"Xiaolan, when will that drunkard come back? I've been waiting here for so long, why hasn't he come back yet?"

Maori Detective Agency.

Fei Yingli looked at her watch and asked a little irritably.

Xiaolan was also anxious in her heart and said quickly:"Mom, you are waiting. Dad usually comes back at this time."

"You've said this four times."

Xiaolan smiled awkwardly after hearing this, but she had already scolded Maori Kogoro many times in her heart.

Li Mu on the other side was very happy and wanted to laugh loudly.

After this time, Maori Kogoro will probably be disliked..After waiting for a long time again, the door was finally opened, and Mouri Kogoro came back drunk.

"Dad, why did you come back at this time?"

Xiaolan looked at Mouri Kogoro resentfully.

"Really, why do you miss your mother more and more?"

Fei Yingli's face darkened after hearing this, and she was even more dissatisfied with Mori 16 Kogoro.

"You'd better say this to your mother."

Xiaolan also had black streaks all over her head, and she wanted to hit Maori Kogoro.

When Maori Kogoro saw Fei Yingli behind Xiaolan, he was also stunned, and he immediately woke up after drinking.

"It's you? What are you doing here?"

"I came here to ask you if you saw this person at Miki Noboru Izakaya a month ago."

Fei Yingli didn't say anything more, picked up a photo and put it on the table.

Maori Kogoro took a step forward, knelt down in front of the table, picked up the photo and started thinking.

After a moment, Maori Kogoro had an idea. , said excitedly:"I remembered, I did see him. At that time……"

Mouri Kogoro spoke briefly, and everyone listened and thought carefully.

After a long time, Mouri Kogoro finished speaking, and Li Mu and others also began to think.

"So, when did you see him. Fei

Yingli asked urgently

"this one..."Mouri Kogoro paused for a moment, then affirmed:"I remembered, it was nine twenty-five at that time."

"are you sure? Fei

Yingli looked at the drunken Mouri Kogoro and said with some uncertainty.

Even others were a little suspicious of Mouri.

Moori Kogoro himself was also a little dissatisfied and complained:"What do you mean, you don't believe me?""

"Humph, so what, you are so drunk, how can I trust you, Uncle Maori."

Fei Yingli snorted coldly, with a look of disdain on her face.

"If you don't believe me, then leave and don't ask me such boring questions."

Moori Kogoro became even more dissatisfied, and his tone became colder.

"Okay, let's go."

Fei Yingli stood up and left directly.

"Alas, mother."

Xiaolan was about to say something, but Fei Yingli had already left.

Li Mu also followed and drove away with Fei Yingli.

In the car, Fei Yingli took the information and started thinking about it.

"Li Mu, what do you think? Is there any doubt here?"

Fei Yingli also knows that Li Mu is an excellent detective, and he is more reliable than Mouri Kogoro.

"I think there are two points of doubt. The first point is that Detective Mori’s phone number was handed to him by the owner of the izakaya, which means that the owner had enough time to change the time on the phone.

Moreover, Eri, don't forget that Ms. Kameda Masako of the Izakaya also has enough reasons and time to kill."

Fei Yingli also suddenly realized, touching her smooth chin and thinking

"You are right to say that, then I can also argue that Usami Shinji’s purpose of not speaking is probably to protect his ex-wife. It seems like what you said yesterday"

"Yes, and there are still a few things that need to be investigated. First, we need to dissect the deceased to see if he has ever been to an izakaya. The Miki Noboru izakaya has a takoyaki that is not found in other places. You can find out after just checking.

Secondly, 097 we still need to go to Usami Shinji's home to investigate, maybe there is any big receipt."

Li Mu also said all the thoughts in his mind.

Fei Yingli also suddenly realized it, and it was like a bright light was lit in his mind.

"Okay, let's go right now."

Li Mu didn't hesitate and drove away.

Not long after, Li Mu arrived at Usami Shinji's house and asked Officer Megure to get the key.

After searching for a while, Li Mu saw a matchbox on the table. An idea flashed in my mind

"Yingli, there is no ashtray here, but there is actually a matchbox made of beautiful wood."

Fei Yingli took the matchbox and looked at the line of words on the back of the matchbox. She suddenly thought of something and raised a slight arc at the corner of her mouth.

"Li Mu, thank you, I understand"

"Really, you understand, then should you thank me?"

The Invincible Fairy Tail of The Great Voyage Begins!_

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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