After rescuing Tsuji Hiroki, Li Mu returned to his cafe.

When they arrived at the coffee shop, Li Mu saw Xiaolan and others sitting in the coffee shop, waiting for him.

And not only Xiaolan, but also the young detective team are here.

After Li Mu came over, the young detective team ran over happily.

"Isn't this the extremely rich big brother? I didn't expect you to be here."

Li Mu found a place to sit and took a peek at Hui Yuan Ai.

Hui Yuan Ai suddenly blushed, remembering what happened last time, and couldn't help but glare at Li Mu.

"Little ghost head, what are you doing here? Do you want to eat and drink here again?"

"Hee hee hee……"

Several people snickered, then turned around and said something proudly.

Li Mu ignored a few people and looked at Conan beside him.

"bitch man"


Conan and Haiyuan Ai couldn't help but cursed secretly when they saw the two of them chatting so happily.

One of the two felt that his man had been robbed, and the other felt that his woman had been robbed, but there was nothing they could do.

Li Mu Feeling the resentful gaze behind him, he turned his head and saw Conan's resentful gaze, and a flash occurred in his mind.

"Conan, is this little girl the Ayumi you told us you like?"

"Really? Did Conan really say that?"

Ayumi suddenly became happy and quickly walked to Conan's side and grabbed Conan's arm with both hands.

"Damn it, Conan, you are so treacherous"

"Yes, Conan, you are a bad boy."

Before Conan could say anything, the three of them started talking to each other.

Especially Gentai and Mitsuhiko, whose eyes wanted to kill Conan.

When he thought that Li Mu was the cause of all this, Conan complained again. He looked at Li Mu. Upon seeing this, Li Mu put his hand on Conan's head and said with a smile:"Conan, last time you said you wanted to marry Bumi and let her be your bride, right? Xiao Ai."

Xiao Ai looked at Li Mu's teasing eyes, nodded and said:"Yes, there is indeed such a thing, what I heard"

"Hey hey hey, this is not true, I don’t have it……"

"Conan, how can you say such a thing, you are too shy."

Before Conan spoke, Ayumi blushed, covered her face, and ran away shyly.

"Alas, Ayumi, where are you going now?"

Genta and Mitsuhiko hurriedly followed Ayumi.

Conan was the only one who was still here, stupidly.

"Conan, hurry up and chase her. It's very dangerous outside. Don't let anything happen to Bomei."

Xiaolan looked at the indifferent Conan and quickly persuaded her.

Damn, I really don't like Ayumi.

Conan wailed in his heart, and then saw Xiaolan's eyes and left helplessly.

After the troublesome guy left, Li Mu looked at Xiaolan

"Xiaolan, how are you? How was your rest yesterday? There's nothing major."

"without...It's okay, I was fine yesterday."Xiao Lan said shyly.

On the side, Hui Yuan Ai looked at the two people flirting openly and secretly cursed in his heart. He couldn't help pinching Li Mu with his hand.

Li Mu quickly picked up Hui Yuan Ai and put him on his back. On her lap, two hands hugged her

"By the way, Xiaolan, I still have something to do, so I’ll leave first."

Li Mu said hello, then hugged Hui Yuan Ai and left.

After leaving, walking on the street, Li Mu hugged Hui Yuan Ai while blowing on her head.

Hui Yuan Ai's face turned red. Couldn't help but push Li Mu away

"Okay, stop being like this, let me go quickly."

Li Mu looked at Hui Yuan Ai's back, raised the corners of his mouth, and smiled.


One day later, Li Mu drove a car outside the Maori Detective Agency.

After arriving outside, Mouri, Kogoro and the other two people also quickly walked out.

"By the way, Li Mu, is this your car? Why do you use such a cheap car?"

"I have no choice. If I go to find the murderer this time, it’s inevitable that he won’t do anything to my car. I don’t want my luxury car to end up like the car I got last time at Dusk Villa."

Lin Fei felt distressed when he thought that his last car was blown up by Detective Qianjian.

It was a luxury car after all. Fortunately, Li Mu got the treasure there, otherwise Li Mu would have suffered a huge loss.

Maori Kogoro He felt heartbroken after hearing this.

Although it was not his car, in his opinion, there was no difference between those cars and his, and he could use them as long as they suited him.

Unfortunately, he didn't know that his woman also belonged to Li Mu, so he could use them whenever he wanted. Even his daughter was immediately Li Mu’s.

After driving away, he came to the home of the person who needed protection this time, the industrialist Xu Shengyi.

After arriving at Xu Shengyi’s home, Li Mu found that not only Officer Memu, but also several Someone else.

After saying hello to this person, Li Mu and others entered Xu Shengyi’s home and waited.

"Really, Mr. Xu doesn't seem to be at home. Could it be that he has gone out?"

Moori Kogoro looked around and asked in confusion.

"I don’t know, but maybe he really isn’t at home, so let’s wait."

Officer Megure is also helpless. He is obviously being targeted by others, but 097 is still not waiting at home. He has the same character as Tsuji Hiroki.

Every time he encounters such an arrogant person, Officer Megure gets a headache. , Koyamauchi Nana, who has wavy hair and looks sexy and mature, took a puff of cigarette and said:"By the way, what is the purpose of your coming today? Why are the police here too?""

"this..."Officer Megure hesitated for a moment, then explained the whole thing.

Koyamauchi Nana was stunned for a moment, then frowned slightly, as if she was thinking about something.

Officer Megure immediately noticed this and quickly said:"Miss Nana Koyamauchi, have you thought of something? Can you tell the police?"

"ah..."Koyamauchi Nana was stunned, then quickly shook her head and said:"No, nothing. I think this matter has nothing to do with us. I don't know the Murakami father-in-law.""

"That's not necessarily the case, maybe there is some deep grudge that you don't recognize, or maybe the other person hates you because of something."

Li Mu looked at Koyamauchi Nana with great interest. She felt like she was going crazy in her heart, but she still suppressed the fear in her heart.

Especially when she thought of one thing, Koyamauchi Nana felt a little guilty and fearful in her heart.

The Great Voyage The Beloved Concubine's Invincible Fairy Tail Begins!_To read the novel without underlining, please download Feilu Novels

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