"Okay, everyone, have a good rest. We are going to get the money tomorrow. Don’t have any accidents during this period. As for this little girl, I will take care of her and won’t let anything happen to her."

"Got it, eldest sister."

The grown men did not refuse and turned around to leave.

The woman in black glanced at them and found a place to rest.

Li Mu felt the hearts of the people and confirmed that they did not have any bad intentions. Then he left.

Of course, before leaving, Li Mu left a bug. If anything abnormal happened, Li Mu could arrive in a few minutes.

After leaving his abandoned factory"Zero Nine Seven", Li Mu drove his car and drove on On the road.

While driving, Li Mu passed by Fei Yingli's house and happened to see Fei Yingli covering her eyes while walking. Vaguely

, Li Mu could see the tears shed by Fei Yingli.

Li Mu guessed it immediately The reason.

It is estimated that Fei Yingli also knew that Xiaolan was kidnapped and was very sad.

Li Mu did not hesitate, stopped the car, and then came to Fei Yingli's house.

When he opened the door, Li Mu heard a slight cry.

Li Mu walked over , patted Fei Yingli gently, and comforted in a low voice:"Yingli, don't worry, I will find Xiaolan, and nothing will happen to Xiaolan."

Now Li Mu is monitoring Xiaolan all the time. Not only does he let his men eavesdrop, he also uses his ability to sense. It's hard to think of anything.

"Li Mu, you must save Xiaolan."

Fei Yingli raised her head and looked at Li Mu with tearful eyes.

At this moment, Fei Yingli was crying so hard that she looked very weak, giving people a feeling of protecting her.

Li Mu reached out and patted Fei Yingli's flat face gently. On his shoulder, he comforted softly:"Yingli, don't worry, Xiaolan will be fine as long as I'm here.""


Fei Yingli nodded, and then fell into Li Mu's arms, sobbing softly.

Time passed little by little, and soon Fei Yingli stopped crying and fell asleep.

That night, many people could not be quiet..In order to repay Mouri-chan for helping him many times, Officer Megure stepped up his investigation.

Mouri-kogoro didn't even sleep all night, and he didn't even dare to drink, for fear that he would get into trouble if he drank.

And Conan, that little devil, took him to visit the group , I spent the whole night thinking carefully at Dr. Ali's house.

Apart from Li Mu and the two robbers, I'm afraid they couldn't sleep at all.

In the abandoned factory, Xiaolan also woke up, her hands and feet were tied, and she couldn't sleep at all. She couldn't move.

Her mouth was taped with tape and she couldn't speak. Her eyes were closed to prevent Xiaolan from seeing anything.

There was nothing she could do. Xiaolan could only pray in her heart, hoping that others could save her..

In her heart, there were all the figures of Li Mu, hoping to see Li Mu when she opened her eyes.

The next day, before the sun rose, Fei Yingli had already woken up.

As soon as she woke up, Fei Yingli thought of Regarding Xiaolan’s matter, I quickly picked up the clothes on one side and put them on.

"Eri, don't worry, I've already raised one billion yen, and now it's just time to remit the money."

"Thank you, Li Mu. If it weren't for you, I really don't know what I would do. Don't worry, I will return the money to you."

Fei Yingli leaned on Li Mu's arms, feeling moved in her heart.

In times of danger, Fei Yingli discovered that Li Mu was so reliable, and Li Mu's shoulders were something she could rely on.

"Yingli, you can use your next life to repay this money."

It's really not easy to repay the money spent in Fei Yingli's lawsuit.

Li Mu knows it very well if others don't clear it up.

Fei Yingli only fights some normal lawsuits, such as commutation of sentences, but those who violate conscience will never Called.

This means that her legal fees are not particularly high.

Fei Yingli also blushed and said softly:"Don't worry, I will be supported by you for the rest of my life, you can't abandon me."

Ding dong... ding dong...

Suddenly, the doorbell rang, immediately alerting Li Mu and Li Mu.

Fei Yingli quickly pushed Li Mu away and said anxiously:"I'll go take a look. Maybe that guy is here. We have discussed it. , let’s go to save Xiaolan together today"

"Well, you take him and leave. I'll wait for you to leave and I'll come find you too."

Li Mu also sensed Mouri Kogoro outside, but Li Mu wasn't particularly worried. It was very easy to avoid this guy. 3.5

"I understand, you are waiting here now."

Fei Yingli nodded, then tidied up, and came to the gate.

After opening the door, Fei Yingli saw Mouri Kogoro and said quickly:"I'm ready, let's leave now."


Mouri Kogoro didn't suspect anything, and left with Fei Yingli.

After both of them left, Li Mu also left here secretly, and rushed in the direction of Xiaolan.

The net was almost ready, and Li Mu naturally It’s time to close the net.

The Invincible Fairy Tail of The Great Voyage begins!

_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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