On this day, Li Mu was walking on the street and happened to meet Miwako, so he hurriedly ran up to her.

"Miwako, it’s you, why do you have time to go shopping today?"

Ahead, Miwako heard Li Mu's voice, turned around subconsciously, and saw Li Mu at a glance.

"Li Mu, it's you. Thank you so much last time. If it weren't for you, we might not be able to catch those robbers."

The last time was of course the robbers who wanted to rob the post office.

"Where, Miwako, if it weren’t for Officer Megure asking me, I would have told you secretly, so that you would get the credit."

"How is this possible? You solved it. How can I take credit for your work?"

"This is different. I am a detective, not a police officer. I should give you the opportunity for promotion and salary increase."

Li Mu blinked at Miwako, who saw that Miwako's face was slightly red, and there was a hint of crimson on her pretty face.

"It's true to say that, I do need a raise, the money is simply not enough."

Miwako touched her chin and began to think seriously.

While the two were talking and walking, they happened to come to the door of a store and saw Officer Shiratori and a few little ghosts.

"Officer Shiratori, why are you here?"

Officer Shiratori also saw Miwako, and then noticed Li Mu's figure.

"Officer Sato, our headquarters received a report that there was an unknown object here, so we came over to check."

"Yeah?"Miwako nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

"By the way, Officer Sato, do you have anything to do today?"

"I? Miwako paused after hearing this, and then quickly said:"It's nothing, it's just that we are going to sing at a karaoke bar tonight. Why do you want to go?""

"No, I won’t go."

Officer Shiratori waved his hand, put his hands in his trouser pockets, and walked towards his car.

"By the way, Miwako, why don't you take me to sing karaoke? I also like singing."

"you go?"Miwako looked at Li Mu, then nodded and said:"Okay then, it's up to you."

"Wait, I want to go too."

Haiyuan Ai also stretched out his hand, staring at Li Mu closely.

His eyes seemed to be on guard for something, and he glanced at Miwako from time to time.

"I also need to go"

"I also need to go"

"Okay, okay, let's go together."

Miwako waved her hand with a smile on her face.


Suddenly there was a loud noise, and Shiratori's car was blown apart.

"Officer Shiratori."

Miwako's pupils shrank, she shouted, and she quickly walked to Officer Shiratori's car on the side.

Next to the car, she saw Officer Shiratori lying there, with part of his body still in the car.

Li Mu took a step forward, He grabbed the car, pulled hard, and pulled the car off.

"This guy has so much strength."

Conan looked at the car door on one side and couldn't help wiping the cold sweat on his forehead.

It takes so much strength to tear off the metal car door.

Li Mu didn't pay attention to other aspects, and looked at Officer Bai Niao carefully with his eyes.

"Officer Shiratori is very serious and must be rescued as soon as possible, otherwise he will definitely die."

No one in this world can compare to Li Mu when it comes to curing diseases and saving lives."

"Really? Officer Shiratori, you have to hold on."

Miwako suddenly became anxious. She looked around from time to time, feeling nervous as to why the ambulance hadn't come yet.

"By the way, let's move Officer Shiratori, otherwise the car will explode again."

Dr. Ali looked at the gasoline flowing down and said quickly.

"That’s right, move quickly."

Li Mu picked up Officer Shiratori, and together with Dr. Ari, lifted Officer Shiratori to the side.

After Officer Shiratori was put down, he slowly raised his hand and handed the paper in his hand to Miwako

"I...I just want you to forget what happened three years ago as soon as possible, and you should recover."

Miwako's body was trembling, and she slowly stretched out her hand, took the white paper, opened it, and started browsing.

"I'm the main hitter in the major leagues. This overtime game is about to begin, starting at 12 o'clock at noon tomorrow and ending at 3 o'clock in the afternoon.……"

Li Mu and Conan started thinking after hearing this.

After a while, Li Mu thought of the answer to the code.

After all, Li Mu is very familiar with this special episode. He has seen the 12 million hostages that shocked the Metropolitan Police many times.

Not long after, the ambulance arrived and carried away the injured Officer Shiratori.

After Miwako watched Officer Shiratori leave, she looked at the ambulance with sharp eyes. Even Li Mu himself felt a burst of pressure.

"Officer Takagi, you go and investigate the area first, and I will go and investigate the murderer of this matter."

Li Mu followed Miwako and sat in her car.

"Li Mu, you……"

"Miwako, let me help you. Anyone who dares to hurt you will not be spared."

Li Mu clenched his hand and said righteously.

Miwazi was moved in her heart, her eyes flashed, and she said excitedly:"Thank you, Li Mu, if it weren't for you, I would……"

As she spoke, tears streamed from Miwako's eyes and she kept crying.

The look of pear blossoms with rain made Li Mu feel a little sad in his heart.

He was even more determined in his heart to teach that person a lesson for actually making the lovely Miwako sad.

At the same time, I also want to thank him for giving Li Mu such a good opportunity so that Li Mu can take advantage of it.

"Okay, Miwako, don't cry. People nearby are watching, and it won't be good if they see you."

Li Mu also felt Alexander in his heart.

Around him, not only the police officers glanced at him with malicious eyes.

Even the Death Detective Team, especially Haihara Ai, looked at him with gloomy eyes.

That lookI wish I could eat him

"Sorry, let's leave now."

Miwako also reacted, wiped her tears quickly, then put on her seat belt solemnly and drove away.

Later, the Shinigami elementary school students also sat in Officer Takagi's car and began to hire Officer Takagi to do things for them.

On the street, Miwako's red car was moving quickly.

Inside the car, Miwako's face was gloomy, and her gloomy eyes were probably hard for most people to bear.

But Li Mu sat next to the car, closing his eyes in peace, as if Everything seemed to have nothing to do with him.

Miwako gritted her teeth in anger when she saw it.

The Invincible Fairy Tail of The Great Voyage begins!

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