Poor Miwako didn’t know that these people were just here to keep an eye on her to prevent Li Mu from doing anything to Miwako.

Li Mu didn't pay too much attention, and walked forward directly, squeezing next to Miwako, and his body was zero distance from Miwako.

"Damn it, I want to kill him"

"Must kill him"

"To be so close to such a beautiful Miwako."

Countless murderous intentions arose in everyone's hearts.

Of course, they were just thinking about it in their hearts and did not really want to kill Li Mu.

Li Mu felt the voices of the people around him, leaned on Miwako's shoulders, and put his hand on his head.

"Li Mu, what's wrong with you?"

Miwako noticed Li Mu immediately and asked with some worry.

"It's nothing, it's just that I haven't had enough rest time lately, so I can just lie down here while you sing your songs."

The policemen around saw Li Mu's actions, gritted their teeth, and stared at Li Mu with evil eyes. They wished they could take Li Mu's place and lie down next to Miwako.

"Yumi, why don't you take everyone to sing next door, I'll stay with her here"


Yumi looked like she understood, and then left.

Although everyone was unwilling, seeing that Yumi had left, they could only leave unwillingly.

But as soon as they left the room, Yumi hid secretly. Listening to the corner outside the door.

Those people also crowded behind Yumi.

In the room, Li Mu felt that everyone was so motionless and patient.

Miwako felt the heat in Li Mu's nose, her face turned red, and there was a wave of heat in her body. Feeling of numbness.

After a long time, Li Mu sat down.

"Miwako, I'm sorry for wasting your time, let me"

"Okay, I'm going to use the restroom and I'll be right over."

Miwako stood up quickly and ran outside.

As soon as they went out, the policemen noticed Li Mu and stared at Li Mu as if they were seeing a prisoner.

Li Mu also stood up and left the room.

But Miwako looked towards him. He walked to the left, and Li Mu walked to the right.

And if he didn't go to the left, he wouldn't be able to reach the toilet where Miwako was, so no one followed Li Mu.

"Tsk, don’t underestimate me too much."

Li Mu muttered, jumped out of one room invisibly, and then came to another room and walked to the bathroom where Miwako was.

Because this place was reserved by Li Mu, there were very few waiters, and there were only a few female police officers, all outside..

So Li Mu went straight in, so don’t worry.

On the other side, after Yumi 097 waited there for a long time, he still didn’t wait for Miwako or Li Mu, and he couldn’t help but feel doubtful in his heart.

"Damn it, they're not hiding somewhere in this store and they're already starting to get up."

As soon as the words fell, a cold light flashed in everyone's eyes.

Then all the male police officers walked out in unison and began to investigate room by room.

Some people even went to the door with their police ID cards to ask the waiter.

Yumi did not leave any questions. In the room, I came to the bathroom instead.

The Invincible Fairy Tail of The Great Voyage begins!

_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection, recommendation

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