The next morning, Li Mu woke up early and reached out to push Fei Yingli beside him.

"Yingli, okay, get up. We still have important things to do today."

"No, I don’t want it, I’m tired and I want to rest."

Fei Yingli opened Li Mu's hand, and then squeezed her head into Li Mu's arms.

Li Mu touched his face and said helplessly:"Don't forget, you are a defense lawyer today. Have you forgotten that you are going to litigate? ?"

Fei Yingli also reacted and sat up quickly.

"Damn it, I'm not going to sleep tonight"

"Okay, don't worry, there's nothing wrong with it. It's only about six o'clock now."

Li Mu looked at the anxious Fei Yingli and couldn't help but remind Fei Yingli.

After hearing this, Fei Yingli calmed down, picked up her clothes and put them on slowly.

Not long after, Fei Yingli put on her clothes and said calmly :"Okay, today we have a court hearing at ten o'clock, where are we going now?""

"Of course, check the snack bar near Miki Noboru Izakaya to see if there is any takoyaki unique to that store."

"Okay, let's go."

At around ten o'clock, after Li Mu and Fei Yingli completed their investigation, they came to the court early and waited patiently.

After everyone attended, Li Mu sat in the audience and waited patiently.

Not long after, everyone Everyone was here, and Li Mu also felt that the atmosphere in the court was very solemn.

There were sparks of fighting spirit between Fei Yingli and Prosecutor Kujo.……

"Let’s start this trial. Defense lawyer, do you have anything to say?"

"Yes, I would like to bring a witness to the scene."

As soon as the court opened, Fei Yingli's aura as a legal queen in the legal world was immediately exuded.

Li Mu even felt an awe-inspiring aura.

"Otherwise, buy her a royal robe."

While Li Mu was thinking, Mouri Kogoro also walked in and sat on the witness stand.

After Feiying saw Moori Kogoro, she walked in directly and asked:"Mr. Moori, can you see the defendant? Tell me the specific things?"

"Oh, the specific thing is this, that day……"

Mouri Kogoro narrated again. After hearing this, the prosecutor raised the corners of his mouth with a smile on his face, as if victory was imminent.

Feiyingli also noticed Kujokan's smile and felt relieved.

Without Li Mu's help, she might have fallen into Prosecutor Kujo's trap.

Thinking of this, Fei Yingli's face turned red and she was thinking about how to repay Li Mu.

Prosecutor Kujo saw Fei Yingri's face and thought in his heart that he couldn't imagine what Fei Yingri was thinking.

After Mouri Kogoro finished speaking, Feiyingli said:"According to Mr. Mouri's words, it can be seen that Mr. Usami Shinji has a sufficient alibi.

However, this alibi cannot be established at all, because as far as I understand, Mr. Mouri's The mobile phone was given to Ms. Kameda Masako for safekeeping. I believe she had enough time to change the time on the mobile phone.

Therefore, I hope to summon Ms. Kameda Masako to come to the court to testify."

Prosecutor Kujo was stunned and swallowed what he wanted to say. Go down.

Originally, she planned to use this point to refute Fei Yingli, but Fei Yingli actually refuted her herself.

Prosecutor Kujo didn't know what to say for a moment, so he could only continue reading, wanting to know what Fei Yingri's plans were.

"Well, call another witness. Seeing that

Prosecutor Kujo didn’t say anything, the judge agreed to Fei Erli’s request.

Not long after, Ms. Kameda Masako came to the court.

"Ms. Kameda Masako, I think you should have changed Mr. Mori's cell phone time. You must know that perjury is also a felony."

Kameda Masako hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said:"Yes, I did change the time."

"Well, this is enough to prove that this alibi is not tenable at all."Fei Yingli's eyes flashed with confidence.

Prosecutor Kujo was stunned, and then he said:"Lawyer Fei, what are your plans? Don't you want to defend the defendant?"

"No, of course not. Fei Yingli pushed up her glasses and said in a sharp tone:"What I want to say is that Mr. Maori has been sleeping for so long, and he doesn't know who is coming to the izakaya. For example, is it the deceased himself?" Prosecutor Kujo was startled, then slammed the table hard and said:"I protest, this is simply a statement without evidence, and it is simply untenable.""

"This is not an unfounded statement. In the stomach of the deceased, there was a food, which was unique to Miki Noboru Izakaya. It was not available in nearby stores. This is enough to prove that the deceased had been to Miki Noboru Izakaya."

Prosecutor Kujo's pupils shrank, and he quickly picked up the case file and flipped through it quickly.

After seeing the stomach dissection document of the deceased, Prosecutor Kujo suddenly became nervous.

Fei Yingli looked at the shocked Prosecutor Kujo , feeling proud in his heart, he continued:".I think the situation that day should be like this. The defendant took the deceased to Miki Noboru Izakaya, and they got into a quarrel.

In the end, Miki Noboru's boss drove the defendant out, invited the deceased to the open space over there, and killed him. Then he returned to the izakaya and saw Mr. Mori who was still sleeping, and deliberately used him to do it. Alibi. Prosecutor Kujo thought inwardly, then stood up quickly and said sternly:"Then do you have any sufficient proof?" You must know that this is a court for stating facts, not a place for reasoning."

((Nuo Zhao) Of course, first of all, if it was really the defendant who killed him, then the defendant should emphasize his alibi.

Secondly, the car key at the crime scene should have been left behind by the defendant who was a little worried after being kicked out. When he went back, he happened to see Ms. Kameda Masako murdering someone and wanted to take the blame for his beloved wife.."

Ms. Kameda Masako was startled after hearing this. She looked at the defendant in surprise, her eyes twinkling.

The defendant grabbed his clothes and his body trembled slightly.

Prosecutor Kujo was thinking quickly in his mind. , quickly questioned:"Their relationship between husband and wife is not good at all. Will the defendant really take the blame for Ms. Kameda Masako?""

"Of course it will, because of this."

Fei Yingli took out the matchbox and turned the box with its back to Prosecutor Kujo.

The Invincible Fairy Tail of The Great Voyage Beloved began to grow!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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