean it."

"I understand, by the way, Xiaolan, is he your boyfriend?"

"No, no, I am not his daughter and there is no relationship at all between them. Brother Li, please don’t misunderstand me."

For some reason, Lan became nervous when she heard Li Mu's words, as if she was afraid that Li Mu would misunderstand.

"Xiaolan, don't be nervous, I won't be jealous. For Xiaolan, I believe you and won't deceive me."

Xiaolan's pretty face turned red, lowered her head, and

"By the way, Xiaolan, it's getting late. I'm going back to rest. Be careful and don't think too much."

Li Mu patted Xiaolan's head and ran away quickly.

Xiaolan blushed and subconsciously covered her face, but did not reprimand Li Mu.

Somehow, there was still a trace of joy in her heart.

Hers In her mind, she suddenly thought of the last Didan school celebration. She couldn't help but blush, and her mind was filled with the image of Li Mu.

All day long, Xiaolan's heart was pounding, and all her mind was filled with Li Mu. One night They couldn't sleep.

On the other side, when Conan saw Xiaolan hang up the phone, he felt anxious and quickly returned to the Maori Detective Agency.

Unfortunately, no matter how hard he tried, he could not change Xiaolan's cold feeling towards him.

The next morning, When Xiaolan saw Li Mu, her face was extremely red.

Every time she saw Li Mu, she would think of Li Mu

"Xiaolan, let’s go, I’ll take you to see the concubine’s lawyer"


Xiaolan nodded shyly, and then walked into Li Mu's car.

Naturally, Conan was following behind.

In the hospital, in Fei Yingli's ward.

Xiaolan excitedly talked to Fei Yingli about Li Mu's words, feeling in her heart I hope Fei Yingli can go home with her.

Fei Yingli glanced at Li Mu secretly, and then said:"Xiaolan, I have known about this matter for a long time, but what I am angry about is not this matter, but other things."

"other things? Xiaolan was stunned and said in confusion:"Mom, what's the reason?""

"Humph, what I was angry about was that I endured the pain and cooked for him that day, but he actually said that the food I cooked was not delicious."Fei Yingli shouted angrily.

After hearing this, Li Mu and the others' faces darkened, and they looked at Fei Yingli speechlessly.

Fei Yingli is a person who can be compared to the dark cooking world, and her cooking is basically not for people to eat.

Other people's cooking, such as his own cooking, can bring happiness to others, but Fei Yingli's cooking can bring pain to others.

"Okay, mom, don't be angry about this. Why don't you and I go home? Let's talk about this kind of thing later."

Although Xiaolan was dissatisfied, she still began to persuade her.

"No, I don't want to go back."

Fei Yingli shook her head and refused, turning her head to look to the other side.

When Xiaolan saw the smile on Fei Yingli's face, she thought that Fei Yingli was very happy and would be able to go back soon, and she became very happy too.

"By the way, Mom, I'm going back and will pick you up tomorrow."

Not long after, Li Mu sent Xiaolan to the Maori Detective Agency.

"Brother Li, I'm going up, you have to be careful."

Xiaolan said hello to Li Mu, and then walked to the Maori Detective Agency.


The Great Voyage: The Invincible Fairy Tail begins! _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novels

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