Li Mu glanced at Nana Koyamauchi and saw that she had no intention of speaking, so he turned and looked around.

Li Mu remembered that there would be an explosion this time, and it would be his time to be a hero and save the beauty.

He heroically saved the beauty twice, but Kudo Shinichi didn't come either time. I guess Xiaolan would be unhappy.

Thinking of this, Li Mu couldn't help but take another look at Conan.

Conan noticed Li Mu's gaze and immediately became vigilant, fearing that Li Mu would trick him.

"Xiaolan, there doesn’t seem to be much to see here. How about we take a walk and take in the beautiful scenery here?"


Xiaolan blushed, stood up, and came to Li Mu's side.

"Sister Xiaolan, I want to go with you too."

When Conan saw Li Mu and Xiaolan alone together, jealous anger suddenly emerged in his heart.

"Boy, just follow me."

Mouri Kogoro glanced at Conan unhappily, stretched out his hand, and pulled Conan into his arms.

Conan struggled for a while, but did not break away from Moori Kogoro, and could only look at Li Mu with resentment.

Li Mu proudly left Conan. He glanced at it, then stretched out his hand, grabbed Xiaolan's hand, and left.

Xiaolan's hand was white and delicate, soft and delicate to the touch, and very smooth, so Li Mu couldn't help but touch it a little more.

"plum...Brother Li, there are so many people here, you...Don't do this."

Xiaolan blushed and struggled lightly with her little hands. Seeing that she couldn't break free, she didn't refuse and could only follow Li Mu.

While Li Mu and Xiaolan were wandering around, on the other side, Maori Kogoro and others People wait patiently

"Xiaolan, what are you doing these days? How is school going now?"

"It's nothing, I just go to school, that's it every day, I don't do anything."

Xiaolan lowered her head and spoke softly. Li Mu's voice was all in her mind.

If it weren't for Li Mu's good ears, Li Mu probably wouldn't be able to hear Xiaolan's voice clearly.

"What about you, Brother Li? How are you doing? Are you and Sonoko okay?"

Somehow, Xiaolan was particularly concerned about Li Mu and Yuanzi's concern, and her heart became slightly heavier. She found that she liked Li Mu a little, but she couldn't face Xinyi and Yuanzi, and she was very entangled in her heart. After walking for two days


After taking a few steps, Li Mu suddenly stopped and said,"Xiaolan, we've seen enough, why don't we go back?""

"Well, I get it."

Xiaolan nodded, and then pulled Li Mu away.

After returning to her seat, she found that the faces of the people on the seat were slightly solemn, and some of them still had fear in their eyes.

"What's the matter, Detective Mori, Officer Me, what happened?"

"Oh, that's it……"

Officer Megure said it briefly and understood immediately.

This was probably Zemu's fair plan, but Li Mu didn't care.

Anyway, Zemu Pingyi is under Li Mu's surveillance and cannot make too big a splash.


Just as Officer Megure finished speaking, there was a sudden sound and the lights in the amusement park suddenly dimmed.

"What's going on? Please be careful."

Everyone was panicking, and Nana Koyamauchi even yelled in horror.

Secretly, Li Mu looked at Nana Koyamauchi's fingers, and there was fluorescent paint on her fingers.

"This guy is dead."

Li Mu shook his head and didn't say anything.

Others were very worried about whether they would be killed.

Ah... suddenly a scream came, and Nana Xiaoshanuchi screamed in horror.

Then Li Mu heard it There was a sound of a person falling to the ground, and at the same time Li Mu also heard the sound of a can

"Xiaolan, be careful, someone is in trouble."

Li Mu quickly grabbed Xiaolan.

After a while, the lights came on again, and Xiaoshan Nei Nainai was lying on the ground, with her back to the sky.

There was a knife stuck in her back, and the knife was covered with blood. It kept sprinkling on the ground.

Not long after, Officer Megure and Mouri Kogoro also rushed over, looking at the body of Nana Koyamauchi with serious expressions.

"Damn it, is the target this time Miss Nana Koyamauchi? That damn murderer"

"Xiaolan, don't be afraid, I will protect you, he can't kill you."

Xiaolan's pretty face turned red, and she subconsciously grasped Li Mu with her hands.

Next to her, Conan suddenly blushed and wanted to stop the two of them, but thinking of the voice in the darkness just now, he couldn't help but look around.

On one side, Mouri Kogoro walked over and was about to say something when suddenly there was a loud noise, and the sea amusement park suddenly collapsed, and a large amount of sea water poured into it.

Peng Peng Peng...

There were several loud noises again, and a large amount of sea water poured out crazily. This amusement park was quickly flooded.

".Oops, this place is about to be flooded. Everyone, please be careful and get out of here quickly."

Officer Mumu shouted anxiously, and then looked around anxiously.

But no matter where he looked, there was no way to leave here.

There was water all around, and it kept coming out.

Li Mu (Nuo Zhao) After taking a look around, a plan immediately flashed in my mind.

"Officer Megure, we swam through the water, and then someone picked us up in a helicopter and left here."

"Well, there is only one way."

Officer Memu nodded, then looked at the sea water on one side, gritted his teeth, and walked forward.

"But...this...I can not swim."Nishina Min said with some fear.

"Don't worry, I will take you out of here."

Another strong man patted Nishina, and then pulled him into the sea water on the side.

"Okay, no more words, let’s get out of here right now, it’s going to be too late."

After saying that, Li Mu and others jumped into the sea water on the side.

The Invincible Fairy Tail of The Great Voyage begins!

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