In Aipado City, on a street, Li Mu followed Xiaolan and Yuanzi with two backpacks.

Behind the three of them, there was naturally a certain little devil.

After walking for a while, Yuanzi saw a store. He felt happy and quickly pulled Li Mu and ran over.

"Here we are, Xiaolan, Yuanzi, let’s take a photo"

"here?"Xiaolan was stunned and looked around.

"Yuanzi, can't I be mistaken? This is a video game city. I take pictures here."

"No, come here with me."

Yuanzi took Xiaolan and came to a machine that takes photos of photo stickers.

"Really, how could you think of such a thing."

Li Mu looked at the few people and suddenly became speechless.

Although he had no choice but to 097 follow the two of them

"Then you still like this eighth wife."

Conan murmured to himself after listening to Li Mu's words, and looked at Li Mu with dead fish eyes.

Feeling this resentment, Li Mu turned his head and glared at Conan on the side.

Conan felt Li Mu's gaze and was immediately frightened. He jumped and quickly turned his head, facing away from Li Mu.

"Little Guitou, let me ask you something. Did you have any ideas about Illya in school?"

Li Mu held down Conan's head with one hand and shook his head.

"without...No, I don't."Conan shook his head quickly, thinking of Illya in his mind.

To Conan, Illya was a big devil, a heinous big devil.

How could he fall in love with a big devil.

Li Mu Listening to Conan's heart, a cold light flashed in his eyes

"Little Ghost Head, I heard something. Illya said that you called her a big devil. Is this true?"


Conan's heart trembled, his body trembled slightly, and he looked at Li Mu with some fear.

"No, absolutely not."

Conan shook his head quickly and felt relieved.

Li Mu glared at Conan and said nothing. He raised his feet and walked towards Xiaolan and Xiaolan.

"It's so dangerous, why is this guy like this?"

Conan looked at Li Mu's back and breathed a sigh of relief.

On the other side, Yuanzi took Xiaolan and started talking while taking photos of his photo stickers.

"Xiaolan, there is something I have wanted to ask you for a long time, but I never had the chance.

Xiaolan was stunned and asked curiously:"Yuanzi, what's wrong with you? Do you have anything to say?""

Yuanzi took a deep breath, reached out and grabbed Xiaolan's shoulders, and looked at Xiaolan with sharp eyes.

"Xiaolan, let me ask you something (bgdf), do you also like Li Mu?"

Xiaolan's heart trembled and she suddenly became nervous.

She also had feelings for Li Mu, but it was because of Yuanzi that she suppressed her feelings.

After all, she and Yuanzi were very good friends, and she didn't want to get into trouble with Yuanzi because of this matter. Conflict

"Yuanzi, how is this possible? He is your boyfriend. How could I steal your boyfriend?"

"oh..."Yuanzi nodded and said in a drawl:"I see, what you mean is that if we were not friends, or if Li Mu didn't talk about my boyfriend, you would like Li Mu."

"this...that..."Xiaolan suddenly became anxious, hesitating and unable to say a word.

"Okay, I'm here to scare you, but you really don't need to be scared."

Yuanzi patted Xiaolan with a smile on her face.

Xiaolan breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Yuanzi's smile.

"Yuanzi, you really almost scared me to death."

"Okay, Xiaolan, let’s not talk about this anymore. I have something very important to tell you."

Yuanzi suddenly patted Xiaolan and his face became serious.

Xiaolan was also stunned and looked at Yuanzi nervously.

"Xiaolan, if...I mean, if I share Li Mu with you, would you be willing? Don't refute, I know you like Li Mu. During this time, you have rarely mentioned Kudo Shinichi."


She could never imagine that Sonoko would share her boyfriend with her.

Could it be that he came here to test me specially?

Xiaolan suddenly thought of this.

Yuanzi also saw what Xiaolan was thinking and immediately expressed his own thoughts.

Xiaolan's mouth twitched after hearing this, and she looked at Yuanzi with a speechless expression.

Even Li Mu, who overheard, was speechless for a while.

The Great Voyage: The Invincible Fairy Tail begins! _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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