After entering Fei Yingli’s office, Li Mu discovered that Xiaolan and Conan were both here.

"Xiaolan, Conan, long time no see"

"Hello Brother Li."

Xiaolan still had a sweet smile on her face.

Conan stopped talking. Although there was a smile on his face, he was repelling Li Mu in his heart.

Li Mu didn't care, he just said hello and looked to the side. Fei Yingli

"Lawyer Fei, I'm sorry, I'm late. Do you know what our schedule is now?"

"It doesn't matter. As for the itinerary, I decided to go see the defendant and the crime scene."

Fei Yingli looked at Li Mu with a sweet smile on her face.

"Well, let's go to the scene of the crime. The defendant is probably in a panic and doesn't know anything."

"Then let's go. Fei

Yingli nodded, then picked up a backpack and wanted to leave the office.

"Mom, take me with you, I also want to help mom"

"Well, you come with me."

Concubine 097 Yingli looked at the two people who were eager to try, and did not refuse.

Not to mention Li Mu, he naturally would not refuse.

Then Li Mu and his party came to the crime scene and found the administrator.

"Administrator, I'm so sorry for bothering you. Fei

Yingli thanked her politely.

"You're welcome, this is what I should do."

The administrator took a key and came to the crime scene

"By the way, sir, can you tell me in detail what you saw at the beginning?"Li Mu suddenly said

"okay."The administrator nodded, and then said:"In the evening, the president's son-in-law came to deliver something. I went to help open the door, and I happened to see the president being injured through the door mirror. That's what happened."

Li Mu didn't say anything. He walked up and took a look first.

"Okay, sir, could you please open the door?"

The administrator opened the door without saying anything.

After entering the room, Li Mu looked around

(bgdf) Although Li Mu's detective skills may not be as good as those of Kudo Yusaku, his observation skills are still enough.

Likewise, he has some other strengths that cannot be matched by these detectives.

After watching for a moment, Li Mu stretched out his hand and said,"Fei, you can't give me all the evidence reports and other things at the scene.""

"okay. Fei

Yingli nodded, then took out a document and handed it to Li Mu

"This document is really thick, and it looks like the concubine’s lawyer is working hard."

With such a thick stack of documents, at least Li Mu would have a headache.

But those lawyers need to read each one once, or even many times, which shows how hard Fei Yingli usually works.

Fei Yingli looked red after hearing this, lowering her head Tou said shyly:"I have no choice. Whoever puts a useless person on the table has no choice but to work hard on my own."

Xiaolan on the side felt particularly embarrassed, but said nothing.

After all, Mouri Kogoro was indeed a waste.

Li Mu did not continue to disturb the two of them, and picked up the document and read it carefully.

It didn't take long for Li Mu to remember After putting down the document, Li Mu began to think patiently.

After a while, Fei Yingli asked with a little expectancy:"How is it? Do you have any clues?""

"Of course, don't forget, I am you...You specially asked me to come here to help, how could it be useless."

Li Mu smiled awkwardly. He almost spilled the beans just now, but luckily he stopped it in time.

"so smart."

Conan looked at Li Mu in shock, speechless in surprise.

Although he also had some doubts, Li Mu actually knew a lot, which really hit his self-confidence.

Li Mu did not delay, and looked directly at the administrator and said:" Sir, I just looked at the hole in the door, but I couldn't see the victim's position at all. I don't think you were looking at the victim himself, right?"

"ah..."The administrator was also surprised, and then nodded quickly and said:"Yes, it was too dark at that time, there was only the light of the building opposite, so what I saw was the shadow."

Fei Yingli looked happy after hearing this.

The nature of seeing a direct murder is different from that of an indirect one, and as long as the defendant has not been convicted, he is not a murderer at all.

"Then comes the second point."

Li Mu waved the document and said with a raised corner of his mouth:"It says that the safe has the victim's fingerprints on it, and the money inside has been emptied. So here's the problem. In such dim conditions, the victim didn't have glasses, is it? How to open the safe"

"Yes, the victim did not have reading glasses."

Not only Conan, but Fei Yingli also reacted and thought carefully.

"The third point is, of course, the victim should not have glasses, but now there are actually screws from the glasses that fell off, which is a bit strange.

The fourth point is that the fingerprints on the ashtray of the murder weapon were wiped clean, but there was actually some kind of olive oil on it, which should have been on the murderer."

Every time Li Mu said something, Fei Yingli became more confused.

And after Li Mu said this, Conan directly thought of what happened at that time.

Fei Yingli thought for a moment, still confused:"So, Li Mu, what do you mean?"

"Yes, that’s what I assumed. That night, the defendant came to steal, happened to meet the victim, had an argument, injured the victim, and then fled the scene in panic.

But the victim did not die, but woke up, and at this time his son-in-law, Mr. Arima, happened to come over to deliver glasses.

The victim was worried that his money had been stolen, so he opened the safe. Mr. Arima took advantage of the money and killed the victim, so the parts of the glasses were left here."

"So the murderer is not the defendant."Fei Yingli also touched her chin and thought.

If this is the case, her case will be much easier.

"Yes, that's how it should be."

Although Conan was a little confused at first, after hearing what Li Mu said, his heart became clear. The

Beginning of the Invincible Fairy Tail: The Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage -

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