Li Mu was very fast. The journey that was supposed to take half an hour took less than ten minutes, and he still swam there.

After arriving at Mermaid Island, although others were confused, they didn't ask any more questions.

Li Mu carried He Ye on his back and came to a place where he could stay on the island. He found a place and settled He Ye properly.

"He Ye, we are here, it’s time to get up."

"Well, are we there yet?"He Ye slowly opened his eyes and looked around hazily.

After a moment, He Ye's eyes lit up and he quickly looked around.

"Brother Li, are we here yet? Are we no longer in the sea?"

"Yes, we have arrived. This happens to be the island where mermaids live. We have arrived."

Li Mu stretched out his hand, put it on He Ye's head, and rubbed it gently.

He Ye blushed, lowered his head, and his hands shook slightly.

"plum...Brother Li, don’t do this...I will not grow up"

"No, in my opinion, my He Ye is very beautiful and perfect."

He Ye's mind was filled with what Li Mu said.

My He Ye!

Somehow, hearing Li Mu's words, He Ye felt very happy.

"Wait, it's not convenient here"

"Then I'll take you to a good place."

Li Mu pulled He Ye and left the room.

After a while, Li Mu came to a warehouse, opened the warehouse door, found a secret place, pulled He Ye and hid in it.

Half an hour later, Li Mu suddenly thought of something

"By the way, Heye, I forgot about the Tongmen. They might still be looking for us at sea."

"By the way, Brother Li, hurry up and inform them."

He Ye also reacted and actually forgot about Lan and others.

Thinking of this, He Ye's cheeks had a blush.

"I'll inform them right away."

Li Mu immediately left the room and borrowed a phone to make a call.

On the other hand, Mouri Kogoro and others were anxiously searching on the sea.

Even the staff stood on the deck and gathered around in a circle. Shouting, hoping He Ye could hear it.

Suddenly, a cell phone rang, and Xiaolan took the call with a smile on her face

"Dad, Brother Li and He Ye have been found and are now on the Mermaid Island. Let us go there immediately."

"What? Found it, that's great."

Everyone shouted happily.

Especially Hattori Heiji, the boulder in his heart fell directly.

Unfortunately, Hattori Heiji didn't know that he had just been poached, and now he had a green hat on his head

······Asking for flowers·······

"Okay, let's go to the Mermaid Island. Really, I wasted so much time."

Moori Kogoro wiped the sweat from his forehead, then pulled up his clothes and walked into the deck.

The luxury cruise ship also changed its direction and continued to swim in the direction of the Mermaid Island.

Wait until Xiaolan and others After arriving, several people immediately came to the hotel on the island

"He Ye, are you okay?"

Hattori Heiji rushed into the room first and looked nervously at Kazuha on the tatami.

"Hattori, Xiaolan, you are here. I am really sorry for making you worry just now."

Speaking of this, He Ye couldn't help but blush, and her heart was beating loudly.

When she thought about what she and Li Mu had done just now, while Xiaolan was looking for them worriedly, there was a trace in her heart. apologies

"He Ye, what is going on? Do you know how worried we are about you."

Xiaolan sat next to Heye and looked at Heye worriedly.

Although the two only knew each other a few times, Xiaolan cared about Heye as a friend.

Even the relationship between the two was no worse than that of Sonoko.

The Love of the Great Voyage The Invincible Fairy Tail begins with!_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novels

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