After arriving at the burning warehouse, Li Mu saw He Ye and others watching near the warehouse.

After Li Mu came over, he saw He Ye looking at her, his cheeks slightly red, and his mind was filled with memories of yesterday.

The fire in the warehouse was particularly strong, and the treasure house was quickly set alight.

However, the fire extinguishers nearby were also very capable and put out the flames soon.

After extinguishing the flames, the police began checking inside.

An hour later, a policeman came over and said:"Detective Maori, we have investigated clearly. There is a female body inside, wearing a blue woolen sweater. According to the investigation, this may be the body of the missing Miss Saori. In addition, According to the investigation, the teeth of this female corpse are somewhat broken, and there should be cavities, so I think this is Miss Huijun, who was framed by others."

"Yes, it is indeed Miss Huijun. I remember that Miss Huijun once went to see her teeth."

Hattori Heiji and the other 16 nodded, and then touched their chins to think.

Li Mu looked at a few people, touched his chins and said,"Is this really the case? The clothes can be changed, and as for the teeth, the medical insurance card can be used by someone else. Who knows if it is Yaori."

Others don't know, doesn't Li Mu know?

This is not the body of Miss Huijun at all, but the body of Miss Saori.

Others also started thinking after hearing this.

Especially Conan and Hattori Heiji had a flash of inspiration. , seemed to have thought of something, and ran away quickly

"Alas, what's going on? What happened to them?"

Moori Kogoro looked at the two people leaving, was slightly stunned, and asked in confusion.

Li Mu smiled, picked up a watch, and checked the time

"By the way, Detective Maori, please remember to ask the police to investigate one thing. That is to ask which hospital it is Miss Huijun or Miss Saori who sees the dentist. Maybe there will be unexpected gains."

Li Mu patted Mouri Kogoro on the shoulder, then turned and left.

"Ah I……"

Mouri Kogoro was stunned for a moment, and then although he hesitated, he still went to ask the police.

On the other side, Conan and Hattori Heiji were also searching quickly.

"Hattori, that guy Li Mu is very powerful, we must not lose to him."

"Yes, he didn't interfere much every time, but he was able to solve the case. We can't lose this time."

Hattori Heiji and Conan suddenly became very motivated and wanted to find the murderer immediately.

Every time, they were a little slower than Li Mu. This time they had to compete and defeat Li Mu.

"Okay, Little Guitou, I'm going to handle Miss Huijun's affairs. You're going to handle his affairs, so you must work hard."

Hattori Heiji patted Conan on the head and ran away quickly.

Conan was also full of fighting spirit and ran away as well.

On the other side, after Li Mu left, He Ye quickly followed.

"Brother Li, I’m really scared today. Can Xiaolan and I be with you tonight?"

"What? With Brother Li?"

Xiao Lan suddenly exclaimed and looked at He Ye with a blushing face.

She never thought that He Ye would actually make such a request to be with Li Mu.

He Ye also blushed, but still said calmly:"So what? Like, it's just a room, not doing that kind of thing.

And today is really scary. Maybe there really is a mermaid. Isn't it possible that Xiaolan isn't scared of you?"

"also...That's right, today is really scary, otherwise, let's just go together."

Xiaolan hesitated for a moment, then looked around in fear.

"Okay, let's go to the room now."

Li Mu returned to the room, carried Xiaolan and He Ye's quilts, and came to his room.

After laying out the quilts for the two of them, Li Mu lay on the quilt in the middle.

"Okay, that's it"


The next morning, the sun rose slowly. After Li Mu woke up, he felt that his body was restrained.

Turning around, he saw He Ye and Xiao Lan hugging him, one on the left and one on the right.

He Ye Xiaolan and the other two also woke up.

When they saw that they were holding Li Mu, their faces turned red, and then they quickly sat up and moved quickly to their bedding.

"Okay, I'm going out first. You can go back and change your clothes later."

Li Mu put on some clothes and then left.

After seeing Li Mu leaving, Heye quickly stood up, hugged the quilt and returned to his room.

Outside, after Li Mu went out, they saw Hattori Heiji and Conan 097 Two people came over

"Hahaha, Li Mu, I'm so sorry, we have already solved the case"

"Yes, Brother Li, I'm really sorry."

Hattori Heiji and the two were smiling and looked very happy.

Li Mu also looked at the two of them calmly and joked:"The murderer is Miss Huijun who pretended to be an old woman. The purpose is to avenge her mother. I thought you were going to How long did it take to find it? I didn't expect it to be done in one night."

After saying that, Li Mu turned around and left.

Hattori Heiji and the others looked at Li Mu's back with a trace of dissatisfaction in their eyes.

"Hey, Kudo, it seems like he already knew this. It seems like we didn’t win."

"Yes, maybe I didn’t lose, but I definitely didn’t win."

Conan also looked at Li Mu with dead fish eyes, with a hint of dissatisfaction in his heart.

Li Mu, on the other hand, was very proud, laughed happily, and hummed a song.

After the murder case was solved, Li Mu rested on the Mermaid Island He stayed for a day and then left the island.

The Great Voyage and the Invincible Fairy Tail begins!

_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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