The car was still running, and Li Mu was still lying in the car with his eyes closed to relax.

After a long time, Miwako said anxiously:"Li Mu, how are you? Have you thought of anything now?"

"this one?"Li Mu suddenly opened his eyes, shook his head and said:"It's not very clear yet, but according to the gangster's purpose, it should be to cause trouble with the police, so it must be a place with a large flow of people. The first is the Shinkansen, especially the red one."

"Red Shinkansen. Miwako thought for a moment, then nodded and said,"That's true. I'll notify Officer Megure right away.""

On the other side, Conan and others also thought of this, and also used Officer Takagi to inform Officer Memu.

However, they were a little slower, a few minutes behind Li Mu.

"Damn it, I actually lost to him"

"That's right, Conan, you have to work hard, our young detective team cannot lose to others."

Conan smiled bitterly after hearing this, and felt a headache in his heart.

He had secretly competed with Li Mu so many times, and unless Li Mu didn't take it seriously, he would definitely lose. On this side, Li Mu saw Miwako hang up the phone, and the corners of his mouth raised. One hand was placed on Miwako's big tui.

Miwako's face was slightly red, she pushed her legs gently, and said with a blushing face:"Don't be like this, I'm driving now, it won't be good if something happens.""

"Oh, you mean, if you don't drive, that's fine."

Li Mu winked at Miwako, and gently pulled up the purple skirt with a small hand.

"No, not normally."

Miwako lowered her face so red that it could bleed, and refused with a shy look.

Li Mu retracted his hand and did not continue.

After being silent for a while, Miwako's eyes suddenly became sharp and she said seriously:"Li Mu, you should leave in the future. Stay away from me, I am a cursed person, you will not be happy with me.

For example, my father, my colleagues, my former kindergarten teachers, and my junior high school classmates all basically didn’t end well."

Li Mu's mouth twitched after hearing this.

Her father and colleagues could barely understand, but who are the teachers and classmates? Do they have anything to do with her?

"Miwako, can you stop the car?"

Miwako didn't think much, just thought that Li Mu was leaving. Although she felt a little regretful, she didn't say much.

The car stopped on the side of the road, and Li Mu turned off the engine for Miwako, then grabbed Miwako's head and said domineeringly Go.

Miwako was stunned, and she was stunned. She could let Li Mu take it and feel the temperature.

After a while, Li Mu let go of Miwako and said domineeringly:"Miwako, if you say such things again in the future, I will punish you." , like spanking you"


Miwako exclaimed and quickly covered her butt, blushing and said:"Do you need to be so cruel? If you hit me, I will resist."

"Yo, you will still resist."

Li Mu was so happy that he grabbed Miwako, pulled her and was about to fight.

Miwako also reacted, quickly pushed Li Mu, and said coyly:"Okay, Li Mu, don't be like this. I won't be happy if you continue like this.."

Li Mu did not continue, and finally pointed at his cheek.

"Okay, you have to pay me protection money, otherwise I will beat you."

While speaking, Li Mu waved his palm.

Miwazi's cheeks were slightly red and she said tremblingly:"No....Don't be like this. I'm a policeman. Are you collecting protection money from a policeman?"

Beep beep beep... suddenly, a series of horns sounded.

"Okay, someone's here."

Miwako quickly drove away.

Li Mu sat next to Miwako and stared at Miwako.

On the way, Miwako asked:"Li Mu, how are you? Do you think of anything now? Are there any clues about the one remaining bomb?"

".Unexpectedly, I just kept thinking about you, so I didn't think about such complicated issues."Li Mu shook his head and said.

Miwazi blushed and said shyly:"Don't be so serious. I'm asking you if you have found any clues. Tell me quickly."

"A clue?"Li Mu touched his chin and became serious.

"There really aren't any clues, but first it seems like we should find out if there is a Shinkansen there. If so, we should be able to find the next clue."

"Yes, then let’s go to the Shinkansen first."

Although Miwako was a little disappointed, she didn't care too much.

As a determined policewoman, it was impossible to lose confidence like this.

Not long after, the communication phone in the car rang, and Miwako quickly connected the communication phone

"I understand, it’s Officer Megure."

Miwako hung up the communication device, then looked at Li Mu and said:"Li Mu, Officer Megure just sent news that the red cars on the Shinkansen are all fake bombs, which seems to be a clue to lure our police."

"Fake."Li Mu murmured, then turned to look outside the car window.

Suddenly, a red iron tower appeared in front of Li Mu.

Li Mu suddenly realized it, pointed in the distance and said:"Miwako, go to the Dongdu Iron Tower now, the first one. The bomb could be there"

"Dongdu Iron Tower?"Miwako was stunned and turned to look at the red iron tower not far away. Although she was a little confused, she still believed Li Mu.

"Li Mu, what's going on? How do you know the bomb is at the Dongdu Iron Tower?"

The Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage and the Invincible Fairy Tail begins!_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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