"this..."Heye smiled awkwardly and said a little shyly:"I was blown into the sea by the wind, and then Brother Li jumped in to save me, and we swam all the way over."

After saying that, Heye turned his head, embarrassed.

After all, it is so embarrassing for such a big man to be blown into the sea by the wind.

"What, it really scared me to death, Heye, you are such an idiot, you actually fell into the sea."

Hattori Heiji waved his hands and laughed, not caring about Kazuha's already livid face.

"By the way, He Ye, when did you fall into the sea? Why didn’t I know about this?"

Xiao Lan asked in confusion.

"Just after I went to the toilet, I walked in the wrong direction and walked to the back deck. I happened to meet Brother Li, so I chatted with him, and then I fell down."

"Li Mu? Hattori Heiji frowned slightly, and his detective intuition made him ask:"Why is Li Mu there?""

"Hattori, what do you mean?"

Kazuye immediately heard the voice of Hattori Heiji's words and sat up dissatisfied.

"No...Sorry, I was just asking."

Hattori Heiji also reacted and quickly explained.

"Huh, not the best. You have to remember that I went in the wrong direction, and it wasn't Brother Li who asked me to go there."

Kazuha snorted coldly, then continued to lie down, closed his eyes and rested.

Hattori Heiji thought about it and felt that what Kazuha said was reasonable.

"By the way, Heye, what's wrong with you? Why do I feel that you are a little different from before, just like Sonoko."

Xiaolan looked at Heye's face, and she felt a little doubt in her heart.

It was a mature smell unique to women, which was naturally different from Xiaolan.

Heye's face blushed slightly, but he didn't speak.

"Wait, you said you went into the sea at that time?"Mouri Kogoro suddenly interrupted several people and said in surprise:"That time period has been about a few hours now. Have you been swimming in the ice sea for so long?"

"Yes, so I am very tired. Brother Li is resting next door and can let me rest."

"That's right, let He Ye rest and get out of here."

Xiaolan stood up, pushed a few people, and pushed them all out.

Then Xiaolan also said hello to Heye and entered the room.

Heye breathed a sigh of relief when he saw several people leaving. His own affairs were leaked.

After Conan and his party went out, they heard that a murder had occurred here. The burning soul of the detective made them rush over immediately. It was a little different from the original work. This time, because of Li Mu and He Ye, they were not involved in the murder. At the scene, I just saw the body.

The night passed like this. Hattori Heiji and the two were looking for the body enthusiastically, while the others began to rest.

The next day, after the sun rose, Li Mu tidied his clothes. Then he walked out.

When he opened the door, He Ye from the other room also walked out, and happened to see Li Mu.

The moment he saw Li Mu, He Ye's face turned red, shy, with a touch of pink on his cheeks.

Li Mu also looked at He Ye and couldn't help but look up and down.

"Heye, is this your school uniform? It's really good."

He Ye is wearing something different today than before. He is wearing a black sailor suit and a black short skirt. The skirt is no more than the knee.

"What do you think, Brother Li, this dress is good, I think it is very suitable."

He Ye was a little proud.

"It's really good. By the way, let's go in."

For one day, Li Muhe and Ye Ji 097 people did not leave the mourning hall and patiently kept vigil in the mourning hall.

Until late at night, the sky dimmed and the sky was filled with charming stars.

Li Mu glanced at the time outside and spoke. Said:"Xiaolan, Heye, I didn't get much rest yesterday, so I'll go back and rest for a while."

"Well, be careful yourself."

He Ye understood immediately, his face was slightly red, there was a trace of shyness, and a trace of expectation.

However, He Ye did not leave immediately, and continued to stay with Xiaolan for a while. After almost waiting, He Ye opened his mouth and said:"Xiaolan, I'm going to rest for a while. You stay here. I'll come over to accompany you later."

"Well, you have to worry a little about yourself too."

Xiaolan did not doubt He Ye's intentions, and watched He Ye leave the mourning hall.

The Invincible Fairy Tail of The Great Voyage begins!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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