The next day, in the Maori Detective Agency, Li Muhe and Ye were sitting in the living room chatting, while Xiaolan was preparing breakfast in the kitchen.

After a long time, Xiaolan picked up several dishes and placed them on the table

"Brother Li and He Ye are fine now. We can eat now."

"Xiaolan's dishes are so delicious that some people are not lucky enough to enjoy them."He Ye sighed while eating.

"Yes, some people do enjoy the five blessings."

Li Mu also sighed with emotion, mocking Hattori and Heiji in his mind. A woman like Xiaolan, who has all the advantages except for some violence, was actually succeeded by Li Mu.

Whether it was cooking or housework, basically everything is almighty

"Don't say that, I'll be embarrassed, but have we forgotten something?"

Xiaolan blushed and said shyly.

But after a moment, Xiaolan raised her head in doubt, feeling that they had forgotten something.



Xiaolan and Heye suddenly reacted and shouted.

They just remembered now and seemed to have forgotten Conan and the others.

Because they rested very late yesterday, they got up a little late during the day, which made them forget those two people.

On the other side, on the island, Hattori Heiji and others covered their stomachs and lay in pain in the wooden house.

"Damn it, when did those two guys think of me?"

"I'm so hungry, Hattori, do you have anything else to eat?"

"No, don't disturb me, I don't want to talk."

In the afternoon, a ship approached the island.

After Hattori Heiji and others saw the ship, they quickly stood up and ran to the side of the ship.

"Damn it, why did you two come here just now? Do you want to starve me to death?"

"I'm really sorry, we rested late yesterday, so we woke up late today."

Xiaolan touched her head and laughed awkwardly.

He Ye on the other side didn't speak, and there was a touch of apology on her delicate and pretty face.

"Okay, no more talking, is there anything to eat? I am hungry."

Hattori Heiji hurriedly walked to the ship and started searching quickly.

Several other people were also going crazy with hunger and quickly ran into the cabin.

"Okay, let's go back."

Li Mu looked at the few little guys pitifully, gave some instructions, and asked the people on the cruise ship to sail away.


After returning to Tokyo, Kazuha and Hattori Heiji took the Shinkansen back to Osaka.

And Li Mu also returned to his old life.

On this day, the sky was bright and sunny, and it was a beautiful day.

In a mansion, Li Mu sat in a wide book, picked up a newspaper, and started reading.

"The rice flower wolf has attacked girls many times and has not been arrested by the police yet."

"Last week, a company was broken into, accidentally discovered, and beaten to death with an ashtray."

"Tsk tsk tsk, this world is filled with a lot of killings every day, it’s so boring."

Li Mu dropped the newspaper and leaned on the revolving chair to spin.

From a distance, Ilia looked at Li Mu with disdain and complained:"What's boring? I don't think you are having a very happy life? It seems that they have forgotten my daughter."

Li Mu flashed, hugged Ilia, and put her into his arms.

"Illya, you can't say this nonsense. I basically accompany you during the day and go to the amusement park with you every day. Why are you unhappy?"

To be honest, these days, except for necessary outings during the day, Li Mu basically spends time with Ilia to go crazy.

Ilia also understands this and gently vomits out her tongue.

"You know how to joke with your father."

Li Mu pinched Ilia's nose and hugged Ilia affectionately.

Ilia was also overjoyed. She rested her head on Li Mu's arms and kept swinging her two little feet.

Jingle bell bell....Jingle Bell...

Suddenly, an untimely phone call rang, interrupting Li Mu and Ilia's play.

"Okay, Illya, I'll take you out to play in a few days, and have a great time then."

Li Mu tapped Ilia's forehead, then walked over and answered the phone.

"Hey, it's me, I know, I'll be there right away."

Li Mu hung up the phone, and then looked at Ilia.

Ilia understood immediately, waved her hand and said,"I understand, I will go and play with Haihara Ai today."

Among so many little devils, only Hui Yuan Ai plays well with her. Maybe Hui Yuan Ai is a little adult like her.

"Then, Illya, I will leave first, and I will personally cook dinner for you tonight.

Illya's eyes lit up, she waved and shouted,"Really?" Then I will open my belly and eat a lot tonight"

".Goodbye then."

Li Mu waved his hand, drove a car and left.

On the other side was Fei Yingli's law firm.

Fei Yingli was holding a case file, her eyebrows were slightly furrowed and she looked very headache.

Opposite the desk, Xiaolan and Conan Standing there, Fei Yingli did not disturb Fei Yingli.

After a long time, Fei Yingli put down the file

"Mom, how about this, can you do this? Do you want me to ask dad to come over and help you?"

Fei Yingli looked at Xiaolan's expectant eyes and immediately understood Xiaolan's plan.

"No need, don't worry, I have hired the right detective, he will help me"

"A suitable detective? Xiaolan was stunned and asked in confusion:"Who is actually more powerful than dad?""

"I think...It should be Brother Li Mu Li."

The first thing Conan thought of was Li Mu.

"It turned out to be Brother Li."

Xiaolan also reacted and remembered Li Mu's help last time.

"That's right, it's Mr. Li Mu (Nuo Zhao). I just called him. If you look at the time, he will be here soon."

Fei Yingli didn't refute, and picked up the case file and got ready.

Xiaolan glanced at Fei Yingli and immediately understood that Fei Yingli had already planned to invite Li Mu, so she didn't persuade her.

And she also believed that Li Mu could definitely help her mother..

Outside, Li Mu walked outside Fei Yingli’s office and immediately sensed Fei Yingli’s aura.

"Are Xiaolan and Conan also there?"

Li Mu muttered, took back the key Fei Yingli gave her, and pressed the doorbell instead.

"Here comes the giant."

Li Shanlv opened the door, saw Li Mu, and said with a smile:"Mr. Li, the concubine's lawyer has been waiting for you for a long time."

"Thank you, Miss Kuriyama."

Li Mu walked into the office with a smile on his face.

The Invincible Fairy Tail of The Great Voyage Begins!

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