"Hey, Hattori, what do you think? Who do you think the murderer is?"

In the Mermaid Hotel, Conan and Hattori Heiji were walking and thinking.

"I don’t know, but it’s definitely not a mermaid."

"Yes, I think so too."

The two were walking and thinking.

Not long after leaving, Hattori and Heiji unknowingly arrived at the Mermaid Hotel and approached the outside of the room where Li Mu was. Suddenly, a faint voice came.

"What's that sound and who's there?"

Although the sound was small, it was still heard by Conan and the two of them.

They ran over immediately, stretched out their hands, and tried to open the door of Li Mu's room.

"Conan, what's the matter with you?"

Li Mu said something in time, causing Hattori Heiji and Conan to stop.

"It turned out to be brother Li Mu. I just heard a noise in your room. I thought the murderer was there."

Conan touched his head and explained.

"Oh, don't worry, there's nothing wrong with me, and the murderer can't do anything to me. 097"


Conan thought of Li Mu's strength, which was not inferior to Xiaolan, and immediately relaxed. No matter what happened to anyone, Li Mu would not be able to get into trouble.

Then Conan and the two left without thinking much.

In the mourning hall, Xiaolan spent a long time here Later, He Ye also rushed over.

"Xiaolan, I'm really sorry, I'm late."

He Ye panted.

"It's okay, it's okay with me. By the way, why are your clothes dirty?"

Xiao Lan pointed to the spots on He Ye's clothes and asked doubtfully.

"Ah, this...This is dirty, but it doesn't matter, I'm going to clean it now."

He Ye naturally understood what this was, couldn't help but blush, and ran away quickly.

After cleaning the stains on his clothes, He Ye quickly came to Xiaolan's side

"Xiaolan, I'm really sorry to keep you waiting for so long. (bgdf)"

"It's okay, let's watch it together."

Xiaolan waved her hand, then pulled He Ye and left together.

As soon as she walked out of the room, there was a flash of thunder.

"Wait, Xiaolan, did you see anything just now?"

He Ye pointed to the front tremblingly, a little scared.


Once again, a thunder light flashed, illuminating the scenery in the yard, and a figure emerged clearly.

"Small...Xiaolan, you...Did you see that?"

"Well, let me see...I saw it, it was a human figure."

Xiaolan nodded, and then grabbed He Ye's hand, with a trace of fear in her eyes.

Just when the two of them were scared, Li Mu suddenly opened the wooden door in the corridor.


Hearing the sound of the wooden door, Xiaolan and Ye couldn't help but scream, and the screams spread all around

"Xiaolan, Heye, what's going on? Is it necessary to be so afraid? I'm not a scary person"

"It scared me to death. It turned out to be you, Brother Li."

"Yeah, I was really scared to death just now."

He and Ye immediately relaxed when they noticed that the person coming was Li Mu.

If it were a human being, they would naturally not be afraid. They would only be afraid of ghosts.

"What's up? He Ye, what happened?"

The door opened again, and Conan and the others ran over, looking anxiously at He Ye and others.

"Oh, nothing happened. By the way, there seems to be a figure over there."

He Ye reacted and pointed his hand into the dark night.

Rumble... a thunder light sounded again.

The light illuminated the night, and a figure appeared in front of everyone.

"It's people."

Conan shouted, and then ran over with Hattori Heiji.

"He Ye, that should be a dead person. Go ahead and call the police. I'll go over and take a look."

Li Mu ordered, and then walked towards the figure.

When he got there, Li Mu saw a female body hanging on a fishing net.

"This is Miss Naoko, she was strangled to death."

Conan put his hand on the neck of the corpse, and his face became extremely gloomy.

Hattori Heiji on the side also looked at the corpse solemnly, and kept thinking about the surroundings.

Li Mu just glanced at the corpse, turned and left.

Conan pay attention Seeing Li Mu's actions, he was shocked and asked quickly:"Brother Li Mu, what's wrong with you? Maybe you know who the murderer is."

Hattori Heiji was also stunned and quickly looked at Li Mu.

"It's impossible, he knew it so quickly."

He couldn't accept it. He had just found a few clues, and Li Mu had actually found out who the real murderer was.

If this is true, then the gap between them is not that big.

Li Mu stopped, turned his back to everyone, and waved. He waved his hand and said,"Who knows? But maybe the murderer is the fate, and she is very suspicious."

The so-called fate refers to Huijun, but also refers to her mother and grandmother.

Li Mu ignored the confused Hattori Heiji and others, directly raised his feet and walked forward.

The Invincible Fairy Tail of The Great Voyage Beloved Concubine begins! _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novels

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