Didan High School is a very difficult high school in Li Mu's opinion.

Just after the annual vacation, there is an exam. This is one of the few schools that requires exams.

Not far from Didan High School, a figure was holding a telescope and looking in the direction of Didan High School, saying something from time to time.

This person is the murderer of this series of explosions.

The prisoner looked in the direction of Didan High School and kept mumbling, counting down the time.

"Ten, nine... one, bang!"

To the prisoner's surprise, the bomb at Didan High School did not explode.

"How can this be?"The prisoner was shocked for a moment, then reached out and took out a mobile phone.

"No matter if something unexpected happens, I can still make it explode."

After saying that, the prisoner started dialing.

Jingle bell bell..-.Jingle Bell...

Suddenly, a cell phone ringtone came from around the prisoner

"It's useless, the bomb won't explode anyway."

In the distance, Officer Megu was seen holding a ringing mobile phone and slowly approaching the prisoner.

The prisoner looked at Officer Megu who was right in front of him and was surprised.

Officer Megu noticed the prisoner's surprise and explained:" The DETE on the bomb is part of the detective, and as long as the detective is reversed, it means Tedan. In the whole of Tokyo, Tedan is the only one who is still in school. Tedan High School.

The prisoners will definitely watch from a distance, so this is the only place that is more suitable, so we have already arranged for people to go in and dismantle the bomb."

The prisoner looked at the people surrounding him, understood immediately, and jumped off the viaduct without hesitation. He happened to land on a car and ran quickly into the distance.

Miwako looked at the murderer, feeling in her heart His resentment increased greatly, he jumped down without hesitation, and then ran with the prisoner.


Li Mu had also noticed this a long time ago and jumped down as well, quickly following Miwako.

"Damn it, don’t people want their lives now?"

Officer Megure couldn't help but exclaimed as he looked at each person who was more ruthless than the other.

The prisoner was running in the street, and soon he came to a dead end and was blocked by Miwako.

After Miwako blocked the prisoner, she was filled with hatred He stared at the prisoner with murderous intent in his eyes.

He held a gun in his right hand and raised it slowly.

The prisoner looked at the gun, then looked at Miwako's eyes, and suddenly became frightened, and his body could not stop shaking.

"this...I didn’t think about any of this, it was all what he asked me to do. Every time, his voice is in my mind."

"It was you, he was actually killed by someone like you, someone like you."

Miwako complained in her heart, tears streaming from her eyes, and she slowly placed her finger on the trigger.


Suddenly, a figure rushed out and fell down.

In the same way, a gunshot rang out, and a bullet flew out, directly It was shot next to the prisoner.

The prisoner was startled, his pupils shrank, and then he fainted. The smell of urine came from his pants.

Li Mu rushed to Miwako and gently helped Miwako up. , hugged her tenderly

"Miwako, is this worthy of the cherry blossom badge in your hand? Are you worthy of your father’s and Officer Matsuda’s cherry blossom badges? They are all watching you from the sky"

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I couldn't hold it back for a moment, woo woo woo..."

Miwako fell into Li Mu's arms and cried softly.

"Okay, don’t cry anymore. I came here to tell you that no matter what, I will always be by your side."

"Where did the gunfire come from."

Suddenly an untimely voice came, and Officer Megure ran out of the alley quickly.

Miwako was also shocked, and quickly pushed Li Mu away, stretched out her hand and explained:"No, we don't have it."

(In Japanese, gunfire is similar to kissing.)

Li Mu calmly let go of Officer Megure and explained:"Officer Megure, Miwako just fired a warning shot, and the prisoner is fine."

"Really, that's fine"

······Asking for flowers·······

Officer Megure checked it and then breathed a sigh of relief.

"In that case, Officer Megure, I will leave first."

Li Mu winked at Miwako, then said hello to Officer Megure and left.

"Really? I really want to thank you this time, Mr. Li."

"No matter where, this is all the credit of your police. I don’t want to be remembered by the prisoners."

The more Officer Memu listened, the more comfortable he felt, and he felt even better about Li Mu.

If everyone could give the credit to the police, there would be no such thing as the savior of the Japanese police.

If they act like them The police are such trash.


The next day, in the evening, at a karaoke shop, Yumi pulled Miwako and walked in quickly.

As soon as he entered, Yumi started muttering.

"Miwako, let me tell you, this place has been taken over by Li Mu. Congratulations to you for catching the murderer and congratulations to our police for successfully arresting the criminal."

"Yumi, what are you talking about? Li Mu and I are just ordinary friends and have nothing to do with each other."

Miwako explained quickly, with a blush on her cheeks, looking very cute.

Yumi also noticed Miwako's face and said with a smile:"Really, you really have nothing to do, so can I pursue Li Mu?"

"It's up to you, whatever you want to do."

Miwako held her head high and walked into a very large karaoke room.

Not long after, Li drove over in a car.

As soon as he entered, Li Mu saw Miwako and Yumi.

Around them, stood Many people, most of them men, looked at Li Mu with murderous eyes. Such murderous intent made Li Mu feel guilty.

"Miwako, there are really a lot of people. Do you have a rich police holiday?"Li Mu smiled awkwardly.

"Yes, we just solved a big case, and Officer Megure agreed to our request for leave."Miwako smiled.

The Great Voyage: The Invincible Fairy Tail begins with!

_Feilu reminds you: Three Things to Do in Reading - Collection, Recommendation

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