Li Mu thought about it for a while, but couldn't think of anything, so he didn't think much about it.

At the same time, a car stopped on the street not far away, and then a man stepped out.

The man wore sunglasses and had fluffy hair.

Then after seeing Li Mu and others, the man walked out directly and came to Miwako's side.

"Officer Sato, Officer Hyakutori."

The person who came was none other than Detective Takagi Wataru from the Metropolitan Police Department. Miwako's lover in the original work, but this time she was thrown away by Li Mu.

Miwako saw Takagi Wataru outside, her body trembled slightly, and she thought of a person in her mind. figure

"I still have something to do, so I left first."

Miwako was silent for a while, and then left without looking back.

"I...Did I make Officer Sa-to angry?"

Officer Takagi couldn't believe it - he glanced around.

Officer Shiratori also fell silent, touched his chin, and said solemnly:"Maybe you made her think of someone, so she fell in love with the scene."

"Yes, it should be that guy."

Yumi's face on the side also became slightly solemn.


Officer Takagi's face was also embarrassed, and he quickly said:"How about I go apologize to Officer Sato?""

"No, it's better not to say that."

Yumi shook her head, pointed to the distance and said:"Also, if you don't drive away, I will give you a ticket."

"Sorry, I'll go right away."

Officer Takagi touched his head with an apology on his face.

Li Mu suddenly thought of something, pointed to the distance and said:"By the way, someone parked under that car just now. Is it to install a bomb?"

"What? is this real?"Officer Shiratiao was startled and asked quickly

"People in the area saw it, but I didn’t pay too much attention."

Li Mu did notice it just now, but because his attention was on Miwako and it had nothing to do with him, he didn't say anything. It was only now that Officer Takagi was leaving that Li Mu remembered

"Really? I'll go take a look."

Officer Shiratiao hurriedly ran over and watched carefully.

In the crowd, a person saw Officer Shiratiao, took out a remote control, and detonated the bomb. The explosion sounded directly, and the entire car was ignited, and the flames continued. The car in front of him was burning.

Miwako, who had not been walking for long, was suddenly shocked and quickly ran towards the exploding car.

Li Mu also walked up quickly and grabbed Miwako.

"Miwako, don't worry, no one was hurt."

Miwako also stopped, turned around and looked around. After confirming that everyone was fine, she immediately relaxed.

In the distance, Officer Shiratori also found out in time and there was nothing, so there was nothing wrong at all.


Ten minutes later, the crime scene.

After listening to the report from his subordinates, Officer Mumu asked Li Mu seriously.

"Mr. Li, did you just see the face of the murderer?"

"The murderer's appearance. Li Mu muttered, then shook his head and said,"I'm sorry, I can't even see whether that person is male or female, let alone what he looks like.""

"Really, that would be more difficult."

Officer Megure's face was slightly ugly, and he touched his chin with his right hand and began to think.

On the other hand, Mitsuhiko hesitated for a moment, then stretched out his hand and said:"Um, Officer Megure, I was thinking that maybe it's not certain what my camera captured."

"That's right, Mitsuhiko's camera was stolen just now, maybe because it captured something."

Conan saw Officer Mumu's confusion and quickly explained.

"If it's stolen, doesn't it mean there's nothing left?"

"No, we replaced that film in advance."

Mitsuhiko stretched out his hand and handed the film in his hand to Officer Megure.

"Really? Then we can take it and have a look."

Officer Mu Mu took the film and found a place to play it.

After finishing it, Li Mu's eyes lit up and there was a smile on his lips.

Ilia also noticed Li Mu's smile and reached out to pull Li Mu's clothes.

"Li Mu, if you noticed anything, tell me quickly.

Officer Mu Mu was also overjoyed and said happily:"Mr. Li, do you know something?""

"What? Why is this guy so fast?"

Conan looked at Li Mu in surprise.

He didn't have a clue yet, but Li Mu had already figured it out.

······Asking for flowers·······

Li Mu didn't hide anything, pointed at the TV and said,"Don't you think this didn't seem to capture anything?"

"What didn't happen?"Conan's mind flashed, and he suddenly understood.

"hateful. It was actually a step slower."

Although he has thought about it, it was Li Mu who reminded him. Relatively speaking, he lost again.

Of course, not everyone is as smart as Conan. For example, the police did not understand it.

"Mr. Li, what do you mean?……"

"Officer Megure, we stood there for a long time, but there was one car that didn't pass by, that was the post office car. She didn't pass by for a long time.

If my guess is correct, there is something wrong with the post office car, or someone wants to take advantage of the lack of people today to rob the post office."


"So that's the case. This is indeed very possible. As for these explosions and threatening letters, they should be intentional. The purpose is to draw the attention of our police."

Officer Mu Mu also understood everything at once, and immediately figured out the cause and effect of this matter.

Li Mu stared at Officer Mu Mu for a moment, and then said to himself:"Officer Mu Mu is not stupid, why can't he always remember it?"

"Maybe it was intentional, because he felt that his official position was a bit high and he wanted to make do with his life."

Ilia also echoed Li Mu and murmured to herself.

Officer Mu Mu:"……"

Who doesn't want to be promoted? He also wants to be promoted, and he also wants to sit in the position of Police Director of the Metropolitan Police Department.

But you can't blame him if you can't think of it.

"No, Officer Megure is not unserious at all, he is just not smart."

"Yes, individual abilities are limited. After all, not everyone is our young detective team."

Please, can anyone say that to anyone?"

Conan complained in his heart as he listened to the people singing along.

Officer Memu felt a little embarrassed when he listened to the people's teasing, and his old face also turned red.

"Okay, everyone, go investigate the matter at the post office immediately. Let's go."

After saying that, Officer Megure ran away as if he was running away.

The other police officers covered their mouths and snickered, causing Officer Megure to glare at everyone. The

Invincible Fairy Tail of The Great Voyage began to fly with!_Flying Lu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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